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Safety throttle control

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  • Safety throttle control

    I am new to the kat world, i just bought a 91 katana 600. It sunds very fierce and i am worried that when i start riding i will give it too much gas and end up hurting myself. Has anyone every heard of a throtlle control. Maybe a habdle bar that would limit how much gas i can give.
    Please let me know if anyone knows anything aobut this.

  • #2
    Originally posted by corey1523 View Post
    I am new to the kat world, i just bought a 91 katana 600. It sunds very fierce and i am worried that when i start riding i will give it too much gas and end up hurting myself. Has anyone every heard of a throtlle control. Maybe a habdle bar that would limit how much gas i can give.
    Please let me know if anyone knows anything aobut this.
    no need to post in multiple sections. One thread per subject is enough


    • #3
      Originally posted by corey1523 View Post
      I am new to the kat world, i just bought a 91 katana 600. It sunds very fierce and i am worried that when i start riding i will give it too much gas and end up hurting myself. Has anyone every heard of a throtlle control. Maybe a habdle bar that would limit how much gas i can give.
      Please let me know if anyone knows anything aobut this.
      Throttle Control is a way of life, not a device. You aquire it by diligence...Strive to be smooth, slow and easy on, slow and even off.
      Practice makes perfect!


      • #4
        There certainly isn't a device to help you out. Just like when you were driving a car you eased on the gas and brake when you were learning. Did you slam on the gas when you first started driving? Probably not. You probably were a wreck when you started to even move! Same thing goes for a bike. Just ease gently and drive around a parking lot to get the feel of it. It takes very little movement for the throttle and remember to make your motions gently and never suddenly. Be careful!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dennis Wilson View Post
          Throttle Control is a way of life, not a device. You aquire it by diligence...Strive to be smooth, slow and easy on, slow and even off.
          Practice makes perfect!

          Not really meant to belittle your query...there really is traction control to be had out there...not a cheap solution, not an answer all solution, it's a race enhancement. Be patient and practice much, you'll get it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Enjay386 View Post
            There certainly isn't a device to help you out. Just like when you were driving a car you eased on the gas and brake when you were learning. Did you slam on the gas when you first started driving? Probably not. You probably were a wreck when you started to even move! Same thing goes for a bike. Just ease gently and drive around a parking lot to get the feel of it. It takes very little movement for the throttle and remember to make your motions gently and never suddenly. Be careful!!
            Great comparison. It is just going to take me some practice and patience.


            • #7
              Just let out on the clutch slowly until you start moving then LIGHTLY throttle.

              Exactly how I learned to drive a 4speed and how I got the hang of the bike.


              • #8
                pick up Sport riding techniques. there is a whole chapter on throttle control
                May the road rise up to meet you.
                May the wind always be at your back.
                May the sun shine warm upon your face,
                and rains fall soft upon your fields.
                And until we meet again,
                May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
                RIP Marc


                • #9
                  Ummm... I notice nobody's suggested taking an MSF course. (Shame, shame!) Get yourself to the Basic Riders Course (or local equivalent) just as soon as you can. They'll go over starting, stopping and feeling for the 'friction zone' in your clutch as well as all kinds of other things that'll make riding a much more surviveable experience. Bonus is that most insurance companies give you a discount and several states drop the performance portion of the drivers test. Riding is more complicated than driving a car and WAY more risky. Pay the bucks, take the class and ride away with a good foundation under you.
                  Wherever you go... There you are!

                  17 Inch Wheel Conversion
                  HID Projector Retrofit


                  • #10
                    Wild-Bill is right. Take the class. Money well spent. And your insurance Co. will reward you.

