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See Me Save Me Motorcycle safety

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  • See Me Save Me Motorcycle safety

    Robins AFB, where I live is sponsoring a See Me SAve Me campaign for motorcycle awareness--this is a video about my friend who was injured in an accident by a lady who ran a redlight.

    Click here:

  • #2
    Thanks for sharing it with us, you can be in the right and still end up dead. Is he expected to make a full recovery?
    R.I.P. Marc (CyberPoet)


    • #3
      On the initial See Me, Save Me ride they did around town there were over 300 bikes from the local Robins AFB area. Most of them work on or near the base. Sucks for us on two wheels to go though all the classes to just get F'd up by a stupid cager.
      ...peaking from under a sleeping bag..."Hi, I'm Zuma"

      I'm already in a club but we have Bombers, Fighters and Big Friggin Guns!!!


      • #4
        it's still early, numbness and low motion on the left side-- unfortunately, most of the time, I only see sport bikers with appropriate riding apparel--I'm pretty sure he had none...might have made a big difference, shoulder and elbow pads especially! He had road rash as well.


        • #5
          Originally posted by mash5 View Post
          I only see sport bikers with appropriate riding apparel.
          I think its almost to the point that if you ride without the proper gear then you get a ticket from the cops, they ticket for not wearing a seat belt, maybe they should start tickets for for not wearing a helmet, and jacket.


          • #6
            I have to disagree with the seat belt and helmet laws. I would never ride or drive without either. I think if you get in a wreck the insurance companies shouldn't have to pay a dime if you are not properly geared or wearing a seat belt. If you die on a bike because you were not wearing proper gear-natural selection. If the insurance companies would do this the cops wouldn't be able to fund their benvolent programs though.
            ...peaking from under a sleeping bag..."Hi, I'm Zuma"

            I'm already in a club but we have Bombers, Fighters and Big Friggin Guns!!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Pacerman View Post
              I have to disagree with the seat belt and helmet laws. I would never ride or drive without either. I think if you get in a wreck the insurance companies shouldn't have to pay a dime if you are not properly geared or wearing a seat belt. If you die on a bike because you were not wearing proper gear-natural selection. If the insurance companies would do this the cops wouldn't be able to fund their benvolent programs though.
              I think this should be a free nation and each individual should have the right and freedom to make his own mind up as to what he wishes to wear. Sorry I dont believe in tyranny or self-appointed God's who think they are the only ones that know anything.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Pacerman View Post
                I have to disagree with the seat belt and helmet laws. I would never ride or drive without either. I think if you get in a wreck the insurance companies shouldn't have to pay a dime if you are not properly geared or wearing a seat belt. If you die on a bike because you were not wearing proper gear-natural selection. If the insurance companies would do this the cops wouldn't be able to fund their benvolent programs though.

                Yep, I agree 100%. In fact, I'd go so far as to say my tax dollars shouldn't have to pay for anyone's emergency room care if they choose not to wear a seatbelt or not to ride with a helmet (including bicyclists too!).

                Yeah, it's their choice but I should not have to pay for it. Of course depending on the laws of a particular jurisdiction, the insurers would still have to pay uninsured motorist benefits -- seatbelt/helmet or not, all other things being equal.

                On the other hand, if a properly-attired rider is injured because of another driver's negligence, it'd be nice to have some kind of legal bonus in the rider's favor such as a jury instruction allowing extra compensation for the rider's diligence. Perhaps a punitive damage instruction in favor of the properly-attired rider? (Yeah, I know it's a stretch... )

                [For what it's worth, in my state, it is forbidden as a matter of law (specific statute -- Title 12 Section 420) from having the issue of seat belt use or non-use submitted into evidence in a civil lawsuit -- (e.g. auto accident personal injury)]

                My 1st bike & 3rd Child: Midnight Blue 2005 Kat 750

                (Something for the faster-moving projectile fan in us all:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                  Yep, I agree 100%. In fact, I'd go so far as to say my tax dollars shouldn't have to pay for anyone's emergency room care if they choose not to wear a seatbelt or not to ride with a helmet (including bicyclists too!).

