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top speed out of a kat 1100

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  • top speed out of a kat 1100

    Hey everyone
    What is the top speed you have gotten out a stock 1100? I don't want to go there myself, however I am sure some of you have and I was curious.
    1988 Katana 1100 (sold)
    2004 Hayabusa

  • #2
    I put mine past the 280kph that my speedo registers. non-stock sprockets. can't remember which tooth count. I think I had the 52t rear sprocket on at the time.
    I don't have a short temper. I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.


    • #3
      Top Speed

      On my last '93 1100 I was able to wind it out to what looked to be about 185 on th speedo. The dealer told me that the speedo gets pretty inaccurate at higher speeds but he thought if the bike wasn't pulling anymore he said it was probably 165mph!!!

      I have another '93 1100 now and the most I've been on this one is 130, a little older and not quite as dumb this time around!!

      I forgot to mention in my previous post that both my bikes are box stock. If you get up that fast....don't EVEN THINK about coming out from behind the fairing!!!! Made that mistake and it was almost my last. The wind caught my helmet and almost pulled me right off the bike!

      Last edited by bdje; 06-30-2008, 03:48 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
      Brian "b-man"
      '93 Katana 1100


      • #4
        Originally posted by bdje View Post
        I forgot to mention in my previous post that both my bikes are box stock. If you get up that fast....don't EVEN THINK about coming out from behind the fairing!!!! Made that mistake and it was almost my last. The wind caught my helmet and almost pulled me right off the bike!

        I made that mistake once, too! Not at that speed, though. I had run my bike flat out for kind of a long stretch (indicating well over the 160 speedo end, pre 750), and as I was slowing down for the stop ahead, I felt like I was going slow enough to sit up........ WRONG! I was still over 100mph. It wasn't enough to feel like I was going to fly off, but it certainly woke me up! If you maintain high speed for a while, when you come down, you feel like you could get off and run next to the bike at about 60 mph!
        Any and all statements by Loudnlow7484 are merely his own opinions, and not necessarily the opinion of Anything suggested by him is to be followed at your own risk, and may result in serious injury or death. Responses from this member have previously been attributed to all of the following: depression, insomnia, nausea, suicidal tendencies, and panic. Please consult a mental health professional before reading any post by Loudnlow7484.


        • #5
          You're right!

          I've done the same thing, I usually do about 100 a good part of the way to the office and when I hit the ramp reality hits and I need to find some binders quick! What has always impressed me about the big Kats was the five speed and how much roll on throttle you have in fifth.

          Brian "b-man"
          '93 Katana 1100

