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    As some of you may know, Haggi turned the dreaded 30 last week. His lovely wife Freckles was nice enough to throw him a “surprise” birthday party. We all ran into eachother walking thru the parking lot in front of the restaurant....SURPRISE!!

    We started out at Baton Rouge. Nice restaurant with fantastic food.

    Who’s that sexy BLONDE?!?

    Apparently Range forgot to take his narcolepsy meds since he fell asleep in mid conversation with Whicket. And he wasn't even watching the CBC News.

    Haggi’s sister…Keri! (no, it wasn’t her birthday…she just liked the shiny hat)


    Once the cake was done out came the gifts. A lovely Sinsalo handbag, er dufflebag, for his MX gear.

    After dinner, some of us then headed over to a local pub for a couple more drinks.
    Stubby decided to get in some table hockey practice. His concentration was so strong that nothing could sway him away from his game…

    …not even some girl on girl grinding action from Whicket and Carla. Yaaaaaaaaa baby….grrrr….

    I was a little nipply so Carla was nice enough to lend me her cool jean jacket. It was a perfect fit….atleast all the women seemed to think so since they started dropping coins down my shirt. I made $36 and 2 cents! Hmmm…..possible career change?

    Haggi is a damn fine photographer. He really captures the essence of the pub waitresses.

    Haggi and sister Keri….

    Freckles polished off her first drink…and we all know what happens when she starts in on her second drink. Well HELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOO there stranger…care to buy me a drink?

    Whicket and Stubby out on the dance floor. AWWWWWWWW…..they’re so cute.
    Not sure why they’re slow dancing to House of Pain tho.

    I was on my eleventeenth beer so it was time to give Haggi his birthday kiss.

    He quickly moved onto his birthday shag with some random girl at the pub. Oh wait…..those shoes look familiar… is that Freckles under there?

    Haggi’s sister Keri is a fairly shy girl. She barely spoke to anyone all night (especially one bouncer in particular) …but I managed to convince her to take a couple pics atleast...

    Whicket and Haggi…

    We managed to close the place down at 2:30am and I called it a night and headed home. I heard from some girl in the parking lot that there was going to be a motherF#$%'n dance party at Haggi's house but I'm not sure if that happened or not.

    Had an awesome time folks!! When’s the next party? Oh that’s right…5 MORE DAYS!!! 8)

  • #2
    looks like you all had a blast! Happy B-day Haggi!
    It doesn't matter what you ride, as long as you ride.


    • #3
      Yeah ... next party we will be there !!! I've seen too many pics of your parties without us in it

      Looks like you had lots of fun !!! as usual
      Try and keep up now


      • #4
        Thanks to everyone for a great night and again some excallent pics there Junior...the party continued at my house for about another hour until we ran out of alcohol and people started to pass out...again thanks everyone and glad that is was such a success....THANK YOU FRECKLES...
        Info for the Ottawa Motorcycle Course



        • #5
          Looks like fun.

          And hellooooooo Haggi's sister


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dan Dubeau
            And hellooooooo Haggi's sister
            She's a fine lookin oven mitt, eh Dan!


            • #7
              damn fine time...except I left before all the shenanigans started.....


              • #8
                Happy birthday to the Haggis,looks like a good time was had by all. By the way, where was my invite,lost in the mail.

                Ok, no more mister nice guy, i've met the guy in the street, and he's a wanker.


                • #9
                  Looks like you guys had a blast.

                  Originally posted by Junior
                  Originally posted by Dan Dubeau
                  And hellooooooo Haggi's sister
                  She's a fine lookin oven mitt, eh Dan!
                  Oven Mitt?? I've never heard that one.