                  Yeah, it's their choice but I should not have to pay for it. Of course depending on the laws of a particular jurisdiction, the insurers would still have to pay uninsured motorist benefits -- seatbelt/helmet or not, all other things being equal.

                  On the other hand, if a properly-attired rider is injured because of another driver's negligence, it'd be nice to have some kind of legal bonus in the rider's favor such as a jury instruction allowing extra compensation for the rider's diligence. Perhaps a punitive damage instruction in favor of the properly-attired rider? (Yeah, I know it's a stretch... )

                  [For what it's worth, in my state, it is forbidden as a matter of law (specific statute -- Title 12 Section 420) from having the issue of seat belt use or non-use submitted into evidence in a civil lawsuit -- (e.g. auto accident personal injury)]
                  Then we shall agree to disagree. One believing in freedom and right of choice and the other believing that his knowledge is the only knowledge, plus only his tax dollar counts and everyone else is just a dumb ***.

                  By the way, what is proper attire? I would hate to break the rules and I have only been riding since 1948, and so I am a little fuzzy on the subject, plus I don't know your mind. I don't want to break the rules -- whoops -- they didn't put seatbelts in vehicles when my pickup truck was made.

                  I guess you have never heard of claustrophobia and the fact that 46% of the people in the United States have some form of claustrophobia or another (according to the AMA). When they passed the helmet law, many didn't have one opinion or the other on helmet's until they seen a few of their friends no longer had the right to ride a motorcycle unless he moved to South Carolina. As the insurance company said in thier private memos "we must get the helmet laws passed for death insurance is much cheaper than a catastrophic injury".

                  I started wearing a motorcycle helmet in 1953, but that was my right and my choice (as it should be), where was you? I can assure you thatI have full insurance and that your tax dollar will not be used on me, but I flat refuse to wear body armor. When I leave my house I don't have the mindset that I am going to wreck before I reached the end of the driveway. But then, I have never dropped a motorcycle and I have never had a wreck on one either.
                  Last edited by Owl; 11-23-2008, 10:20 AM.


                  • #10
                    I must agree with owl.I think any law that limits our freedom is b.s.It should be ones own personal choice to wear or not to wear a seatbelt,helmet,gloves,etc..The last thing we need is more laws protecting us from ourselves.As we are now,our freedom is only an illusion.And whats even worse is all these so called saftey laws have one common goal.MONEY.Thats all their,there for.The problem i have with seatbelt or helmet laws is simple.If im not wearing my seatbelt,or helmet,and i get in an accident,it affects me,not you.Now you can analyze it try to pick it apart or whatever,but in the end it should be a matter of choice plain and simple.What would you be more scarred of,a soccer mom in a mini van with a cell phone stuck in her ear,or the same soccer mom not wearing her seatbelt?I think driving should be just that.You dont need televisions,gps,satellite radios,and more damn buttons than a airplane,to drive to the grocery store.All im trying say is be carefull and pay attention,in a car or on a bike.


                    • #11
                      What i am saying is you dont have to wear any of it. However if you are injured do not expect any compesation for your injuries. That kind of leaves it up to the rider instead of the government telling you what the wear. It also gets the insurance companies off the hook. I would consider proper gear a helmet DOT or SNELL approved at a minimum. That way you wouldn't get a ticket for riding without a helmet or seatbelt or what not. Sort of ride at your own risk. And with the jack heads we have in cagers these days it is always ride at your own risk. The way I see it is that you can ride however you want but dont think someone else should tote the bill because you are a moron.
                      Last edited by Pacerman; 11-23-2008, 11:15 AM.
                      ...peaking from under a sleeping bag..."Hi, I'm Zuma"

