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Stay Upright Course, Australia

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  • Stay Upright Course, Australia

    Just completed the one day Stay Upright course at Mt Cotton in Brisbane, Queensland.

    The basis of this course is directed entirely at improving your Road-riding skills, as distinct to racing skills. As such, the ideas presented were very similar to those in "The Pace" thread.

    Wrt cornering, they said to keep a straighter line until you could see the exit of the corner, then complete your turn & accelerate. Obviously gives you more chances to avoid the car doing a u-turn on a blind corner.

    Key concepts for cornering:

    1. Scan as far ahead as possible to formulate a plan
    2. Head and eyes parallel with the horizon for improved balance
    3. Plan & set Position, Speed & Gear, prior to corner
    4. Look, lean, turn
    5. Speed should be relative to distance of clear vision. Can you stop within the distance of vision you have?
    6. When riding with others scan beyond them, do not focus directly on them
    7. Rear brake should be used to add stability when power is on-off such as long sweeping turns, roundabouts or low speed manoeuvres
    8. Lean to outside to counter balance machine's weight in lower speed turns.

    Obstacle Avoidance
    1. Counter steering is the most effective way to change direction or position
    2. Push right bar to go right - push left bar to go left

    Hope this helps someone

    Thoroughly recommend this course to all Australians.
    Retired & enjoying it