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Confidence building

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  • Confidence building

    I'm trying to help a friend learn to ride her bike. She dumped it about 8 weeks ago, and I think she's lost her confidence on the machine.

    She was over Saturday to do some riding, but refused to go faster than 5 MPH, and never left first gear.

    When I talked with her after the fact, she said she wanted to go slow... because she was a little unsure of the bike. I was trying to explain that going a bit faster, in 2nd gear might be a good choice.

    Suggestions? I may attempt to balance the TB's on her bike before she gets back on it... that might help some.

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  • #2
    Has she gone though the MSF?

    Try telling her the bike is more stable at speed. Alot of people have trouble doing under 10 mph.


    • #3
      Originally posted by 87vert
      Has she gone though the MSF?

      Try telling her the bike is more stable at speed. Alot of people have trouble doing under 10 mph.
      She did the written portion, but was unable to do the riding because of the injury... she's supposed to reschedule...

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      • #4
        I think you've supplied your own answer, Steve. The MSF course would be a great confidence builder, though it could be augmented by your riding with her. Confidence comes with more knowledge and expereince.
        =USAF= Retired

        "If you can be convinced of an absurdity, you can be made to commit an atrocity." -Voltaire


        • #5
          Tape up the speedo and let her run her own pace for a bit, then try to get her to Increase speed gradually. Just a thought.

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          • #6
            Originally posted by Nero
            I think you've supplied your own answer, Steve. The MSF course would be a great confidence builder, though it could be augmented by your riding with her. Confidence comes with more knowledge and expereince.
            Understood... but I can't coax her out of first gear...

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            • #7
              Originally posted by steves
              Originally posted by Nero
              I think you've supplied your own answer, Steve. The MSF course would be a great confidence builder, though it could be augmented by your riding with her. Confidence comes with more knowledge and expereince.
              Understood... but I can't coax her out of first gear...
              Well on a gixer that would not be a problem ... you can go up to 106 mph in first soooo no need for the 5 others

              But serioulsy .... I know that I can't learn from friends and it's even worse when hubby tries to .... I do better from strangers .... maybe because it's easier to just woo-woo the friend then it is to do it to a stranger that is taking time (even if paid) to teach you.
              Try and keep up now


              • #8
                There is a guy out here that runs a parking lot skills day. It is esentially corner instruction, bike control, break control....

                He sets up cones, talks about looking thru the corners....he watches you go thru corners and tells you what you're doing/not doing...

                He talks about break control and then has you stop and go, taking time to one on one with everybody.

                I've attended a few, sent a few folks...I've always thought it a good confidence builder, and it's off the street. If you're willing to spend the time, and she won't MSF, it's a great option.


                • #9
                  It sounds like I need to scope out a parking lot for her to putter arount in....

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                  • #10
                    Here is a skill exercise right out of our BRC course (MSF)

                    Have her power walk the bike across a parking lot (it's actually part of Exercise 2). As she becomes more secure in the bike with her feet down, she will go faster on her own. When she is ready, have her lift her feet and putt-putt it across just like before. That's how we coach people to have confidence in the bike as well as balance.

                    WERA West #71/MWGP #71/CVR #71
                    MSF Rider Coach 27028


                    • #11
                      When I dropped mine when I first got it, it shook me up. But really, just having keep getting on the bike helps rebuild confidence. LIke they say, if you fall off the horse, get right back on. Its easier said than done, but riding is the only way to build skills and confidence. Have her putter around a parking lot (empty one) then take her out on some slow back roads with no sharp turns and gradually get her on more main roads.
                      Who brought the retarded kid?

