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Mt. Lemmon Video

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  • Mt. Lemmon Video

    Just started using a helmet cam (not the best cam).
    I will be the first to say I suck at using it but,
    I thought some people might enjoy this.

    Mt. Lemmon, North of Tucson, Az

  • #2

    Holy joe!! Keep your eyes on the road !!

    I thought we were going over the edge there.!!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Black_peter

      Holy joe!! Keep your eyes on the road !!

      I thought we were going over the edge there.!!!
      I have to agree.. I was enjoying the desert view then BAM a left turn.. Scarry..

      Ok that being said.. I'm looking for a camera for my bike. What camera do you have? and general ball park, how much would one run me.?? All I have is an old super-8 cam-corder, hate to duct tape that to my head.. HAh..

      Side note. Yer in Gilgert?? Cool. You want to go have a fun ride one day, let me know. We'll go up the 89-89A.. Then blast down the I-17 back to the valley.. Tuscon is soo booring..

      -=Peace brotha


      • #4
        Originally posted by Black_peter

        Holy joe!! Keep your eyes on the road !!

        I thought we were going over the edge there.!!!
        "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
        JOHN 16:33


        • #5
          Don't worry my eyes are on the road it is the helmet that is pointing over the edge. I am blind recording, the cam has no playback screen. I push one button and it starts recording and push the same one to stop recording. Sticks to my helmet. It is a kids toy cost like $50 it is marketed to skate boarders (Tony Hawk something ). I am learning with this cam before investing in a good one.


          • #6
            Can you somehow strap the cam to your tank or something instead ? It kinda looks like it ain't happy up in all that wind .....
            I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

            Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


            • #7
              Originally posted by AzCyco
              Ok that being said.. I'm looking for a camera for my bike. What camera do you have? and general ball park, how much would one run me.?? All I have is an old super-8 cam-corder, hate to duct tape that to my head.. HAh..
              I use a JVC GR-D750 that I got at Frys for $198. I mount it to my tank using a Sport Bike Cam mount.

              Video at This was the first one I made and the editing is horrible, but I was pleased with the camera and mount.
              Check out

              Red is the fastest color!


              • #8
                I did some research on the helmetcam. A decent one that I found is the mini-dvr 320 lines w/ a 2gig memory card, w/ camera and ALL the accesories, $500+ shipped. Dohh.. Well I need something cheeper and small, like the tony hawk one. So flame me for doing this, I bought two. $100 bucks shipped.. haha.. Be fun to mess with, and if I ever get one of them more expensive ones, I'll give the cameras to the neighbor kids..
                Going to mount one on the front of the bike, and the other on the back. Should be fun.. Not looking for something spectacular, just something to make simple vids and share w/ you all..

                thanks for the info guys.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by AzCyco
                  I did some research on the helmetcam. A decent one that I found is the mini-dvr 320 lines w/ a 2gig memory card, w/ camera and ALL the accesories, $500+ shipped. Dohh.. Well I need something cheeper and small, like the tony hawk one. So flame me for doing this, I bought two. $100 bucks shipped.. haha.. Be fun to mess with, and if I ever get one of them more expensive ones, I'll give the cameras to the neighbor kids..
                  Going to mount one on the front of the bike, and the other on the back. Should be fun.. Not looking for something spectacular, just something to make simple vids and share w/ you all..

                  thanks for the info guys.
                  where did you find them? Sounds like a cool idea.


                  • #10
                    I ordered mine from Cheepest place I found online.

                    Tony Hawk Helmetcam

                    Mixed reviews.. After looking at Nhyde3031 video, looked ok to me. You can record 15 mins at a time, then have to start recording again, as the camera stops recording. You can also put in a larger card for more videos. I think i read that the memory card that comes w/ the camera holds up to 40 or so minutes of video and sound at 15fps.
                    Like i said, I'll put on under my tail and one on the dash. Then do one of them video edits of both views while on the twisties etc.. Should be fun for $100..

                    Oh, sorry for hijacking yer thread Nhyde3031..


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by AzCyco
                      I ordered mine from Cheepest place I found online.

                      Tony Hawk Helmetcam

                      Mixed reviews.. After looking at Nhyde3031 video, looked ok to me. You can record 15 mins at a time, then have to start recording again, as the camera stops recording. You can also put in a larger card for more videos. I think i read that the memory card that comes w/ the camera holds up to 40 or so minutes of video and sound at 15fps.
                      Like i said, I'll put on under my tail and one on the dash. Then do one of them video edits of both views while on the twisties etc.. Should be fun for $100..

                      Oh, sorry for hijacking yer thread Nhyde3031..
                      Cool, I hope you have fun. Please post videos you take. And to anyone in AZ, I ride to Tucson, Az every Saturday. Hit me up if you want to join.

                      [email protected]


                      • #12
                        Sure, I'll go down there with ya one weekend. Only time I actually go there, is to work. Never get to actually look around the city.. I've stayed there for a week once. Right off 22nd st and the I-10 in some cheep motel, work set up for me.

                        You up for a ride on the 16th?? All us az kat riders are hooking up and heading out to Tortilla Flats early Sat morning. If so, lookin the Southwest forum, there is a thread on the ride and so forth..

                        I'll be filming the ride w/ them new cameras. Just went and got (2) 1 gig sd memory cards for them, too. So I should be able to get some footage.



                        • #13
                          I just ordered one of these "Tony Hawk HelmetCam" for $27 shipped! I'll be sure to post a vid when I get it dialed in.

                          Can't go wrong for $26.99 right? We'll see....
                          2007 GSXR 600 BLACK
                          Traded in the 02 KAT 600 and sold the 02 KX250..
                          2003 KX 125 (sold)


                          • #14
                            really not bad for 50 bucks, i wondered how those skateboarders got those crash shots on video


                            • #15
                              I'd like to do that just to see the difference between what I think I watch and what I'm really looking at on a ride. Might be interesting.