                      I'm already in a club but we have Bombers, Fighters and Big Friggin Guns!!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Pacerman View Post
                        What i am saying is you dont have to wear any of it. However if you are injured do not expect any compesation for your injuries. That kind of leaves it up to the rider instead of the government telling you what the wear. It also gets the insurance companies off the hook. I would consider proper gear a helmet DOT or SNELL approved at a minimum. That way you wouldn't get a ticket for riding without a helmet or seatbelt or what not. Sort of ride at your own risk. And with the jack heads we have in cagers these days it is always ride at your own risk. The way I see it is that you can ride however you want but dont think someone else should tote the bill because you are a moron.
                        The driving conditions today are so much safer today even with the moron cagers, than in my day, its is pathetic. We didn't have the wide highways we have now, the gentle curves (and when you go around the curve, you don't have to worry about a slide being there like we used to have to worry about). I had the latest suspension it was a leaf spring up front and a hard tail in the rear (great handling -- he he), we had cars that had no headlights working and a lot of them that had no tail lights working. I wonder how many motorcyclists today could make it in the environment we had to put up with.

                        Yet with all of those bad condition's, we had less head injuries and catastrophic injuries per rider than we do today. I go up to North Georgia a lot and I see the reckless way the riders conduct themselves on the public roads. They put themselves at risk and everyone else on that road. Even worse than that, when they see they can't make it, they freeze and just slide instead of jumping and rolling in the direction they are going.

                        There are several riders around here that need to be dressed up in Knight's armor, 200 pounds of bubble wrap, two poop scoops in front and two poop scoops in rear, one long armed Kotex snatcher on the handlebars and a great big circle of steel horizontally with netting between the circle of steel and motorcycle, plus training wheels -- -- and I still would not be safe from them. I try not to be riding when they are on the road.

                        If you really are concerned about how your tax dollars are paying spent, go to the hospitals and find out where all the tax money is going -- I did. The reason two hospitals around here had to shut their doors are the illegal alien's -- not the motorcyclists. In fact motorcyclist's is so small that it doesn't even show up on the chart.

                        As far as insurance paying, they are paying less and less. They are using every loophole there is to get out of paying anything.

                        Oh, by the way -- -- my 1949 job rated Dodge pickup truck has two H Belts in it and in the center a child restraint system that would surpass anything put in automobiles today.


                        • #13
                          I think helmets should be mandatory for the first year or two when somebody is just learning to ride and for any passengers that are still minors, but after that it should be freedom of choice. Back to the original topic of the thread, I hope the guy in the video has a decent enough recovery that his daily life can get back to at least semi normal. At one of the gates leaving Ft Stewart, GA, I've been told there is a totaled motorcycle on permanent display just outside the gate at an intersection that has a 4 way stop, to remind riders leaving the base to watch cars approching that intersection closely. The rider was killed when car ran the stop sign and hit him. My wife works with the riders mother here in Oregon.
                          '05 GSXR750, '86 FZX700 Fazer, wifes bike '02 R6


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Owl View Post
                            Then we shall agree to disagree. One believing in freedom and right of choice and the other believing that his knowledge is the only knowledge, plus only his tax dollar counts and everyone else is just a dumb ***.

                            By the way, what is proper attire? I would hate to break the rules and I have only been riding since 1948, and so I am a little fuzzy on the subject, plus I don't know your mind. I don't want to break the rules -- whoops -- they didn't put seatbelts in vehicles when my pickup truck was made.

                            I guess you have never heard of claustrophobia and the fact that 46% of the people in the United States have some form of claustrophobia or another (according to the AMA). When they passed the helmet law, many didn't have one opinion or the other on helmet's until they seen a few of their friends no longer had the right to ride a motorcycle unless he moved to South Carolina. As the insurance company said in thier private memos "we must get the helmet laws passed for death insurance is much cheaper than a catastrophic injury".

                            I started wearing a motorcycle helmet in 1953, but that was my right and my choice (as it should be), where was you? I can assure you thatI have full insurance and that your tax dollar will not be used on me, but I flat refuse to wear body armor. When I leave my house I don't have the mindset that I am going to wreck before I reached the end of the driveway. But then, I have never dropped a motorcycle and I have never had a wreck on one either.
                            Owl, then we shall agree to disagree. I never called you a dumb***, so please don't feel that I did. I'm a very pro-freedom kind of guy. With freedom comes responsibility. Your freedom does not translate into my financial responsibility. May you never "kiss the pavement" as long as you ride.

