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riding in rain

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  • riding in rain

    I dont want to ride in the rain. But if I get caught, should I pull over and wait it out? What kind of gear would you recommend carrying with the bike for rain?

  • #2
    Check out the search function there is a lot of great info already on the board. CHeck out this thread for some pointers on using the search function:

    To answer your question here are two great threads about riding in the rain:


    • #3
      hey thanks for the links!! I am new here. will use the search more now before asking


      • #4
        Re: riding in rain

        Originally posted by joyghosh
        But if I get caught, should I pull over and wait it out?
        If your not comfortable riding in the wet then don't. But it's in your best interest to be prepared to if you do end up riding in the rain.


        • #5
          I am one of those people who hates the rain. If I know there is a good chance that it will rain that day I don't ride. With this kind of mind set I don't have to carry extra gear, or worry abour beating the rain. To each their own, but I choose to cage it if it may rain.

          Remember, Caps Lock is Cruise Control for Cool


          • #6
            its worst to ride in the rain once it starts, if you have to ride in the rain wait a while because the first bit of rain moves the oil and rubber off the road. the longer it rains the better that way the road is cleaner. But I think you should ride in the rain a few times that way you know whats its like incase you do get cought in it some day when you are not expecting it.

            PS Kats suck in mud so avaid construction while its raining, I found out the hard way.


            • #7
              Originally posted by BlackburnD
              I am one of those people who hates the rain. If I know there is a good chance that it will rain that day I don't ride. With this kind of mind set I don't have to carry extra gear, or worry abour beating the rain. To each their own, but I choose to cage it if it may rain.

              I don’t like having to clean up my bike after a rain. It’s just filthy. I only ride in the rain when I get caught in it.

              But the number 1 piece of gear I recommend that you get is a good visor squeegee for your left thumb or forefinger. Your going to need it!
              Besides that, I kind of favor my tires being bald, like a good gumball track tire, but they don't work too well when it gets a little wet.
              It's not speed that kills, it's the deceleration!

              Experience is a hard teacher. She gives you the test first, and then teaches the lesson.

     Alais: TexasSportBiker


              • #8
                I'm going to go with the opposite advice.

                Avoid riding right after it starts raining for all the reasons DreKat said but after the road gunk washes off, get out and ride in it for a bit. I'm not talking about a 200 mile ride, just 15 or 20 minutes around the neighborhood is good. Most people go down in the rain because they're not prepared for it because they've never practiced in it. Sure, you're not going to ride in a hurricane (unless you're Cyber) but if you're caught in it you want to know what to do. It's good to know how you're bike is going to react in the weather and how different your inputs have to be.


                • #9
                  That is a great recommendation. You need to build your confidence in your and the bike's abilities.


                  • #10
                    Riding in the rain sucks and chances are good that your Kat will run like crap if it's a hard rain but it is a skill every rider should have in case....oh....I don't know....Your on your way home from a rally and get caught on the highway in one of the worst torential downpours with hail and lightning that Kentucky has ever seen with 150 miles between you and home......... Yep, that'd be my dumbass that refused to pull over or to have just stayed at Z's house til it passed.

                    And just to help maybe put a fear aside for you, ask any racer and they will tell you that they would rather come off in the rain than the sun because in the rain it's more like coming off waterskis (minus the initial impact) because you just sliiiiiiiiiide verses dry pavemnet that grabs your leathers and makes you tumble.
                    Welcome to! Click here to register


                    • #11
                      If I can help it I avoid the rain but if doing any touring 2-3 day trips you better pick up a rainsuit. I bought a 2 piece set from a local sportsshop and take it on all long trips unless the weather is predicted to be perfect. Just be more carefull when driving in the rain, make sure you stay off the painted lines and take a bit more care when accelerating or braking.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BraadaJim
                        Riding in the rain sucks and chances are good that your Kat will run like crap if it's a hard rain
                        Why is that aside from the actual water? I left my house yesterday nice beautiful skies road about 3miles the road was wet went another miles pouring rain so I stop at convienence store till it almost stopped and noticed the bike was running ruff the rest of the night. Humidity? Started up the next morning and it was back to normal.

                        Water.. the most destructive force yet brings life to all things


                        • #13
                          I've rode in the rain quite a few times. The only thing that sucks about it is not being able to see very well, and watch out at stop lights or stop signs with all that oil on the ground just watch where you put your foot. Almost dropped it a couple of time's because of the oil at intersections.


                          • #14
                            Quite simply, everything should be done smoothly and lightly in the rain. I tend to upshift at a lower RPM to keep the torque to the rear wheel lower.


                            • #15
                              Riding in cold pouring rain sucks ..... rode over 2 hours in it coming back from ottawa ..... had to stop to frigging empty the water in the boots ... gloves were soaking ... we were cold and in a bad mood .... even caught a couple of miles of road work that had become the perfect mud pit..... It was suppose to be all nice and sunny or the entire week end when we left home so no RAIN GEAR !!!

                              Got home dead tired ... took me 3 days to thaw ... but in the end ... I am glad it happened ...

                              Now I still hate riding in the rain .... it sucks .. always will but now if I do get caught in it ... I end up just pissed off .. I know me and my baby can handle any rain that comes
                              Try and keep up now

