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Trail Ridin with Haggi and Young! *PICS* (56k warning)

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  • Trail Ridin with Haggi and Young! *PICS* (56k warning)

    So, since Haggi is an MSF instructor he has an arsenal of dual purpose bikes at his disposal. This weekend was the weekend we decided to hit the trails.
    Naturally, today's weather was overcast and rainy but who cares. A little mud never hurt anyone! Right?

    Here's the trusty Zuke's all lined up... nice and clean!

    So we hit the closest trail with me in the lead. Bombin down this trail and 45 seconds into the trail I see this....

    So I hammer the throttle and away I go...

    I was expecting a puddle and it turned out to be a RIVER.
    We all made it across without much hassle... except Haggi nearly disappearing into the black lagoon. Once we go to the other side we saw a river about twice the size of the one we had just come thru. We decided not to risk it, since we were only 2 mins into our day, and headed back for another trail.

    So within 3 minutes of getting on the bikes we were DRENCHED from head to toe... 15lbs of clothing hanging off of us and grins from ear to ear.
    After avoiding the rivers we from some great trails. We all did pretty well. I think we all had a couple of spills but nobody got majorly hurt and the bikes took a beating that they were designed to take.
    I don't know if we were laughing more while we were on the bikes or after we'd fallen off!

    After about 3 hours in the forest we decided we were cold and wet enough... time to head back to the trailer.

    Naturally mine was the cleanest since I'd found the river again to wash it off in.

    Haggi and Young lookin like a couple of drowned rats. But still smiling!

    Speaking of drowned rats...

    Mud!?!? What mud?!?!

    AWESOME day boys!!! We do this again REAL soon! 8)

  • #2
    Looks like you guys had a blast! Great pics.


    • #3
      Ah the joys of riding a dual sport, I miss those days .

      Did the wife make you undress in the garage as not to dirty the floors ?


      • #4

        Very cool guys! Are ya' hooked yet?

        Oh, and those things are clean man...

        I guess we need to bring the dirtbikes up to Canada now too!


        • #5
          Let us know Greg and we'll be ready!!! 8)

          It was an awesome day. If I had the extra cash I would go buy one next week... but the D6 took up all my spare funds this year.

          Maybe Badbilly will go out an WIN us some!?!


          • #6
            Wow, looks like you guys had a blast!!! Where the heck is Freckles though?? Batgirl and I will have to come up to have a girl mud day
            Welcome to! Click here to register


            • #7
              Anyone else picturing a mud wrestling scene right now ?
              I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

              Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


              • #8
                We should have all taken a run through the river again as by the time I had washed the bikes at home I had half the forest on the driveway!!!!

                Was a blast and will be doing it again soon....maybe the river will be the second run of the day next time so that we do not freeze again
                Info for the Ottawa Motorcycle Course



                • #9
                  Thats awesome, looks like it was a blast !! looks like you could have used some helmet wipers


                  • #10
                    the trailer was fun..I raked pine needles for about 3 hours.

                    I will be there NEXT time...glad you had fun!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Range
                      the trailer was fun..I raked pine needles for about 3 hours.

                      I will be there NEXT time...glad you had fun!

                      NEXT time is coming up fast.... DON'T wimp out next time.

