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Turn light

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  • Turn light

    Hay I was thing what one would do about when I come to a stop light how do I get the dam thing to turn green. Or I can just keep running red lights either or its fine with me.
    Ride like there no tommorow.

  • #2
    Well , sometimes if you get close enough to the wire on the left side , that'll do it . And alot of times I'll put my kickstand down on that wire , and THAT will USUALLY do it . But in those instances when it does NOT and I've waited long enough to KNOW that it's not working (in case of a cop nearby) , I'll just go when it's safe to do so . Most cops will understand the situation if you're pulled over and you WEREN'T acting like an idiot .
    I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

    Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


    • #3
      Look up your state laws, some allow you to run the red after like 1 cycles or something and when it's clear


      • #4
        yep - it's 2 full cycles in Cali. look it up in your state.
        - d.i.l.l.i.g.a.f. -


        • #5
          Never thought you could do that. I aways just set there and make sure a cop isn't around. It give me time to watch the grass grow.
          Ride like there no tommorow.


          • #6
            glue a small sub woofer magnet in your lower belly pan works for me use one on my cbr my old kat old falco everything but my gs500


            • #7
              you can run a red light if you are on one wheel....they can't see your plate


              • #8
                Or, as Range likes to do, you can just leave the paved roadway and take it into the forest. No lights in there.


                • #9
                  Even if you do get stopped by the local po po's ..normally if u explain the situation, they will let you go, or atleast you can fight the ticket and many times win that battle.


                  • #10
                    On my last bike I had put some pretty strong magnets (glued to the underside on the inside of the cover) and it actually helped a lot with the stubborn lights...there are still the ones that don't co-operate, and I'll just wait until its safe and go through them anyway after a few cycles...
                    Thanks you guys for the info, and it sounds like I was doing it legal after all for being here in Cali...
                    Peace out...


                    • #11
                      I bought one of those magnets that designed to disrupt the field loops around stop lights. Unfortuately, they are far from fool proof and I still find myself stuck at some lights. I just run the red when no one is looking.
                      "The secret to life is to keep your mind full and your bowels empty. Unfortunately, the converse is true for most people."


                      • #12
                        Kool thanks for the help. All I have to do now is fine a speaker to stell J/K
                        Ride like there no tommorow.


                        • #13
                          Park the bike and hit the Walk button.
                          sigpic2000 Dupli-Color Metal Specks Red GSX750f

