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My bike with some stuff..

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  • #16
    Re: My bike with some stuff..

    Originally posted by md86
    Doesn't matter what WE think ( i don't like the 98+ bikes anyway ) .

    Hey yeah get some rear shots..


    • #17
      I see that my stickers are a real discussion piece.
      I did't like them at first, but my girl says that they look super.
      Anyway, no harm if someone doesn't like them.
      I like Rossi, and thats his theme... And I support him(with my stickers).
      Attached Files


      • #18
        Sweet looking bike, not a fan of the stickers, to support Rossi I just try to ride like him...

        Mo, understand where you're coming from on that one, ditto KS.
        I think instead of flaming the bike, or the stickers. We should flame IcePrincess2, just for existing.
        Work for everyone?
        Live and Lean.
        When the going gets twisty, the going get twistin.
        "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
        Romans 3:23


        • #19
          Originally posted by TheKlic
 support Rossi I just try to ride like him...
          and thanks!


          • #20
            Originally posted by KatanaSoldier
            Originally posted by Mojoe
            Originally posted by KatanaSoldier
            Nice but those decals on your gas tank are hideous. But, if they look good to you, that is all that matters!
            not to flame ya or anything, but you sure can be critical for a god fearing christian. ask yourself this.....if he just got engaged and posted a pic of his 300lb zit faced fiance, would you call her hideous then say "but hey....if she looks good to you, that's all that matters"?

            I just think a guys ride should be shown the same respect as anything else he holds special in his life, and I will refrain from insulting it. However, I do agree with you....the stickers might not be the most appealing mod, but I would phrase it something like "the stickers kinda throw it off"...or something like that.

            but like I said....not trying to flame ya. I just felt that "hideous" was kinda harsh and insulting. I will give my opinions, but will not outright insult someones ride......and when I hear others insult someone elses ride, it kinda irks me. a person's ride should reflect what they like....not what others may think.....and a true biker will respect this and refrain from outright insulting it.

            I know you didn't mean any harm by it.....but maybe you could think about what I am getting at. he's proud of his ride, man....don't burst his bubble. If you like it, praise it. If you don't like it...don't say anything.
            No problem but he asked so should I lie to him and say it looks marvelous? Candor is not easy. Now of course if it was a person, that is actually different in that a person is God's creation and if he created that person to look a certain way, I would be mocking my creator by insulting that person's looks. Mojoe, even when I was a kid I bled a lot because of fights with bullies who picked on people who had physical/mental problems!

            If he did not ask, I would not have told him my opinion, but he did!
            no...of course you should not lie and tell him it looks marvelous. I know you're a good guy KS, and would never intentionally insult or degrade someone. I guess it was just that one word...."hideous"....that triggered my response. I guess I just felt it was a bit too harsh.
            I don't have a short temper. I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.


            • #21
              Originally posted by KatanaSoldier
              Nice but those decals on your gas tank are hideous. But, if they look good to you, that is all that matters!
              Holy crap, I have read a ton of threads with posts from katanasoldier and I do believe this is the first negative post he has ever made. Phew, I just checked and the sun is still out there so I know hell didn't freeze over.

              I started positng this before I saw Mojoe's piece and I thought about deleting what I said above. Motormania asked and he got an honest answer from a member that has proven to be a gentleman on this board. Honesty being what it is and all, it wasn't a less than forgiving flame.

              We all do things to our rides that make them proprietary to us. If it makes you hard, then do it - who cares what anyone else thinks!!
              R.I.P. Marc


              • #22
                Good point gold... For example I'm gonna get some of those truck nutz or truck balls or whatever they call em... And have them hanging just under my liscense plate...

                For anyone who has no clue what I'm talking about......

                Remember, Caps Lock is Cruise Control for Cool


                • #23
                  pink ones like this?

                  I don't have a short temper. I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.


                  • #24
                    Nice looking ride!
                    Watch for your Guardian Angel
                    750 '04 Kat (blue)


                    • #25
                      Pink is "in"
                      Watch for your Guardian Angel
                      750 '04 Kat (blue)


                      • #26
                        Blackburn,the pink will go with your black truck
                        Watch for your Guardian Angel
                        750 '04 Kat (blue)


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by TheKlic
                          Sweet looking bike, not a fan of the stickers, to support Rossi I just try to ride like him...

                          Mo, understand where you're coming from on that one, ditto KS.
                          I think instead of flaming the bike, or the stickers. We should flame IcePrincess2, just for existing.
                          Work for everyone?
                          "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
                          JOHN 16:33


                          • #28
                            Thanks Mojoe and Gold for honest answers. Blackburn, I have seen those on trucks and everytime I do, I laugh!

                            Motormania, you are a stand up guy man and like I said, if you like it and more importantly your lady does, than it is all good!
                            "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
                            JOHN 16:33

