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Slaying Dragons and Riding the HWY in the Sky...NSF56K

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  • Slaying Dragons and Riding the HWY in the Sky...NSF56K

    After being out late Friday and Saturday nights Jector(from GSB) and I decided to hit the road early Sunday morning and visit Deals Gap and the Cherohola Skyway. It was my first time for both.

    Warming up the carbs at 6:05am, I do love those Sylvanias.

    Met up with Jector just north of Cornelia and fueled up the Kat and the 675 (the first of several)

    We then headed over the Awful Waffle for a couple handwarmers and some Bacon, egg and cheese sammiches (not pictured).

    After Breakfast, we headed up 441 and caught 28 up to 74. Fun road and we had it all to ourselves. We stopped to admire the view.

    Oh yeah, the view...

    We then proceeded to the Dragon and had an excellent run up, no over-takers and only had to pass one cruiser and one truck towing a boat.

    Here is Jector at the turnaround. I think he just received a Smiley, he loves Smileys.

    Then it was back down the Dragon. Not so lucky the second time. We got behind a truck with a couch in the bed. We decided we could take him, but he was being held up by a pack of cruisers and we decided a 6 vehicle pass would be a bit much. So, we pulled over and gave them some time.

    At the bottom, it was time for the obligatory pic. (Along with the obligatory T-shirt, keychain, sticker and bottle of Gatorade.

    A close up of the camera mount.

    A close up of the Kat's tail.

    Then it was off to the Skyway where they have this perfect place to get a pic of your bike.

    Jector in contemplation.

    Cheesy grin award goes to...

    We proceeded along the Sky way for a little while. After passing our friend LEO who was having quite the conversation with a small group of motorcyclists, we happened upon an accident. (no pictures) Everyone was alright apart from cuts and scrapes (very lucky since you buried her cruiser under the guard rail.

    LEO showed up to make sure everyone was alright. He said they weren't really looking for the 55 crowd but mostly the 90+ crowd to which someone replied "It's those damn sport bike riders." At this Point Jector and I decided we should leave and headed back down the Skyway to Robinsville for a well earned lunch.

    All in all it was a good day. Well over 11 hours and several hundred miles in the saddle and lots of fun. Over the course of the day I saw 13 seperate LEO's and only one accident.
    Check out

    Red is the fastest color!

  • #2
    Very Nice! Looks like you had a lot of fun. I envy all of you who are close enough to the dragon to slay it on a regular basis.

    Oh and that's a great picture of the "camera mount"

    Not to sure about the "tail" though...looks kinda like a man toosh. (But I do suppose there are gals on here that will appreciate it)
    "I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage, Mythbuster


    • #3
      any pics/vids from that camera mount?
      Live and Lean.
      When the going gets twisty, the going get twistin.
      "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
      Romans 3:23


      • #4
        What state were you in when you took that picture of the river?
        We intimidate those who intimidate others.
        Stay Alert! Stay Alive!


        • #5
          Suunds like a perfect day of riding. Thanks for sharing.
          "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
          JOHN 16:33


          • #6
            Originally posted by MeadowHawk
            Oh and that's a great picture of the "camera mount"

            Not to sure about the "tail" though...looks kinda like a man toosh. (But I do suppose there are gals on here that will appreciate it)
            + 1



            • #7
              Originally posted by TheKlic
              any pics/vids from that camera mount?
              Yes, they will be coming later. I was too tired to do it last night and I am working today. Well, I am at work anyway.
              Check out

              Red is the fastest color!


              • #8
                where do I find me a camera mount like that?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by tindallt
                  What state were you in when you took that picture of the river?
                  North Carolina, just north of Franklin.
                  Check out

                  Red is the fastest color!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MeadowHawk
                    Not to sure about the "tail" though...looks kinda like a man toosh. (But I do suppose there are gals on here that will appreciate it)
                    No, she was all woman.
                    Check out

                    Red is the fastest color!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 87vert
                      where do I find me a camera mount like that?

                      Unless you are referring to the background, and then I can't help you.
                      Check out

                      Red is the fastest color!


                      • #12
                        That's a fine camera mount...I wish I could test it out
                        Rock out with your knee out

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