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Found one; Ninja 250

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  • Found one; Ninja 250

    Well, thanks to all who were looking for one for us. I found one in Lincoln NE. We left at about 2:15pm from KS in a wind/snow storm. It was pretty spooky driving there for awhile. Normally it takes about two hours for us to make it to Lincoln. We finally arrived at about 5:30pm. The weather broke about the time we left KS.
    We paid $2200, it only has 619 miles and is an '05. It was not cared for as well as it will be now, but it was in great shape.
    After loading, we stopped in Lincoln for some dinner and started back. The roads were pretty good as the temps had actually risen to around 35 to 40 degrees. We again hit some wind in areas that was drifting the snow across the road giving poor visibility. We were only about five miles from home and in the home stretch. The highway that led directly to home was drifting bad, and we were at zero visibility. We were staying on the road by watching the lip of the road edge directly in front of the right bumper. Found my Sgt. along the way with an overturned car. We waited behind him until he moved over and I stopped to chat quickly. I do mean quickly, as the snow was threatening to fill the cab of the truck while it blew in.
    By the time we busted the drifts at the house and got it inside it was now white in color with a layer of salt underneath the snow.
    Saturday came, and we went out to do the cleanup. My wife wanted to actually ride it when we got done. It warmed to about 30 degrees, and she kept telling me that the roads were dry. I asked her how she would make it to the road and that quieted that idea.I tried like crazy to get a pic uploaded, but it seems that I could not get the size to go low enough. I'll keep trying.
    AAA-Anarchy, Armaggedon, Annihilation

  • #2
    anyone looking in ohio a have a freind with a 2005 with 70 miles for sale


    • #3
      I don't know why I can't get one to upload as I'm way under 2mb. I put it in my profile, so sorry to make you go the long way if you want to see it.
      AAA-Anarchy, Armaggedon, Annihilation


      • #4
        nice looking bike. use or imageshack to host the pictures.

        “Programming today is a race between software engineers stirring to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.”


        • #5
          Originally posted by suzukisportrider2004
          anyone looking in ohio a have a freind with a 2005 with 70 miles for sale
          What is he looking to get out of it? I am kinda sorta looking for one for my fiancee.

          Remember, Caps Lock is Cruise Control for Cool


          • #6
            nice bike, my wife has an 05 as well, we love it.

            Walter Sobchak: You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once.


            • #7
              KS send me the picture and I will host it for you. I have a lot of room and will have no problem putting it up for you.

