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What do you guys think of the '05 Limited Busa?

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  • What do you guys think of the '05 Limited Busa?

    I was considering purchasing an '05 Limited Busa and would like to know what Katriders think of it. The Red Kat is my current ride. I have no intentions on selling my Kat. Love the bike and would hate to part with it, but I also like the Hayabusa. So, what do you guys think?
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    RayJRed !!!

  • #2
    I would buy one if I had the money!!!!!

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    • #3
      It's the Kat's bigger bigger bigger brother! I'd love one! (or two)


      • #4
        Thanks guys, it's good to know other Kat Riders feel the same as I....I'm looking to may be purchase on in the next month or two.....
        RayJRed !!!


        • #5
          This is in my future plans to have a Busa rather 1999 or new, I will have a Busa!!
          TDA Racing/Motorsports
          1982 Honda CB750 Nighthawk, 1978 Suzuki GS750 1986 Honda CBR600 Hurricane; 1978 Suzuki GS1100E; 1982 Honda CB750F supersport, 1993 Suzuki Katana GSX750FP. 1981 Suzuki GS1100E (heavily Modified)
          Who knows what is next?
          Builder of the KOTM Mreedohio september winning chrome project. I consider this one to be one of my bikes also!
          Please look at this build!


          • #6
            What is the price you are looking on a SE Busa?


            • #7
              well just be prepared for a lot more power, and I mean A LOT, but I love my 05 busa
              Big Cory
              SBFMC 707
              2005 Hayabusa


              • #8
                yes,love the busa!
                every man should have 2 bikes!! 8) :P
                West of Germany
                greetz Carsten


                • #9
                  I will buy a busa eventually... i like them a lot and thanks to tdrcomm i know i like it...
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                  "That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." - Declaration of Independance


                  • #10
                    those things are awesome. And dont be fooled into thinking they cant corner. Ive seen those things rail. If it has the right rider anything can corner
                    Visit And sign up now!


                    • #11
                      I would love to have one, but worry that I'm too old (40). dont wanna look like one of those old guys that buys a vette and tries to impress young girls with it ( not that there's anything wrong with young girls mind you)


                      • #12
                        I'd buy one... someday!


                        • #13
                          I like them alot... i could see myself on one when I get a bit older (like... 30's).

                          My plan is:

                          1) XJ600S (was a cheap starter bike)

                          2) Katana (faster, sportier, far better looking, i like it)

                          3) F4i/636 (gotta get a SS toy... always wanted one... just waiting until I can afford one and can handle one)

                          4) Busa (power, comfort, looks... but requires much more self control than I have at the moment)
                          I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death. - George Carlin

                          Join the Zietgeist Movement


                          • #14
                            Cheap Sunglasses

                            Originally posted by katana bob
                            I would love to have one, but worry that I'm too old (40). dont wanna look like one of those old guys that buys a vette and tries to impress young girls with it ( not that there's anything wrong with young girls mind you)
                            Don't worry 'bout that man. Any one who might have that opinion, likely already does, just cause you ride now. No point in making liars of them, just pull your visor down tight and grab that 'Busa.

                            I have one just like that in my sights right now.
                            It's an '02 for $12,000. cdn. If I can sell or trade my '02 750 Kat, that bike will be mine!
                            "Speed Junkie Since 1975"


                            • #15
                              that busa is the same as my buddys AWESOME paint

