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Pics from ride I organized this week-end...

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  • Pics from ride I organized this week-end...

    Here's some pics from the ride I organized this week-end...

    Well, we had a great time for the most part...

    It was a sweltering 12 degrees in the morning where we were, and 0 at our destination... Was I ever glad to be wearing leather... The temperature warmed up at our destination by the time we got there, but not by much...

    25 bikes showed up. I managed to separate the group into groups of 5-6 varying by ride style (mild to aggressive).

    The groups took off at different times, with a meet point further up if we had to re-organize the groups somehow...

    We did get to ride all together from the meet point to the start point, which was awesome. 25 bikes riding together on the highway is a sight to be seen...

    yes, that is an Aprilia in the middle...

    Here I am trying to separate everyone into groups. I'm wearing the blue Shoei helmet. It wasn't easy until I got everyone to line up behind each other...

    Here we are at one of the meet points...

    It's at this meet point that I decided to change groups. The group I was riding with was a little too aggressive for my skill-level. I know my limits, and decided not to push it.

    This is also when we found out that the guy riding the Aprilia with an aggressive group, took a turn too wide, and slid out in some gravel.

    The slide was hard enough that he even cracked his visor, and got burned THROUGH the leather 1-piece suit that he was wearing.

    Other than that, he was ok, and managed to ride the bike home from there. Estimated $7000 to replace the carbon-fiber fairings, and his Vemar visor won't be cheap or easy to replace either.

    I heard later on after getting home that one guy in the group that I had originally been riding with entered a turn too quick, and had a slight slide... and the others following him nearly made the same mistake. I'm wondering if I would've gone down there, and feel glad that I changed groups.

    This is my group at the end of the day, parting ways...

  • #2
    Looks like you had a great time. Sorry to hear about the 2 going down. It happens but just be thankful that they were able to walk away and ride home. Nice looking bikes in there too.


    • #3
      The TWIST & CREME ..... that makes me giggle.


      • #4
        Come on dude, the ice cream store?
        you think you're on goldwings or something?
        Live and Lean.
        When the going gets twisty, the going get twistin.
        "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
        Romans 3:23


        • #5
          Good choice on changing groups!!


          • #6
            sweet group...only ONE katana in the least everyone did make it home ALIVE...
            I love the smell of gas and asphalt in da mornin'

