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Wind Gusts

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  • Wind Gusts

    Should you feel like you're goingto blow off the bike when doing 70 mph?

  • #2
    Only if you stick your head out into the slipstream.



    Freedom is the sure possession of those alone
    who have the courage to defend it.

    First Sergeant(Ret) - US Army - 21 years


    • #3
      Puff in 3...2...1...wait, what forum am I in?


      • #4
        Originally posted by kickitjp
        ..wait, what forum am I in?
        What planet are you on?


        • #5
          I felt the same way until I adjusted my suspension. Check your owners manual and then look at your suspension settings, if they are too low for you setting them higher may help.
          R.I.P. Marc


          • #6
            I never felt that way until I let go of the bars at 85 and went off the back. Now I always feel like I am gonna fly off the bike, even at 2 mph. J/K


            • #7
              Wind can be a big problem,it has even been known to blow you off the road,and cause $4100 worth of dammage to your bike. Do not ask me how i know this.
              Ok, no more mister nice guy, i've met the guy in the street, and he's a wanker.


              • #8
                don't do this in the wind and you'll be just fine.

                R.I.P. Marc


                • #9
                  Wind sucks, but it's a fact of riding. First time I got out on the highway i almost got blown into a semi going the other direction. Just have to learn to lean to compensate for the cross winds. I've only been riding for 2 weeks and it gets easier and easier. High speed curves are a little tricky when the wind is blowing the opposite direction!


                  • #10
                    hold the tank tight with your legs, relax your arms and lean over the tank as much as possible.


                    • #11
                      Getting Better

                      I'm starting to get the hang of it. I just needed to get used to being on the beltway.


                      • #12
                        I had a similar expereince on I 275 on a run to FloridaKats House (Cyber Poet was with me for the Ride) I been wondering about adjusting the Suspension (its in the Stock Positions from the Dealership)
                        Cyber can go on record that I am 6' 2" and a round 150 lbs.
                        Felt like i was going to get blown off the bike almost everytime a Wally world was Rolling past me - and Yes i admit it scared the hell out of me. But i Do not know diddly about adjusting the Suspension on the Bike. I guess i keep digging for the Data Im looking for.


                        • #13
                          Wow , and I thought I was thin at 6' and 145 . Yeah , you get used to it .
                          I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

                          Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Hawk_Kat
                            I had a similar expereince on I 275 on a run to FloridaKats House (Cyber Poet was with me for the Ride) I been wondering about adjusting the Suspension (its in the Stock Positions from the Dealership)
                            Cyber can go on record that I am 6' 2" and a round 150 lbs.
                            Felt like i was going to get blown off the bike almost everytime a Wally world was Rolling past me - and Yes i admit it scared the hell out of me. But i Do not know diddly about adjusting the Suspension on the Bike. I guess i keep digging for the Data Im looking for.
                            Hawk - here's a suggestion.

                            1) Adjust the front suspension to the stiffest setting (4 clicks to the right after you've turned them completely to the left, first).
                            2) Under your seat, set the rear cylinder to the stiffest setting.

                            Ride a little bit and see if the bike tracks any better for you (it made a world of difference for me...6'-220 lbs.). If you're going from stock settings, you should see a considerable difference. If you like, great; if not, then try something in between or go back to stock.

                            You may want to check your tire pressures as well. If I recall correctly, you might have been a little bit high on the rear tire.


                            • #15
                              You might also try sweeping away from the rigs when on the highway if you're not riding alongside another rider (go to the outside away from the centerline), or tuck onto your tank so they can't peel you off your bike as easily as they pass (if you are riding alongside another bike). Wait, and you'll feel the gust, but it won't shove you around as much, and then you can sit back up.

                              I find this helps me when I commute.

                              I also found that dropping the suspension front and back on my Kat helped me a great deal, but part of my reasoning for that was that I'm 5'8" and I wanted to be able to plant both feet firmly on the ground if necessary (no ball of the foot here...). In addition to making my reach a little easier, it made the bike less squirrelly underneath me, if that makes sense. Adjusting the suspension is EASY, I did mine the first week that I had her home with the stock owner's manual instructions on my back porch. You won't have a bit of problem with it, it's just trial and error/experimentation until you find what feels right for you.

                              2001 Suzuki Katana 600. If you see a bright blue rocket with a blonde girl in raspberry & black gear go flying past on the way to San Marcos, Texas..... that's me!

