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What a bunch of squids

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  • #46
    I can't believe one guy biffed during the filming.
    1999 Katana 750


    • #47
      Originally posted by Astro4x4 View Post
      Gee wonder why bike insurance is so high. .

      speak for yourself I pay $12 a month for full comp and collision, theft, fire (the works) with $100 deductibles


      • #48
        its people like this that make non sport bike riders hate us.


        • #49
          Yes they do....Especially with the random ones!!later.

          Genesis 9:6
          Whosoever sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed......RIP Daniel A. Mguire,you'll always be in my heart brother.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Nero View Post
            Impossible. Everyone knows a Kat can't wheelie.
            LMAO WANNA BET?

            That being said. NE has there own knuckle heads to deal with. I'll be the first to admit im nooo saint when the time is right. But Like everything else you need to know when and where that is! We buy these bikes for the same reasons.... The performance and the looks and the rush it brings being able to hit warp speed at the flick of the wrist! Seems to me that someone have been watching Biker Boyz way too many times and trying to live the dream. I in no way condone what there doing so dont get me wrong. But at the same time let me ask you this.... How many of us have NEVER taken there bike out and seen what it could do at least once? Does that make us terrible people? I think not. Its the whole showing off to the others that winds up getting some family of 4 hurt! More then once I've been on I-95 heading into the city and gotten Buzzed by some Squid on his rear tire! All I can do is Shake my head and Mumble under my visor."Your lucks gonna run out one of these days" I just hope that im not involved in it when it does!
            Last edited by JokerZwild; 05-03-2009, 03:24 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
            The newest addition to the Family!
            stop by the garage for a better look!


            • #51
              i have mixed feelings about it too,the only things is them saying they have the rightto do all that and then shooting at people to get out the way? are you kidin me what make you God when your on your bike? lol


              • #52
                That video = people that don't care about themselves, their bikes, other people's lives as well as their property! This is something that should NEVER be done in public. It should be in a controlled environment with plenty of emergency personnel available.
                It's not considered cheating if it's a motorcycle, right???

                2006 Katana 750


                • #53

                  I dont have "hobbies" I'm developing a robust Post-Apocalyptic skill set....



                  • #54
                    It doesnt seem safe at all especially there are lots of vehicles on the road... i agree with the fact that they should find some place where there is less cars on the road or closed parking lot.. social gathering is nice but cmon people we all know others riders are out there that like to show off and do stupid things....Yea and because of that my Insurance goes up as well....also most of them dont even have proper gears...
                    2002 Suzuki GSX-750F
                    2007 Subaru Impreza
                    2010 Nissan Altima 2.5S


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by airforceranger49 View Post
                      these guys give all bikers a bad name

                      YouTube - Motorcycle Street Racing & Stunts - Fox News
                      yeah no kidding i think that one is a repost.

                      btw nice bike.


                      • #56
                        I think the gathering is a good idea, the stunting in traffic however not such a good idea. That was a pretty frickin busy road and there were railroad tracks, all around terrible location.
                        1991 Katana 600


                        • #57
                          I agree sounds like fun being able to go fast and test your skills but thats what the track is for or an old parking lot, an as far as thier right F that they need to shape up we all earned this it was not given to us they are trying to take to much an its gunna end up hurting the rest of us maybe not tomorrow but it will at some point


                          • #58
                            I can't really cast a stone here. I didn't participate, but I did go down to Holstein in Philadelphia to watch the street races sometimes, and it was fun. But Holstein stays essentially deserted at night since there is no use for it other than getting to and from the industrial stuff on it, so it was much less a nuisance than those guys.

                            I believe that "stunt lots" would pop up all over the country if it wasn't for the massive liability involved. Even with an absolutely air-tight waiver you would still get sued, and even if you don't mind the inconvenience of being sued, just the money lost in lawsuits would require you to charge an incredible amount for admission, just to break even.
                            Any and all statements by Loudnlow7484 are merely his own opinions, and not necessarily the opinion of Anything suggested by him is to be followed at your own risk, and may result in serious injury or death. Responses from this member have previously been attributed to all of the following: depression, insomnia, nausea, suicidal tendencies, and panic. Please consult a mental health professional before reading any post by Loudnlow7484.


                            • #59
                              morons. them not us.
                              never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself sigpic2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016


                              • #60
                                i can see it....the lack of anything else to do, the lack of anyplace to go to, and the fact that they do indeed get a rush out of it. when i was that age [early 20s] we had the same things going on, and the same problems associated with them. drag racing, stunting, wheelieing, riding too fast [what guy on a bike hasn't had some cute girl sit behind him telling to go faster?]. you can't go to parking lots....due to insurance issues and trespassing laws, you get run out of those really fast, and it is just not as much fun to find a back road to play like audience to perform for. i am sure, with a little more experience [read; crashes, jail time, fines, medical bills, repair bills] many of them will outgrow this behavior, just like a lot of us older riders have.
                                i think it is an overreaction to think that all of this activity is bad. it isn't all about breaking the law or taking chances, and i am sure most of the kids that gather for these activities never even consider trying some of the stuff you see in the footage of this report. it is definitely a "live and learn" activity, though. just like when "WE" used to do it.

