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My first real ride today!

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  • #16
    I commute most days. I really enjoy not having any place to go.. those are the best rides! The hand/ foot controls.. it will become second nature the more you ride. Then you can really enjoy the ride, and concentrate on the fools around you!


    • #17
      You are doing much better than I did. For my first few years on a bike being on the road was completely terrifying. But the more I ride, the better I get and the more I trust my bike, so it's fun now.

      As for getting smoother with the controls, think it through now so you develop good habits that soon you don't have to think about. Good gloves and boots help too with controlling the levers and shifting, especially if have smaller hands/feet than the bike may have been intended for.
      Get over yourself. For me to think you are an idiot, I would first need to think of you.



      • #18
        1992- project katfighter
        2005- GSXR750
        2001- TL1000R

        KATRIDERS RALLY 2014 - cintidude04
        KATRIDERS RALLY 2015 - cintidude04
        KATRIDERS RALLY 2016 - cintidude04


        • #19
          Just keep on going. I too am fairly new but I have about 1700 miles of riding in the last 6 weeks. The more you ride the easier it gets and town and highway just becomes another road to travel.

          2002 GSX 600F


          • #20
            Thanks for the support, everyone! I am thinking about going to the bike rally in Dover tomorrow which is about 100kms from my house. I was hoping to find someone to ride down with, but looks like I'll be flying solo if I want to go! It will be a first for me and my longest ride yet, but I would really like to go down and show off my bike
            Cambridge, Ontario, Canada


            Instead of telling someone who rides a motorcycle how dangerous it is -- LOOK TWICE before switching lanes, making turns, or pulling out of a drive way. Stay on your side of the road, especially in corners. Don't FOLLOW too closely; bikes can stop faster than cars can. Keep your eyes on the road and off your cell phones. If you care about someone who rides a motorcycle, please repost


            • #21
              i ride 36 miles to work and back home everyday . so i have put a lot of miles on my KAT in a short period of time .. but yeah there is nothing like being on two wheels .
              im an american proud and free , a son of the south dont tread on me.


              • #22
                Congrats on getting comfy. The only time I'm remotely comfortable on the street is when there are no cars around lol.


                • #23
                  Constantly scan from mirror, center, mirror. (It takes me around 5 seconds to scan back and forth) Also be sure to set your mirrors so you don't have to move your head, only your eyes should move. If you live in deer country, try to teach yourself to scan for them. Especially at dawn, dusk and at night. I look for horizontal shapes (their backs) and movement along the side of the road.
                  It is also good to practice hard braking. Do it in an empty parking lot. Inspect the lot first for oil and such.
                  Finally, whatever you do in an emergency situation, don't panic! I know it's hard to not freak out but if you freeze up, you'll most likely crash for certain.

                  Have fun,
                  Last edited by everready; 08-10-2012, 06:03 AM.


                  • #24
                    I took the military sport bike riders course if you have a similar course available I would take it and you will learn how to corner better than ever and really learn your bikes capability

