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my chameleon kat

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  • #16
    Nice videos! You really know how to ride your Kat, which serves as proof that the Kat can hang with the best of them. Nice work! I love the paint, but I'm not really feeling the blue wheels. I think your bike can look crazy sick if you changed those, but I do applaud your desire to be unique and if you like them...then that's all that matters! Sick bike and sick vids. I'm jealous of your Colorado roads and scenary. All I have to look at in the Chicago area is a bunch of A-hole drivers who kill bikers all the time.
    Anger Fuel Motion...Motion Fuels Momentum...Momentum Fuels Action...Do Something.


    • #17
      yeah thanks, i actually like the rims.... i did think of polishing them. but sincei dont know how i dont want to mess em up. yes anyone who talks down on the katana, hasnt ridden with me. ive gone on several rides were at the end when the others catch up they go hmmmm okay..
      sad day coming i might be selling the bike with spare engine, looking towards a tl1000r. maybe.


      • #18
        I believe there's a thread here about polishing in general.

        The paint job is sweet. I'll be painting my bike soon and was thinking of going chameleon. Looking at your pics definitely helped me out, it's hard to vision a paint job without actually seeing it.
        "When people look like ants, pull. When ants looks like people, pray!"
        Suzuki Katana Templates, Manuals, Tutorials| Read This Before Buying or Trading| My Parts Wanted Thread for my '01 Katana 600


        • #19
          oh yeah i hear ya, in person is the best way to get you mind on a paint scheme, seeing the color in person that is. i have four stage blue purple green gold. i love it. i need to repaint it because i ride soo much i have the normal rock chips. but it still has that color jump out after a fresh wax.
          as for the rims its on hold until i see what i can do with finding a tl1000r.


          • #20
            Georgous Bike!
            Ex 1989 Katana owner, he waz a BEAST!


            • #21
              brat.... get some paint stripper and get as much off as you can... then get dupli color wheel paint.... primer em... then spray em (id go with black or graphite).... then ur all set. You could polish them but thats more of a long term winter project.... 5hrs just the lips


              • #22
                Good luck with your upgrade, if you choose to sell the Kat. I can't watch your videos enough. I can see myself going back to them in the winter to remind myself of how much I miss riding. Seriously nice work!

                If you decide you want to polish your wheels, I'm attaching a link to the thread below. It was a great thread on describing how to strip the paint and polish the wheels. I just used different types of steel wool and got great results for the polishing portion. I posted up some before and after pics of my Kat so you can see what a difference it makes. It certainly would take longer to do the entire wheel, but the results are incredible. Good luck and let us know what you decide to do!

                Anger Fuel Motion...Motion Fuels Momentum...Momentum Fuels Action...Do Something.


                • #23
                  see im pissed, i searched and searched bc i pump up the fact my lil bikes a katana, everyone i know talks down on my bike. until they try to keep up with me in the turns. ive been riding it since 97. so i know the bike real well. and i own the turns agains much newer bikes, so far my kills ( owning them in the turns ) are 1000rr, r6, gsxr600, zx6, hayabusa. all friends i ride with that give me the standard kan o tuna crap. i shrug it off. this sites cool some of the bikes i see the members have just blow my mind! i have seen several nice bikes here and am glad i finally found the site.
                  plus all the kind suggestions and such so i can enhance my knowledge and furhter my bike. i might just keep it, for when the riding position on the tlr gets too aggressive. here let me dig up another video. its of the hayabusa following me in the twisties, its a long video but its great, makes you want to hit the twisties. here let me go find it,...... thanks for the suggestions too! hold on brb...


                  • #24
                    okay everyone, heres my friends hayabusa i painted, he got a camera mount and took video. its LONG about 40 min iirc. but its got the best twisties i love to ride fast on, even me flying in front of him at a rest park spot.. lol.
                    please enjoy the scenic mtn roads of colorado. uhh yes, we rode uhh spirited. the beginings kinda slow the turns are into the video. at 11min i pass him and then its on with the katana representing. also youll see me lying in the road to get a laydown video of the hayabusa passing me... lol.


                    • #25
                      okay i cant help it now, heres a few more pics, this was with a r1, and a gsxr 600, im of course on the katana. again i love this road. we go there just to ride fast back and forth and its so far in the mtns it is isolated. a few cars go by we just wait them out. heres a few shots.
                      here i am chasing the r1 down, lol.

                      me on my first pass getting a feel for the road and checking for gravel.

                      heres the r1 trying to chase me down, couldnt bc i enter the turns fast i use my momentum to make up for it beeing a 600.

                      me getting my lean on. i love turns. nothing like a twisty road and a bike!


                      • #26
                        me chasing my friends gsxr down he later hit a deer. that took the bike out of the picture....

                        here i am getting my lean on, i wish he had got a pic of me almost on the ground with my helmet.. just messin around.

                        dark pic of the ol katana. scary, menacing, well at least in the turns.. lol.


                        • #27
                          can you tell me what was different about this pass?

                          eh one more me and the gixxer finally going by, he was more reserved than i....

