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going inbetween cars??

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  • #61
    Well as it's only allowed in CA - I don't think getting out of a ticket in any other State will happen.

    Lane Splitting

    Lane splitting is a driving maneuver commonly practiced by motorcycle riders to move between lanes of slow moving or stopped cars on congested roads.

    Lane splitting is only legal in California. The California Highway Patrol says, “Lane splitting by motorcycles is permissible but must be done in a safe and prudent manner.” California lacks specific guidelines as to what is a safe and prudent manner. Two factors used to determine whether squeezing past traffic was done in a safe and prudent manner are the speed of the motorcycle and the speed of the surrounding traffic.

    Lane sharing on the other hand, where two motorcycles occupy the same lane, is legal in a majority of states.
    Here is a current list of lane splitting as well...
    GSX600F RIP 3/2006 - 6/9/2008


    • #62
      Originally posted by seypea
      frankly, lane splitting is one of the main reasons I got my bike, for the efficiency of riding especially here in the socal traffic. Here's a little interview that a chp officer explains a little more. problem is most people in cars don't know this......
      Video strengthens my arguments perfectly...
      2007 Honda CBR600rr
      2007 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14

      visit the Twisted Assassins


      • #63
        the video is interesting, but it is my understanding that there are no specific laws regarding lines and speeds and all the other things the news story says. I thought it was supposed to be done "in a safe and prudent manner" which left everything open to interpretation to the officer. They are very good guidelines to follow to do it safely, but to my understanding if a cop felt like being a jerk, you could get a ticket for lane sharing anytime since it's all open to interpretation.

        2001 Honda CBR1100XX - Super "Redbird"


        • #64
          Originally posted by jeffro7172
          the video is interesting, but it is my understanding that there are no specific laws regarding lines and speeds and all the other things the news story says. I thought it was supposed to be done "in a safe and prudent manner" which left everything open to interpretation to the officer. They are very good guidelines to follow to do it safely, but to my understanding if a cop felt like being a jerk, you could get a ticket for lane sharing anytime since it's all open to interpretation.
          Is lane-splitting legal?
          Here's the text (verbatim) from the CHP's site: "Lane splitting by motorcycles is permissible under California law but must done in a safe and prudent manner." The text used to also include "The motorcycle should be traveling no more than 10 mph faster than surrounding traffic (without exceeding the speed limit) and not come close enough to that traffic to cause a collision." but has since been removed. Perhaps they wanted to give cops more latitude to interpret what they thought was safe so they removed it.
          If you lane split, avoid weaving between the two lanes and don't exceed traffic speed by more than 10 mph. The former could get you a ticket for changing lanes without signaling while the latter could get you a ticket for reckless driving.
          Your odds of getting ticketed also increase if you lane split between the carpool and fast lane. A double yellow line divides the two lanes and those are illegal to cross (with rare exceptions that would never occur on the freeway); Riders have been specifically ticketed for crossing the double yellow while lane splitting between those lanes.
          Lane splitting on surface streets is probably not addressed in city or county laws so do this with caution, as individual cops will decide whether or not they like what they see.
          2007 Honda CBR600rr
          2007 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14

          visit the Twisted Assassins


          • #65
            Y is it legal in california?


            • #66
              The let us lane share, because bikes have a tendency of overheating in traffic, and as our CHP's used to ride air-cooled Harleys...well, you get the picture...


              • #67
                neverminddddddddddd... i just saw the video.. sry fellas


                • #68
                  FOUND THIS!
                  Attached Files

