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  • #16
    I'm crossing over from MX where a lot of emphasis is placed on keep weight on the outside peg. The majority of your weight with the sport bikes seems to be to the inside. So exactly what positioning should you and the bike have for best traction during a turn.

    MX riding technique for right hand turn:
    | rider
    / bike

    so from what I gather for sport bikes for the same turn:
    / rider
    / bike

    is this right?


    • #17
      Originally posted by zique
      so from what I gather for sport bikes for the same turn:
      / rider
      / bike

      is this right?
      Pretty much the best standard practice.

      / Rider
      / Bike

      =x Rider
      / Bike

      =-= The CyberPoet
      Remember The CyberPoet


      • #18
        I get my butt off the seat when I take a sharp turn . fast or not .. makes it smother ... as soon as my butt shift pouffffffffff it turns all by itself ...
        Try and keep up now


        • #19
          Originally posted by _Sky_
          I get my butt off the seat when I take a sharp turn . fast or not .. makes it smother ... as soon as my butt shift pouffffffffff it turns all by itself ...
          I think every guy who reads this is finding his pulse to be increasing by the second !


          • #20
            what law says you cant leave the seat?


            • #21
              Well I can still entertain the fact that I am a hot woman !!! Only 3 members ever saw me for real hihihihi
              Try and keep up now


              • #22
                shes got my vote


                • #23
                  Originally posted by The CyberPoet

                  Pretty much the best standard practice.

                  / Rider
                  / Bike

                  =x Rider
                  / Bike

                  =-= The CyberPoet
                  Thanks. That will take some getting used to by me, but I appreciate the help!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by suzukisportrider2004
                    what law says you cant leave the seat?
                    Florida Statute 316.2085 says you have to in the state of Florida.

                    The actual subsection of that which applies:
                    (2) A person shall ride upon a motorcycle or moped only while sitting astride the seat, facing forward, with one leg on each side of the motorcycle or moped.
                    Remember The CyberPoet


                    • #25
                      concentrate on learning/turning the bike at all speeds. after enough seat time you'll be moving the bike naturally, and nobody can teach you that. seat time and practice...

                      it's nice to ride with others so you can see how the bike moves in a 'third person' sense, as well. but it might not always be a good idea to follow some peoples' techniques (present company included!

                      thanks for the info CyberPoet
                      1993 Suzuki GSX600F


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by catfish
                        concentrate on learning/turning the bike at all speeds. after enough seat time you'll be moving the bike naturally, and nobody can teach you that. seat time and practice...

                        it's nice to ride with others so you can see how the bike moves in a 'third person' sense, as well. but it might not always be a good idea to follow some peoples' techniques (present company included!

                        thanks for the info CyberPoet
                        Ah, another old thread brought back from the dead!
                        "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
                        JOHN 16:33


                        • #27
                          yeah man , this thread is OLD. thanks to everyone for all the info.
                          i did get better.. i keep my ass on the foot peg now while railing!!!!!!
                          << RIDE IT LIKE YOU STOLE IT !! >>
                          KRAZYKAT'S KATANA PICTURES


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by KRAZYKAT
                            i keep my a$$ on the foot peg now while railing!!!!!!
                            I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

                            Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by md86
                              Originally posted by KRAZYKAT
                              i keep my a$$ on the foot peg now while railing!!!!!!
                              << RIDE IT LIKE YOU STOLE IT !! >>
                              KRAZYKAT'S KATANA PICTURES


                              • #30
                                Re: A$$ POSTURE?!

                                Originally posted by KRAZYKAT
                                so in da motorcycle safety course they told me to always have my a$$ seated centerly on da seat.but now i hear, and also see from some pictures,that when u go fast round corners,ur a$$ should b sorta hangin off da seat?and ur head should b bout where ur mirror is?do i understand this correctly?
                                i tried it out n it does kinda work.i guess if ur weight is to da inside of da corner,hangin off da bike,that the bike stays more upright,but still corners, if da bike stays more upright that means u couold get more speed out of that corner.
                                am i kinda gettin this a$$ posture thing right??
                                english do you speak it?

