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Commuting on the 91 from Riverside to Orange County

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  • Commuting on the 91 from Riverside to Orange County

    I'm going to begin commuting the 91 from Riverside to OC as often as I can. I hate the traffic and I hate seeing the carpool lane wide open while I'm doing 0 mph.

    Any tips on riding this stretch of road? I know the surface conditions of the freeway aren't ideal, should I be concerned about this?

    I'm going to take the Carpool through Corona and then take the 91expresslanes for free Westbound to the 55, and then 55 back to the 91 E.

  • #2
    Remember, the carpool lanes are open to bikes but we still have to pay to use the toll roads (You do not want to know how I found out about THAT). Other than that you should be fine. Sometimes even the carpool lanes can back up when freeways merge so be careful splitting lanes around there. JoeCool lives out in Corona (of Chino... I forget) and he commutes to the OC daily. He should be able to give you some great tips. You should cut your time by at least 20 minutes.

    If you have to split and you see a Harley splitting do your best to get behind him. Nothing beats splitting lanes behind a Hog (unless you can get in behind a CHP motocop... absolutely the best : ) If you see a sportbike coming up fast behind you don't feel pressured to keep up or split beyond what you're comfortable. Just pull into the lane and let him/her by. And prepare for a wave 'cause 99% of the riders that you let by will appreciate the gesture.

    The 91 carpool lanes are pretty good and so are the 55 but I like the 57 better.

    You got about 8 Starbucks between the 15 and the 55 along the 91. The ones in the Albertson's markets suck but the ones in Anaheim Hills & Noll Ranch are ok. And the one on Santa Ana Canyon Road and Imperial Hwy.... really cute girls behind the counter.

    Ride safe and have fun.


    • #3
      Thanks tdrcomm. I rode in this morning and it was pretty neat. It didn't feel right to be flying passed the traffic in gridlock, but I also couldn't keep from smiling since I wasn't stuck in it.

      I have a transponder and found out the expresslanes are free if you go through the 3+ lane eastbound. Although, I need to register the bike with them.

      It was a lot of fun. The biking community seems to be pretty friendly. I had a lot of other riders waving. I got to work in 45 minutes just staying in the carpool lane not splitting lanes.

      I found out I need ear plugs and a better helmet. The Bell Zephyr helmet I'm using is a huge dome and its not very aerodynamic.

      Now I'm looking forward to my ride home.

      About the starbucks, you just stop in and have some coffee and then get on your way? Why do you mention the girls, are they into guys with helmet hair?


      • #4
        Hiya KatanaEvolution, and TDR...

        Glad you had a good trip in today

        I was driving everyday to work from Corona to "The Block" area in Orange everyday...loved it.

        But it is dangerous, because the cagers always have their head in their third point of contact...eating, talking on the phone, putting on make-up, etc...

        But after a while you learn to watch people your approaching for certain things, and where you can go fast or slow on the freeway.

        It does save a lot of time though...I can't tell you how many times there was a tanker truck or some other huge accident on the 91 on the way home (of course it's always in the canyon area, where there's no way around it too), and it would of taken me 3hrs to get home...but because I was on my bike I would get home in 45min

        Other plus' are your getting 45mpg...going to work is free (west bound), and east bound going home is half price (many times I wouldn't take the express lanes, as the main line is just as fast cutting lanes, when both sides are dead stopped)...just plain and simple, your riding a motorcycle. There are many times I had a really really bad/tough day at work...but the ride home would put me in such a good mood, and just make me forget the bad day I had. That's something you can't put a price tag on.

        I would ride in with you, but I got laid off about 2 months ago...and I'm still job searching right now. Trying to find something close by or in the Inland Empire, but not having much luck. I'll probably have to just get another job in the OC, as I can make $6-10 more an hour there.
        Sure would be nice to get another job in Corona

        I wear a full face Shoei RF-1000, and always wear ear plugs. I find the silence iPods, or cell phones while riding to distract me. I find it helps relax me, and I can focus on riding. That and there are some songs that when I listen to them, I want to go triple digits in what ever I'm driving

        I'm really glad you found KatRiders...there are a lot of really nice, and knowledgable people here...TDR, CyberPoet, and MD86 to name a few.

