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My 96 Kat Project

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  • My 96 Kat Project

    Here's some pictures of my 1996 Katana 600. I was practicing for the cone test in the first couple of pics - ones a close up so you can see the original condition of the bike a little more clearly, although the fairing damage on the right side doesn't show up too well, the purple seat does.

    The last pic is it's present state as of Friday before I took it in the garage for an extended visit.. I painted the seats with duracoat (I own a gun shop, it was handy), flat blacked the frame, and did a temporary repair on the seats with black duct tape so they wouldn't soak my ass after sitting in the rain... also got the rust off the forks with CLP and some elbow grease, cleaned and greased the chain.

    I've got about 50 hours of maintenance on the bike so far - the bulk of this was just getting it to start & run - that took the better part of two weeks. I've put about 900 miles on the bike so far, and yes, I passed my test at the DMV and got my M on my license!!

    I paid nothing for the bike - guy owed me $500 and we cleared the debt for the title. I have put about $250 in parts, solvents, and paint in to it so far, have $250 in tires sitting in the garage waiting to go on. I also have $1276 in parts on the way right now, so in a couple of weeks it'll look much better (I hope!!).
    Attached Files

    1996 Katana 600 Project Bike

  • #2
    Looking good. Another Kat brought brought back from the dead!
    "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
    JOHN 16:33


    • #3
      look'n good. i guess as they say "hard work does pay off"
      carpe diem


      • #4
        So what are your plans for them fugly purple rims ?
        I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

        Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


        • #5
          Did he mention he's dropped it at least twice? Like... Once while taking his test to get his license? :lol

          My current ride of choice


          • #6
            Hey Kanati.. shut yo mouth fool! (Just for the record, Kanati was the prior owner that let it degrade to it's miserable state. We work in the same office.)

            It was set down *gently* once in my drive way, when I went to get on it for the very first time. It was set down a second time - yes, it's true - at the DMV during my frigign riding test.

            I went back two weeks later and passed it perfect, on the 600cc Kat. Those cones are a bitch on this bike but practice makes perfect...

            Anyway the side it was *laid down on* (not dropped) was *already* screwed up, patched poorly, and not even sanded down before being repainted last time.

            The prior owner (not sure if it was Kanati or the guy before him) took the mirrors off and filled the recessed area with plastic weld..

            And the purple rims are now wire brushed, shiney, and awaiting a clear coat.

            1996 Katana 600 Project Bike

