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Shimming Clutch Springs

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  • Shimming Clutch Springs

    Has anyone ever shimmed their clutch springs to increase the clamping force rather than having to buy new, stronger sprngs?

    What about using a couple of flat washers on each spring totalling around .060 in thickness per spring?

    Just a thought.


  • #2
    While adding washers will add "preload" to a spring. In this case you have to look out that the added length of the spring allows it to unload right.


    • #3
      That's an interesting point.

      So, if the preload is too high, it would prevent the springs from unloading when the clutch lever is pulled and, as a result, the clutch discs would continue to be engaged, even if only slightly.

      This bring up another question. Does anyone know just how much additional pressure a set of aftermarket clutch springs provide?

      If I had a ballpark figure on that, I could use my spring pressure tester to see what thickness shims would give me the same result. The alternative would be to do it by trial and error.

      Now that I think about it, once I factor in all the labor involved with draining the oil, removing the cover, etc., it might be easier just to bite the bullet and buy a set of aftermarket, stiffer springs.

      Thanks for your response.



      • #4
        I'm wondering why you are considering this ???
        Renthals & twin spots do not make a streetfighter !


        • #5
          I've heard of this as a parking lot fix for a slipping clutch to get you home, but if it were me, and I had a built motor that was taxing a fresh stock clutch, I'd look at stiffer springs. If it's a stock motor and this is a solution to a slipping clutch, i'd look at replacing the clutch plates. I don't like bandaid solutions, but your mileage may vary


          • #6
            Originally posted by tone View Post
            I'm wondering why you are considering this ???



            • #7
              Springs are not that much. I hear even the Suzuki ones are only $8 for the set..


              • #8
                What brought it to mind was when I began thinking back on the days when I use to build BB Chevy 8-second quarter mile engines for several teams in the Chicago area. After every 10 passes I'd check the valve springs to see if they were maintaining the 240# seat pressure.

                When one or more had fallen off I'd throw a shim under it to restore the pressure. Of course, I was always careful to maintain the minimum clearance between coils, but it worked. Especially on three/four day meets after we towed to, say, Charlotte to compete.

                More than one way to skin a cat.