        Oh one last thing I think the last time I checked is the 91 express lanes where half price for motorcycles east bound from 4-6pm...any other time they are free east bound also. So if you can change your work hours, and either leave later or sooner, you can ride east bound for free also. I will tell you that right before I got laid off, there wasn't any benefit to using the express lanes though...the main line was wide open until you got to the canyon, while the toll road was stopped...then the toll road would open up, and the main line would be stopped. So either way your splitting lanes half way home. Mind you, on Fridays, I always took the toll road the main would be stopped it's entire length.

        Wishing you, and everyone on KR the very best 8)


        • #5
          Thanks for the tips. I won't be splitting lanes for a while since I'm still not that confident on the freeway. Today was my 2nd time ever on the freeway. I had my permit 2 days and then got my license, but, I'll remember your advice once I have enough control and confidence in my riding abilities.


          • #6
            Your much braver than I was...I started riding about 5 years ago, and the first two months I didn't get on the freeway at all. I would get home from work everyday, and go ride for about a hour around secondary streets in Corona, and Riverside...there's also a nice church down the street I used to practice tights turns, and such in...

            Go don't have to split lanes to enjoy yourself...your still going to get home pretty fast because of the diamond lane access...

            The last thing you want to happen is get hurt...especially in the beginning, because it's going to be hard to get back on the bike again.

            Wishing you the very best, and many years of riding enjoyment...
            Glad you found KR
            Take care 8)


            • #7

              I made it home in 45 minutes last night just cruising in the carpool lane.

              Riding on the street was frustrating, speeds are limited and drivers are more distracted, especially on Mckinley where I live. I don't even like driving on that street in my car, especially at sunset. Everyone is going to Costco and nobody knows how to plan prior to the turn so they cut people off and clog up the intersections. Its a mess. Corona PD needs to make more revenue off the people who run lights and sit blocking the intersection. Sorry for the rant.

              I may be brave, but in actuality, I've had it with the traffic. Corona/Riverside County are dragging their butts when it comes to fixing the 91 and I'm fed up. I can't wait until 2010 for them to begin construction.

              Not to mention, I'm tired of my car getting ruined by the truckers raining gravel on everyone for 10 miles until I could get on the 241. Does it take that much more time to cover their loads? Sheesh.

              I shouldn't be so bitter, my ride in the morning was nice today.

              Are you still doing the commute on the bike?


              • #8
                Originally posted by KatanaEvolution
                ... Riding on the street was frustrating, speeds are limited and drivers are more distracted, especially on Mckinley where I live. I don't even like driving on that street in my car, especially at sunset. Everyone is going to Costco and nobody knows how to plan prior to the turn so they cut people off and clog up the intersections. Its a mess. Corona PD needs to make more revenue off the people who run lights and sit blocking the intersection. Sorry for the rant.
                80% of safe riding and accident avoidance is knowing where stupid people are going to be doing stupid things and ACCEPTING THAT FACT AND RIDE ACCORDINGLY. I don't care how stupid people drive on this street: that complex, this stretch of highway, etc. As long as I know it, I'm good. I'll take the extra time waiting at the stop sign, let that extra car go by before pulling out, slow to 20 because I KNOW no one looks at that exit. Sometimes I feel safer riding where known idiots live/work because I take NOTHING for granted. It's when you feel absolutely safe and secure that surprises occur.

                Originally posted by KatanaEvolution
                I may be brave, but in actuality, I've had it with the traffic. Corona/Riverside County are dragging their butts when it comes to fixing the 91 and I'm fed up. I can't wait until 2010 for them to begin construction.
                It seems like every freeway in LA/OC has some kind of construction going on. Until they fix the carpool lanes on the 91 east/west in LA I consider it the second worst freeway to ride after the 5 through east LA. The new carpool lanes connecting the 405/South Bay to the Valley will be wonderful but it's taking freakin' forever. The 14 is getting better but it's still evil and the 22 in OC doesn't seem like it will EVER get done! But I have to say, compared to other places in the country that I've ridden we have the best. Sometimes we do take that for granted.

                Originally posted by KatanaEvolution
                Not to mention, I'm tired of my car getting ruined by the truckers raining gravel on everyone for 10 miles until I could get on the 241. Does it take that much more time to cover their loads? Sheesh.
                That's the other reason to always wear gear. Getting popped on the hand or leg with gravel from the road or passing truck can draw blood and hurts like hell if the skin is unprotected.

