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hit the dirt! PIC HEAVY!

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  • hit the dirt! PIC HEAVY!

    A couple friends and I went to a local Trail/track place today. I finally got to get out on the ol' 400 and hit a few jumps. and trails. Had a blast, I havent been out riding the 4-wheeler for awhile. Just about sold it last year cause I didnt ride it much, sure glad I didnt!!!
    On with the pics!

    My buddy daniel on his brand new kawi 450R, FAST!!!!!!!

    now on this double he wrecked! He came up short (as you can tell) and cased the landing tossing him over the front. He was fine with a little dirt rash on his shoulder and back!

    My buddy roger on his RM125!!

    The track

    Me trying to jump! LOL

    Staging area

    the rig, I love that thing!

    Had a blast and besides daniel playing crash test dummy, a great day!!
    Um I dont know any wise quotes so go read katansoldiers quote in his signature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    Looks like a blast! Glad Daniel was ok
    It doesn't matter what you ride, as long as you ride.


    • #3
      Ya gotta luv off-roadin'
      Drive faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death...


      • #4

        Looks like a blast!!!!!!!!!!

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        • #5
          Originally posted by Sasquatch
          Looks like a blast! Glad Daniel was ok
          Oh man it was a blast.

          Daniels gf called me this morning and said they were headed to the ER cause daniels right shoulder was killing him and he couldnt move it. So maybe adrenaline masked a worse injury yesterday?
          Um I dont know any wise quotes so go read katansoldiers quote in his signature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • #6
            "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
            JOHN 16:33


            • #7
              What no back flips ???
              Ha J/K..

              Nice pics. Looks like a nice place to get some air..
              Hope yer buddy is ok, probably popped out his collar bone or brused it, done that a few times on my MX..


              • #8
                Originally posted by AzCyco
                What no back flips ???
                Ha J/K..

                Nice pics. Looks like a nice place to get some air..
                Hope yer buddy is ok, probably popped out his collar bone or brused it, done that a few times on my MX..
                WHAT backflips!!! LOL I hadnt been on a track in 14 months or so. I was just hitting tabletops!!! LOL I was going to work up to a small double until I seen daniel wreck! forget that!! The gap trip is soooo close to get hurt!!!!

                Daniel called, Tore his rotator cuff!? Said he has to get a MRI monday and DR says will probably need surgery! Suxs!!!
                Um I dont know any wise quotes so go read katansoldiers quote in his signature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                • #9
                  I was just mess'n w/ ya man.. Hell I cant even do backflips, too damn old, I can hardly do triples anymore.

                  ouch, thats a pianfull tear there. Looking at some long term therapy (if its real bad).. Good luck to him !


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by AzCyco
                    I was just mess'n w/ ya man.. Hell I cant even do backflips, too damn old, I can hardly do triples anymore.

                    ouch, thats a pianfull tear there. Looking at some long term therapy (if its real bad).. Good luck to him !
                    Triples~ I didnt even want to do the table tops!!! LOL I finally got to the landing on the tabletops before I left!

                    Yeah D is flat out on some pain pills. Thanks
                    Um I dont know any wise quotes so go read katansoldiers quote in his signature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

