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Yellow Means STOP, NOT GO...

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  • #16
    I was being sarcastic, but actually it does mean to stop...I will get my statute book out and post it tomorrow if you like...either way if you are stopped at an intersection and the light turns yellow, just wait it will be green again soon. be patient, nothing is that important to get to.
    "It is not how these officers died that made them heroes.... It's how they lived"


    • #17
      That poor Merc!!
      Did you get cited? I thought the Grand Marquise was on the endangered species list??

      Glad you're all OK. Good to get a LEO's take on the thing.
      Is that local? The do not enter the intersection on yellow?
      As the Austin guys will attest if you stop on a yellow here you're gonna get rear ended..


      • #18
        no i was not at fault on that one. like i said it is a state statute, however it is not one that we enforce. my main point was that if you have the ability and distance to stop, then friggin stop. i was at the base of the intersection, so obviously there is no time, or distance for me to stop. if i were 5 even 6 cars lengths back from the intersection, then yeah i would have tried to stop instead of gassing it and trying to make it through.

        as far as the merc goes, if it was on the endangered species list, it isnt anymore, that baby is extinct..
        "It is not how these officers died that made them heroes.... It's how they lived"


        • #19
          damn bro,
          now if we can get people to stop running the red in Pinellas county we'd be doing something. I have Family down in Your neck of the woods, and they seem to drive alot better there honestly. I have lost count how many times people have gotten tagged this way because they are in such a damn rush to get where they are going. (im getting off on a side lecture here-lol)
          Cars and bikes can be replaces, lives can't. I know that from being on the recieving end of a similar accident. two inches either way in my T-bone i was in, and i would not be here.
          Again Glad everyone came out of this with only minor injuries.

