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Another Speed junkie wins Darwin Award

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Edbean View Post
    not entirely serious, but you cant rule out that the car was at fault. That news story gives very minimal info other than the biker was speeding and hit a left turning car.

    i agree with you, its hard to judge a bike going 140, but without every piece of evidence you cant say he was entirely at fault.

    example: im goin 130 and some truck runs a stoplight and i die.... judging from the news story im sure youd say that i was at fault.....
    it would be your fault, you're going 130


    • #17
      I gotta admit, if he flipped a suburban, he was going way too fast. Period. Was it 130 or 140? We all know speed is misjudged by most people. We think we're doing 185 on a 600 Katana when in reality we may be doing 100. Sad that 2 people died. Hopefully someone will learn from this mistake. Families are in my prayers.
      Warning!! Will ride at anytime for no reason.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Edbean View Post
        im just saying dont judge anyone or talk bad about someone when you dont have all the facts.

        granted the biker was an idiot for going 140 on a major road, but i know tons of people who have done it atleast once in their life, including some of you
        Here's yer facts

        He was riding on a suspended Liscene for failing to appear in court....

        as for the Speeding, Yeah I cracked My kat to the 115 area (it was enough for me) and it was on the interstate, during broad daylight with light traffic, went norht of 3 digits and i was not impressed and back to my normal cruising speed of 85
        Last edited by Sundowner; 01-09-2008, 09:52 AM.


        • #19
          I'll admit Ive done my fair share of 5 second 130 bursts in cars when it's only me (and an APD traffic plane) on the highway, but I pretty much agree that at the speed it takes to knock a suburban on it's side, it pretty much doesn't matter what the person in the suburban was doing, the guy on the bike was at fault for SOMETHING.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Steveb View Post
            Going through a intersection on public roads at .....what? A buck thirty?

            How could anyone think it was your fault?

            I can't believe no one caught this gem.

            =USAF= Retired

            "If you can be convinced of an absurdity, you can be made to commit an atrocity." -Voltaire


            • #21
     What are you guy's doing in Florida? A guy I work with says he hears from his friend in Florida that every day someone dies on a bike. Is it the old people, larger roads, or just guy's hot doggin' it? Does anyone have any responsibility or self control anymore? The guy making the "u" turn didn't have a chance. The guy on the bike didn't have a chance. Only one had a choice. You don't hear these bikes until it's past you. and you don't see them until they are at least five cars behind you at posted speeds. I'm cruising home in my car on a major road when out of the blue comes this blue Yamaha on my left. It caught me by surprise. Why??? I'm doing 65 and he is doing ?????? passed me like I was stopped. At high rates of speed, on a bike, by the time you see someone start to turn left it's too late. If you ride offensively, you are dead. You have to be on the defense all the time. You guy's that have been riding a long time know this.
              Last edited by Kfreak; 01-12-2008, 04:09 PM.


              • #22
                Yay for natural selection...


                • #23
                  First off, and those who live in Florida will confirm this, US Highway 19 in Florida, is one of the Main, Non-Interstate Roads that runs down the West Coast of Florida. If i had time to pull numbers (Maybe CP will) More people Die on this Road in one year alone (Cars AND Bikes) Than People have been Killed on the Dragon in the last 3-4 years. This is a a 4-8 Lane Highway (with Over and unders to keep traffic Flowing)that in some section has 12 mile bits without Traffic Lights. This coupled with almost everyone under the age of 70 (Remember, Florida is God's Waiting Room) thinks they are either Eviel Kenivel or Friggen Ricky Bobby, and Just guns it. add in the mix of Cellphones and the attitude of "I will run your *** off the road to get there before you" and Crap Happens. Normally, with pretty gruesome results. You got to have a Set big set of Steel ones to ride in this state alone. (Ive lost track how many times People don't see me when im on the Kat - and im doing the limit and the Kat is BRIGHT Red) Either Senile, or biatching out there Significant other, or checking their Myspace page on a laptop (Yes I have seen this done by the driver) or in the middle of a 3 way call on their cellphone. there is alot to factor in. Add in the fact that most of the Riders in FL do not wear Gear, and the Mix just keeping deadlier. People in this state are too self absorbed in getting their first (I almost got into an accident last night in the Cavalier due to some biatch not yielding to a Yield sign, coming off - of all roads... US 19. So its not just the Bikers Fault here alone. Yes there are faults on both sides, and for a better example of Car Drivers- i just need to name one Name Nick Bolliea (aka Nick Hogan)take idiots like Nick- and multiply them by a million and thats the average Brain capacity of every almost every car driver in FL.. See My KR Thread called "I-4 Charlie Foxtrox" They cant drive in Fog, Cant drive in the Rain, Hell i would get a Video camera (or get the feeds off the Highway Patrol) if it ever snowed here. I am not Defending either side of the coin either, since there are idiots on both sides.
                  I will add more to this when I come home from work
                  Ride and Drive Safe...


                  • #24
                    Well what you said also happens here just not on as large of a scale. Unfortunately we live in a world where most are saying the heck with you I come first. People will almost kill to get in front of you. There are some of us that want to be safe and come home to our families at night but there are the others that have no regard for anyone else's life. They don't care that Johnny has a brain tumor or Suzie is sick with pneumonia and you are trying to keep a job to make them better. Caring just isn't an option for many and when they get hurt. They say oh poor me. What are you going to do for me. I don't have compassion for anyone that is like that. Responsibility is the key answer. Again, this is my opinion.

