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My 03 Katana 600 BABY!

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  • My 03 Katana 600 BABY!

    I finally got some pics of her.... after a few lay downs and alot of fairing changes.... here's what she looks like now.... all i need is a new front fender.... havent found one yet one ebay! Let me know what you guys and girls think!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Looks nice, now get rid of those safety stickers on the fairing and the swing arm and chop that shovel Good job fixing her up.
    R.I.P. Marc (CyberPoet)


    • #3
      the black and blue look very nice, i'd suggest maybe some silver decals or mesh too set it off a bit, very nice ride


      • #4
        looks kinda like mine lol


        • #5
          Nice Blue Kat!
          "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
          JOHN 16:33


          • #6
            Looks good!


            • #7
              Get rid of that shovel

              Faster, Faster, Faster... Until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." Hunter S. Thompson

              " Rather ride a slow bike fast than a fast bike slow "


              • #8
                Looking good. +1 for shovel removal.
                I would rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6.

                It doesn't matter what they say about you as long as they spell your name right.


                • #9
                  lol... by shovel do you guys mean that front fender? and also i was thinking about some silver decals tallguy.. thanks all


                  • #10
                    No the shovel is that hideous thing that holds the lisence plate and the blinkers in place... get some flush mount blinkers and a dremel tool... there is a DIY on here somewhere if you search


                    • #11
                      opinions vary and everyone here is real quick to tell YOU what to do to YOUR bike...if you like your bike the way it is, everyone can cram it.... don't do what most here call "mods"(modifications to most on this board are cutting the fender or bolting on premade parts, not actual modifications) to be part of the "in crowd"...
                      Just ride.....


                      • #12
                        We intimidate those who intimidate others.
                        Stay Alert! Stay Alive!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BlakKat
                          opinions vary and everyone here is real quick to tell YOU what to do to YOUR bike...if you like your bike the way it is, everyone can cram it.... don't do what most here call "mods"(modifications to most on this board are cutting the fender or bolting on premade parts, not actual modifications) to be part of the "in crowd"...
                          I agree to your first point.
                          As for being a part of the in crowd, well that is a contradictory statement to put it nicely. I chopped mine because I loved the way it looks, period! Some like it, some don't. Some like the mesh grills, some don't. Some like emblems and decals, some don't. Some like sliders, some don't. See my point?

                          Anyway, if you like the way it looks bro, keep it. If you like the way it looks chopped better, than chop it.
                          "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
                          JOHN 16:33


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by katanasoldier
                            I agree to your first point.
                            As for being a part of the in crowd, well that is a contradictory statement to put it nicely. I chopped mine because I loved the way it looks, period! Some like it, some don't. Some like the mesh grills, some don't. Some like emblems and decals, some don't. Some like sliders, some don't. See my point?

                            it is not contradictory.... check out nearly any new members "intro" and the first thing you see is "start modding", or "chop that shovel", or blah blah blah.... folks are pushed to do what the "crowd" is doing... but don't take my word for it, sit back and read...that's what i do... i've been told so many times to "start modding" even in threads where i stated i was not interested in changing the bike... i'm being unique, i'm keeping it stock...
                            Just ride.....

