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Hard cornering chalk or butter???

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  • #16
    there will be a warning... a lot of people miss it though because they have no idea what the signs are.

    first start by doing progressivly harder REAR wheel braking. you want to get it to do a slow lockup. notice the feeling & the sound ( it kinda howls ) just before it locks up. you will become familiar with that sound & the feedback the tire is giving you. it's the same when your leaned over ( as long as your on clean pavement ).

    every tire is different though; so with each new set test them out.

    if you move to hard front braking also you accomplished a very important task... not just how hard you can push the tires but how quickly you can stop !



    • #17
      Only time I ever heard my tire howl was when I almost lock the front . The rear just kinda "wooshes" when it starts to slide .
      I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

      Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


      • #18
        i never managed to corner hard enough on the katana to slide the rear end. i think it was a mix between me not riding it hard enough and the tires/bike holding it's ground. there were times when i was amazed how far i could lean with no loss of traction. my cbr however (which handling SUCKS with), i slid the rear end for the first time today. a dunlop D208 on the rear, came out of a corner hard and sllllliiiiiippppp. i just stayed in it 'cause it happened in a matter of seconds, and it straightened itself out. my indicator was the idiot on the throttle...

        "If you ain't first, you're last..." - Ricky Bobby
        "Your stuck on an anger bridge man, you gotta cross the anger bridge and come back to the friendship shore..." - Magic Man


        • #19
          if your used to dirt bike traction and you get on a street bike you get grip grip grip watching your bike slide away from you take your time


          • #20
            Really old thread. Like coming on a year.
            Why'd you bother to dig it up?
            Live and Lean.
            When the going gets twisty, the going get twistin.
            "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
            Romans 3:23

