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  • #16
    Originally posted by md86
    So no lock ? I can't say I like THAT idea too much . Doesn't LOOK terrible , though .
    I'm in the same boat -- looks sweet, but I don't want to live without a lock on the tank (no sense in tempting fate in having someone add something to my fuel supply). I had looked at them in the past and then decided to skip on it...

    =-= The CyberPoet
    Remember The CyberPoet


    • #17
      Looks pretty schweeet

      Originally posted by The CyberPoet
      Originally posted by md86
      So no lock ? I can't say I like THAT idea too much . Doesn't LOOK terrible , though .
      I'm in the same boat -- looks sweet, but I don't want to live without a lock on the tank (no sense in tempting fate in having someone add something to my fuel supply). I had looked at them in the past and then decided to skip on it...

      =-= The CyberPoet
      I'd be more worried about somebody removing something from my fuel supply


      • #18
        Originally posted by Dan Dubeau
        I'd be more worried about somebody removing something from my fuel supply
        If someone wants to risk stealing fuel, I'm not too worried about it ($6 of theft?) -- but if someone adds sugar, a pingpong ball, a number of other contaminants, and the carbs & possibly engine are toast...

        =-= The CyberPoet
        Remember The CyberPoet


        • #19
          Originally posted by The CyberPoet
          -- but if someone adds sugar, a pingpong ball, a number of other contaminants, and the carbs & possibly engine are toast...

          =-= The CyberPoet
          Myth Busted.
          1995 GSX-R 750W (Barney Bike - Street)
          2004 GSX-R 600 (Race Bike) - Powered by
          Certified Addicted Racing/Trackday Monkey & Gixxer Fixxer // WERA West #224


          • #20
            yeah...I always wondered about the sugar in the tank thing.....what does it do?

            and now a Ping-Pong ball....Forrest Gump have it in for you Cyber?


            • #21
              While sugar crystals don't simply melt in gasoline (that part is an urban myth), fine sugar crystals wouldn't get separated by the Kat's OEM filters, and being a gravity-fed system, they will move forward into the carbs. Since the Kat doesn't have injectors, the sugar wouldn't be blocked at that point either, although it might settle out in the carb's fuel bowls. If the sugar makes it to the cylinder (and gasoline can support a very small amount of sugar content), once heated in the cylinder, the crystals carbonize up real good (just like in a fire), resulting in your choice of rock-candy when cooled, or carmel-like goo in the engine; even if it didn't change form at all due to temp and pressure, there is still whatever granular damages it would cause (much like sand). Thus, unlike a typical modern car (pump-fed, injector-fueled, finely filtered fuels), a Kat would be more suspectible to damages as a result of sugar.

              Ping pong balls are supposed to melt in fuel into a sludge and then solidify in the smaller passages. Whether this is true or not I leave to someone else to answer, but I will say that I do know from past experimentation that some ping-pong balls will melt in gasoline. Whether the ping-pong balls I was tinkering with at the time were celluloid or plastic construction, I can't honestly tell you, but celluloid is highly flammable, and ping-pong balls are one of the few items still on the market made of it.

              Hell, beach sand would be enough of a concern for me... If you've ever come to your bike and found someone switched the petcock to PRIME, then that proves there are people who will screw with your bike for no good reason. I don't trust those people...

              =-= The CyberPoet
              Remember The CyberPoet


              • #22
                Just to let everyone know. My bike is usally never out of my sight. When it is out of my sight it is in a secure area. Anyway I like it and that is all that counts. So there


                • #23
                  Yeah , gas melts some plastics . I used plastic cup to drain my carbs into , and in 5 minutes the bottom of it melted . I've also heard about using a syringe to inject bleach or something into a ping pong ball and dropping that into a tank . Plastic melts and chemical gets into gas , and makes a nice boom later .
                  I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

                  Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by HS2020
                    Just to let everyone know. My bike is usally never out of my sight. When it is out of my sight it is in a secure area. Anyway I like it and that is all that counts. So there
                    I like it too -- and think it looks awesome on your bike. My comments were only about my own concerns on my bike, not to discourage you

                    =-= The CyberPoet
                    Remember The CyberPoet


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by The CyberPoet
                      Originally posted by HS2020
                      Just to let everyone know. My bike is usally never out of my sight. When it is out of my sight it is in a secure area. Anyway I like it and that is all that counts. So there
                      I like it too -- and think it looks awesome on your bike. My comments were only about my own concerns on my bike, not to discourage you

                      =-= The CyberPoet
                      It is all good cyber. I am just give you and everyone else crap. I do not take things to heart all the time. I had those same concerns to but I said what the hey. My factory gas cap will show back up on the bike one day when I clean it up some more.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Range
                        yeah...I always wondered about the sugar in the tank thing.....what does it do?

                        and now a Ping-Pong ball....Forrest Gump have it in for you Cyber?
                        I wonder how a box of chocolates would do too ?

