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Riding In Dense Fog

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  • Riding In Dense Fog

    Been riding for like two weeks, got off work this morning and the fog was dense. Rode safe, which means I used some a large degree of throttle control. Other than my clothes getting soaked if in a rain, my full shield kept getting fogged over and wet like in rain. Any product I can put on shield to keep it from fogging? Maybe Rain X?

  • #2
    scary riding in the fog, me no likey, even worse when it's dark...some gloves have a "built-in" wiper that might help.


    • #3
      I hear the pledge wipes do an okay job...

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      • #4
        Hate riding in the fog. On the Connie, I have hazard lights, and I'll throw them on just to give myself a little better rearward visibility. On the other bikes, I'll make it a point to touch the rear brakes just enough to light up the brake light. My biggest fear is getting run over in the fog.

        As to the helmet situation, I have several pairs of gloves with the wipers on the finger or thumb, and you can also pick up just the wiper that slides over your gloved finger. Google "finger wiper". If I know I'm going to be experiencing heavy fog or any rain, I'll treat my face shield with MotoSolution's RainCoat, which does what rainx does for glass, on plastic only better. At about 20MPH with a fresh coat, the water droplets blow right off.
        Now if the inside is the problem, well, options are much more limited. It's pretty hard to wipe off while riding. I've only found a few effective solutions, the best is a PinLock shield with PinLock insert, they are they BEST I've ever used. I've also used FogCity inserts, and it's better than nothing, but not nearly as good as the Pinlock. And the final option is Moto Solutions' FogTech with is a spray/wipe on solution that works pretty well, but not as well as the Pinlock setup.
        No pics yet
        Just because they sound the same doesn't mean they are: there≠their≠they're; to≠too≠two; its≠it's; your≠you're; know≠no; brake≠break


        • #5
          I use those CRT screen cleaners for computer screens on my shield. It seems to work well and prevent fogging. I also have a helmet cleaner that does an OK job but the CRT cleaners are much better.


          • #6
            I just wash the visor with dish soap. It's a trick I learned while SCUBA diving. Using your finger, work the soap around the entire surface without any water and then rinse it off. Don't dry it with a rag, just let it air dry or slap it on the helmet and go.
            Wherever you go... There you are!

            17 Inch Wheel Conversion
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            • #7
              There was a trick I used once while riding in really really dense fog. When the road narrowed down from two lanes in my direction into one, I kind of almost cut off a car so they'd know I was there. Then I only went fast enough to not slow them down, but not get away from them. As it turned out, I did come up on a head on accident further down the road, and was the first one there after it happened. The car behind me knew I was there, and didn't have any trouble coming to an unexpected stop.

              Granted, I didn't cut them off in a way that would've ****ed them off.

              Always judge the situation, and use whatever you can to make it safer for yourself.


              • #8
                Thanks everybody for your replies. Great tips and plan on buying the Pinlock setup very very soon. Only been riding for two weeks and to be honest when checked weather was focused on rain forecast. Lesson learned = check fog forecast too.


                • #9
                  fog forcasts are useless,,,,, more or less. if your in low lying areas and the water temp of a body of water is warmer than the air temp you will have fog . something like that ..........
                  im an american proud and free , a son of the south dont tread on me.


                  • #10
                    I agree with fog forecasts. Just this morning came out of prison where I work and guess what? Yep, fog. Just cut down speed and told myself I will get home when I get home. Sent wifey txt msg telling her about fog, because first time didnt' and when got home late, well just say it was the best homecoming I've had. Lesson learned.


                    • #11
                      I remember my first commute in the fog, I was brand spanking new to riding, only been on the bike for 4 days tops. I look outside and thought, "this should be interesting.." well it was, I was tense and my mind was thinking I'm gonna run into someone or they are going to run into me. It was a nervous mess. But after I got to work and realized I made it without incident as I had so many times before in my pickup, I decided I would atleast try it again. definitely keeping speed in check and having gloves with wipers (I do) is a life saver, literally! I also feel a little more relaxed when following someone too.
                      yep, I think I'm finally responsible enough to ride a bike that I don't have to pedal ; )


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Wild-Bill View Post
                        I just wash the visor with dish soap. It's a trick I learned while SCUBA diving. Using your finger, work the soap around the entire surface without any water and then rinse it off. Don't dry it with a rag, just let it air dry or slap it on the helmet and go.

                        How long does the fog protection last doing this? Do you have to do this each time you anticipate going out into fog?
                        Sex Panther cologne -- 60% of the time, it works every time

