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Practicing in the Parking Lot

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  • Practicing in the Parking Lot

    We've been talking about doing a track day soon and needed a place to practice. Luckily there's a football stadium a few miles from home.

    Here's a few pics of our form...
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    Take a Spin With The KR Mascot...

  • #2
    Yall need to get some leathers with knee pucks so you can practice knee dragging...

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    • #3
      a few more
      Attached Files

      Take a Spin With The KR Mascot...


      • #4
        as far as leathers go, I have a Technic 2-pc.. (need knee sliders though)
        and my wife has a set Alpinestars 2-pc on order, as well as some new A-stars boots...

        when the time comes, next week I hope, we'll be back out there and hopefull with our knees down... for the first time together.... awww...

        Take a Spin With The KR Mascot...


        • #5
          good luck...lookin good
          "It is not how these officers died that made them heroes.... It's how they lived"


          • #6
            Fun place to practice.
            "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
            JOHN 16:33


            • #7
              I've been notified that the form is bad...

              so this is my pm I sent meanstrk....

              Originally posted by md86
              Are you straightening up at the end of a turn ? Why's your body on the OUTSIDE of the bike ?
              I feel more upright in the seat than the outside of the bike.. I could be wrong though...

              May have something to do with my wife standing almost in front of me to take the picture.
              But I digress, I do look a bit twisted in my upper body, may have something to do with not wanting to drop a knee close to the ground..

              My wife looks better than I do. (in more ways than one)

              From the pics I have, you guys would say that my wife has better form than I do... She's acutally hanging off her bike.... I guess I shoulda had on my leathers for a better sense of painless riding.... My wife on the other hand wants to be aggressive when we're out there..

              It is concrete. Is that bad? I know painted lines arent good for traction but they aren't heavily painted lines if that means anything.

              Take a Spin With The KR Mascot...


              • #8
                I read an article about racing before knee dragging was a thing. Interesting to say the least.
                "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
                JOHN 16:33


                • #9
                  after reading this
                  I wonder what I'm doing wrong..

                  Take a Spin With The KR Mascot...


                  • #10
                    In the pic it looked like your upper body was on the wrong side of the bike . You wanna get it on the inside and low . My form ain't great either (I sit upright instead of getting low , but I'm usually on the inside ) , but I'm working on it .
                    I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

                    Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


                    • #11
                      Man your wife kicks your ass
                      2002 GSX-R750
                      2001 GSX-600F (sold)


                      • #12
                        you just gotta work on your form some and your good


                        • #13
                          You know one thing that might help you get your body on the right side of the bike is to flip out your opposite knee.
                          Like in a left, flip out your right knee. This helps you turn your body in the right direction. It's hard to get your body on that side of the bike because that's where the danger is.
                          Also put your knee down. Not out and down as if you were going to drag it just rotated down. This will pull you on the right side of the bike. None of my tips are improvements. They just could help you get your body over.


                          • #14
                            Pics look cool.

                            Something else that might help is to put a little extra weight on your outside foot. Can't say I've ever done this in a real knee-down sort of aggressive turn, but I remembered it from bike school and it feels like it works even in the not super-aggressive turns.