                            Yes, the illegal aliens are a huge problem and we had an illegal kill a motorcyclist about 6 weeks ago here and the D.A. finally got around to charging the S.O.B.

                            So what is proper gear? I think a helmet at a minimum. Ah, but I know you will challenge me with a question about what is a sufficient helmet -- full helmet & shield, turtle shell, etc., hey that's a good point. If I had my choice, I'd make helmets mandatory. (I am also in favor of mandatory seatbelt laws too.) I suspect at 55 mph, helmet or not, it's probably fatal to the biker. But, at 25 mph, a full helmet will do many better things to save the biker whose head hits the ground than otherwise.

                            Clearly, when I ride here I am in the minority with a helmet since it's optional in my state.

                            Never heard the point about claustrophobia and helmets -- that is a new one for me. I suppose a helmet without the face shield and goggles to protect one's vision may suffice. Of course I welcome your counterpoint.

                            Finally, while I am always envious of the "cool" guys (like Owl?) on their bikes riding like squids because they just hop on and go, I choose to gear up and it's saved my butt already. It's my choice and I respect those who choose to do the opposite.

                            Originally posted by mash5 View Post
                            Robins AFB, where I live is sponsoring a See Me SAve Me campaign for motorcycle awareness--this is a video about my friend who was injured in an accident by a lady who ran a redlight.
                            Thank you for sharing that video!

                            It's extremely sobering to be reminded of the dangers -- especially for newbies like me. I watched it and really empathized with the gentleman's agony during physical therapy. I hope he recovers quickly and completely.


                            Last edited by Aaron; 11-23-2008, 10:04 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

                            My 1st bike & 3rd Child: Midnight Blue 2005 Kat 750

                            (Something for the faster-moving projectile fan in us all:


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                              Owl, then we shall agree to disagree. I never called you a dumb***, so please don't feel that I did.
                              I never thought you did, I was just trying to make a point. I also, have never been accused of having good oratory skills, or writing skills -- that's why I use Dragon Naturally Speaking.

                              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                              Clearly, when I ride here I am in the minority with a helmet since it's optional in my state.
                              Welcome to the club, I have been wearing a helmet since the 1950s and they wasn't anyone else wearing a helmet at that time, so everyone laughed at me. I still wear one. there is one thing though, I am so old and my bones are so brittle, I don't think anything will help me.

                              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                              Never heard the point about claustrophobia and helmets -- that is a new one for me. I suppose a helmet without the face shield and goggles to protect one's vision may suffice. Of course I welcome your counterpoint.
                              Claustrophobia comes in various degree's and my brother can't ride motorcycles anymore because of it, unless he get's someone else to ride his motorcycle over to South Carolina and then he can take over. it's only a few miles

                              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                              Finally, while I am always envious of the "cool" guys (like Owl?) on their bikes riding like squids because they just hop on and go, I choose to gear up and it's saved my butt already. It's my choice and I respect those who choose to do the opposite.
                              Thank you so much for this one, me and a group of guys laughed for an hour on this paragraph. Since I am 73 years old, I guess that I do ride like a squid. My reflexes just aren't what they used to be. I do wear a fullface helmet, riding boots, gloves but nothing else -- well jeans and a shirt -- plus jacket. I don't go naked But I don't feel that I have a right to impose my beliefs and thoughts on anyone else, I think it should be each individual choice. After all, who in the heck am I?

                              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                              Thank you for sharing that video!

                              It's extremely sobering to be reminded of the dangers -- especially for newbies like me. I watched it and really empathized with the gentleman's agony during physical therapy. I hope he recovers quickly and completely.


                              it's always sad to see a brother down and know he is suffering but to lose one is a sadness that we carry for a while. I have enough insurance that I will be no liability to anyone, but if I do go, I hope I don't do it in such a manner that it bring's shame to my fellow riders.

                              I do believe that having thing's like "the tree of shame" and putting that motorcycle at the four way stop stands a chance to make people think. At least I pray so.
                              Last edited by Owl; 11-24-2008, 12:32 AM.

