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"First" ride.......perfection!

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  • "First" ride.......perfection!

    Took the kat out for it's first 'get-up and go' this morning...first time i've had her over 40..... actually hit 60 on a clear straight away....on the road by 6:30am - hit the interstate for a few miles for the first time- scared the crap out of me! large semi bearing down on my arse...but, i think he sensed my tension when i motioned for him to back off and he did... THANK YOU!!!

    Took her out on nice country highway and went through all the gears - just to 'be sure' and then settled in for the corners - gawd, i love that....

    for the first 'real' ride i encountered some good experiences - sun in my eyes, fog, dead cat in middle of road ( and strung across the lane), pedestrian walking out in front of me ( glad I knew where the horn was!!!), guys in car yelling at me at stop light (yeah, I know girls on bikes are hot, I get it ) dog sitting by the road ( thank goodness it stayed there!) and some funky grooves in payment - the Kat handled everything perfectly.

    I only had one area of the ride that I need to work on - I took a blind, 90 degree right hand turn at stop light to fast and took it a little wide - I went into the next lane - i'd have been dead if there was a car - thankfully, there wasn't. I learned my lesson and talked through my mistake with the guy i was riding with at our next stop. I got a little panicked with a cement barrier on the right (road construction) and I didn't turn my head fast enough. lesson learned and going back tomorrow morning to do the corner again.

    I cannot believe how much my i love my Kat! I am so happy with the decision - she's lovely - but, I already know the first 'mod'...HEATED HANDGRIPS!!!

    safe rides all.....
    - d.i.l.l.i.g.a.f. -

  • #2
    well im glad you enjoyed your first ride and yes chicks on bikes are like 10 fold hotter then a normal one had it up to 60 and scared wow i remeber thoses days seems like yestarday oh wait it was yestarday but it was 160 sorry. but enjoy your bikes treat it right and youll enjoy it for years to come


    • #3
      NO, NO, NO - not scared at 60.....just comfortable....and, no reason to be clicking a long any was a 45 mph road....but, I had the opportunity and I wanted to get her going a bit...not fair to only let her go 40
      - d.i.l.l.i.g.a.f. -


      • #4
        Congrats on your ride, Semi's on the highway can be a pain. But just wait t'il you have to pass one in the rain, now that is nasty, or even worse one passes you .

        Heated grips are great, I put mine on and they make a world of difference on those nippy early spring or late fall morning rides to work.

        Kimpex makes a set for snomobiles for about $20 that if you add a Relay (another $15) you can wire up to your kat in an afternoon. I think Froggy and I have the same ones on our Kats.


        • #5
          Congrats on the ride !!

          I only had one area of the ride that I need to work on - I took a blind, 90 degree right hand turn at stop light to fast and took it a little wide - I went into the next lane - i'd have been dead if there was a car - thankfully, there wasn't. I learned my lesson and talked through my mistake with the guy i was riding with at our next stop. I got a little panicked with a cement barrier on the right (road construction) and I didn't turn my head fast enough. lesson learned and going back tomorrow morning to do the corner again.
          That is something that you really need to be careful about..especially on high traffic roads, but also on the backroads when you think there's nothing coming or hope there isnt. Animals in the road, debris, oncoming vehicles, all can make for a very nasty experience if you drift over into the oncoming lane. Remember, dont get too confident too quick and when you are riding especially on back roads and unfamiliar ones..take extra time and go slower becuase u never know when a sharp turn ur not expecting will creep up on you and its too late.

          It sounds like you have a good head on ur shoulders and a good attitude about riding, so just keep on practicing and you'll continue to improve your skills and your confidence.

          And remember, never twist the throttle w/ your ego.


          • #6
            congrats on the ride, i was there myself not 3 months ago... i remember how fun it was to go 60 for the first time.... just now i just gotta stop going 120 (in a straight line).... its taking some time to learn to kneedrag tho, not sure enough to go fast enough to do it....