                The one thing you'll really notice after you become a frequent commuter is how irritating driving in a car will seem on the days you have to cage-it. After fighting traffic for 2 hours in the car I find I'm more exhausted than if I rode.

                Ride safe and enjoy the freedom! :P


                • #9
                  Not commuting at the moment, got downsized from my job about 2 months ago...still looking for something...trying to get something local in IE but will probably have to break down, take a job in the OC again...and start the commuting again
                  The same job in the OC is paying $10-15hr more...

                  I hear what TDR is saying too...once you get used to riding your bike everyday, it's really hard to go back to a cage. The month before I got laid off, my back was hurting so bad I had to drive my car to sucked hard. I was so tired, and sitting in traffic was so boring, that I would fight to not fall asleep...not good
                  It would take me 1.5-3hrs to get home in the car...on the bike about 35-45min.

                  We are in the process of putting our house up for sale...probably take 6 months to sell it. But we are fed up with Cali and the traffic, high prices on everything, etc... We have a few places in won't be as good all year round, but even the weather here is miserable in the summer. Remember last year when we had something like 90+ days of triple digit heat. Well it was miserable to be riding a bike in that heat...or doing anything outside...not to mention our Edison bill went from $130 a month to $530 a month for 3 months...we basically had to run the A/C 24/7

                  BTW I live off McKinley too, and I keep hoping they will put red light cameras in at McKinley and Griffin Way...where 12-14 cars run the red light every single time...they are just dieing to get to Costco I guess, LOL.

                  When I get another job (it will probably be down in the darn OC), hopefully soon, I'll have to hook up with you...see what time you go to work and what's always fun to ride with someone when possible, and safer too.

                  Glad your having fun on the Kat. Many times I had really bad days at work (for 5 yrs I had the biggest jackhole for a boss) was the only thing that kept me sane. I would really look forward to the drive home on my Kat.
                  Hasta amigo's,

                  Wishing everyone on KR the best 8)


                  • #10
                    OK are you still riding everyday...

                    I do the 15 to the 91 to the 55..

                    Black Kat and I wear all black alpinestars leather suit...

                    I always seem to have me back and green tank bag on my bike.
                    Coming on a black Kat to a town near you!


                    • #11
                      I'm still riding everyday. Poor evo just sits in the garage waiting for the weekends.

                      I hit the road between 4:45 and 5 pm everyday. I've been taking the toll road in to Irvine in the mornings, but I take the 55 to the 91 back to Corona.

                      I'm on a red kat with a red jacket, red helmet and a tank bag.

                      What time do you get on the freeway?


                      • #12
                        were do you get on the 91?I get on at Van Buren every morning and ride to the 241 then all the way to mission viejo daily.I am ussualy on the 91 between 6-7am and back at 5-7pm. I ride a black kat 600 with a desert camo tail bag and desert camo camel back. I could just as easly take the 55 as well.depending on were and when you ride i would be willing to meet and ride together, better two bikes than solo.

                        As for avoiding the 91.... theres always ortega hwy. but that is exceptionaly dangerous on the weekdays.


                        • #13
                          I used to commute from about Van Buren & the 91fwy to Irvine daily. Splitting traffic is a must, the traffic is insane....However, I did get nailed in Corona once. Some woman changed lanes right on top of me! Remember, while it's legal to lane share in Cali....if you get into an accident, it's your fault, they remind us we don't have to be there. Keep on your toes, and look for the holes. Watch out when passing cars with open lanes to either side...they are trying to get thru the traffic too, and they will change lane when they can! I like to ride in packs when ever possible, bike are easier to see in groups...

                          Be safe..


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dennis Wilson
                            I used to commute from about Van Buren & the 91fwy to Irvine daily. Splitting traffic is a must, the traffic is insane....However, I did get nailed in Corona once. Some woman changed lanes right on top of me! Remember, while it's legal to lane share in Cali....if you get into an accident, it's your fault, they remind us we don't have to be there. Keep on your toes, and look for the holes. Watch out when passing cars with open lanes to either side...they are trying to get thru the traffic too, and they will change lane when they can! I like to ride in packs when ever possible, bike are easier to see in groups...

                            Be safe..
                            Yeah ihear you..... i kicked this ladies mirror in the other day becuase she kept coming over even after i honked and knocked on the window, oh forgot to mention she was the cell phone. i group myself with the other bikes as much as possible. I just wish i had another kat to ride with to the O.C.