            • #7
              Kyle - thanks for the info! ordered them this morning ( on back order for 2 weeks tho, i guess it's snowmobile weather back east) the shop that sold me my bike recommended the same brand - my sales guy rides a busa and he has these on his bike too - sounds like even a 'chick' can do it - (i'll keep you posted)
              - d.i.l.l.i.g.a.f. -


              • #8
                For shame Sweet_Kat you live in California, there isn't such a thing as winter here don't let the rest of the country or our odd neighbors up north get the impression we're all a bunch of pot smoking hippie wussies. j/k

                Congrats on the first ride, still looking forward to going out riding with you and some of the other Norcal KR members. Hopefully weather permitting I'll be out on Saturday for some fun.
                Originally posted by AbeezieSoNeezie

                fact: a yammie is a girls bike
                fact: more that one girl rides yammies therefore yammies = a bunch of girls
                fact: girls lie

                therefore, the following equation is true.
                girls = yammah
                yammah = a bunch of liars


                • #9
                  Great to hear you enjoyed your first ride. Don't worry about semi's, just always be prepared to be blown off the road when you pass them, ok maybe that is a slight exageration. sometimes it seems like they will suck you in and other times it seems like you are catching a major cross wind, in a way you are. Hold your ground and put your knees against the tank and be prepared for what is about to happen.
                  TDA Racing/Motorsports
                  1982 Honda CB750 Nighthawk, 1978 Suzuki GS750 1986 Honda CBR600 Hurricane; 1978 Suzuki GS1100E; 1982 Honda CB750F supersport, 1993 Suzuki Katana GSX750FP. 1981 Suzuki GS1100E (heavily Modified)
                  Who knows what is next?
                  Builder of the KOTM Mreedohio september winning chrome project. I consider this one to be one of my bikes also!
                  Please look at this build!


                  • #10
                    Sorry Phoenix - you are probably tougher than I am. But, I'll let you ride my Kat when we go riding - and, I bet you'll get spoiled in the coastal winds with heated hand grips!! I am SO excited to get them on. I am heading out today for a big ride - gotta love bankers' holidays!!!

                    Thanks Thaz for the advice Taz - I'll try to remember that the next time I meet up with a Semi that wants my lane....
                    - d.i.l.l.i.g.a.f. -


                    • #11
                      After my experience in Denver a few years ago I've had a completely different outlook on what cold is. I sat in 14 below weather for 2 hours watching a football game. California "winter" is balmy compared to that. I also was thrown to the wolves so to speak when I had my first MSF class in January of last year our first day out on the bikes it was POURING down rain and it was a little chilly so everyone there wound up getting soaked and after about an hour or so I started losing feeling in my hands because they were so cold.

                      When you can tell a story like that then you can talk to me about cold coming from California :P
                      Originally posted by AbeezieSoNeezie

                      fact: a yammie is a girls bike
                      fact: more that one girl rides yammies therefore yammies = a bunch of girls
                      fact: girls lie

                      therefore, the following equation is true.
                      girls = yammah
                      yammah = a bunch of liars


                      • #12
                        oh hunnie - trust me, i've seen a 'real' winter. I grew up in Iowa, lived in Minn-e-Sota for 5 years, Denver for 1 year - I moved to Cali in May of this year - this will be my first winter without 'real' winter - Thank god! I'll give up the 25 degree BELOW zero weather......but, I still want heated hand grips
                        - d.i.l.l.i.g.a.f. -


                        • #13
                          Congrats on your ride! That's awsome
                          I've been contemplating the heated grips too.
                          Welcome to! Click here to register


                          • #14
                            D.i.l.l.i.g.a.f. I love that tag line!

                            congrats on your ride...I remember when I first started...going 60 (100 kph) felt like being on a rocket.

                            Now....60 is in first gear...on one wheel...the FRONT wheel.

                            Keep your riding partners close...they irreplaceable, and their advice and critisism is very important to help you through the early stages of riding. 8)

                            BTW...your bike looks beautiful...I love the red


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by sweet_kat
                              I'll give up the 25 degree BELOW zero weather......but, I still want heated hand grips
                              Are you sure I cant pass some of that below zero weather out your way for old times sake? We have more than enough to go around you know..

