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teknic violator gloves (again)

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  • teknic violator gloves (again)

    After talking to someone who crashed in them, I'm looking for a new pair of gloves that will have better impact protection than my Fox Creek DeerSports. The short list is coming along, and right now, the top spot is held by Teknic Violator II's. Any comments on these--fit, feel, flexibility, etc? The reason I originally went with the DeerSports was that a few other track-type/hard armor gloves (Astar, Spidi, JR) were way stiff, and felt like they were missing the rest of the space suit. The person who crashed said that the gloves held up perfectly, but that the contents wound up in a few more pieces than they started with, and now has to add an extra 30 minutes to airport check-in times....

    I found this thread, but no other comments or reviews. Jim, did you ever get them, or did you go with something else?

  • #2
    Yes I did get them and I love them! Haven't been down in them and don't plan to so I can't say much in that department. The construction is very good and even though they are thick with several areas doubled in leather they move with my hand easily and don't feel like thick gloves, very comfortable...... and they fit even better after one good rain soaking

    I'd buy them again :
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    • #3
      Sounds good--thanks, Jim. One question: the description at NewEnough says "Finger sides and thumb made of stretch DuPont Kevlar™ to allow better finger movement and fit." Is this at all windproof, or does air go right through?

      Edit: had a brilliant idea and called them. "Not windproof, but not really vented." Works for me.


      • #4
        I have them...

        ...and perhaps more importantly for you--I have crashed in them. Twice.

        I must have the older version, as they don't have the "stretch" bits in them, but I can vouch for their durability.

        In one of my crashes, I slid on my face (and the back of one of my gloves) for 25 yards. Glove damage, but no skin issues at all.

        In another crash, I had my palm down for a while (this would have been about a 50 yard slide at 50+ mph before I hit the ditch) and there were no skin issues there, either.

        The gloves were still in good enough shape to serve me for the rest of the riding season, and probably into next. I have new Violators now, though.

        If we ever reach the point where we can't openly discuss riding bikes on acid without even a modicum of civility, then the terrorists have won.

        HORSE BANG!!! ........props to *GP*

        Official coefficient of friction test dummy


        • #5
          Great--glad to hear the crashes went well and that you made it ok! Nice R1, too--love the silver. How did IT do?


          • #6
            Originally posted by sven
            Great--glad to hear the crashes went well and that you made it ok! Nice R1, too--love the silver. How did IT do?
            Fine both times. :P

            The first one took a bit of work--lots of plastic, lights and fairing stay repairs...

            The second one was much easier. Just a lens cover, left fairing, shifter lever and new frame sliders. I did scratch the swingarm on that one, though.

            If we ever reach the point where we can't openly discuss riding bikes on acid without even a modicum of civility, then the terrorists have won.

            HORSE BANG!!! ........props to *GP*

            Official coefficient of friction test dummy


            • #7
              Great review BISQ..sorry to hear it was a real life one though but they served their purpose and thats what matters in the end.


              • #8
                Ouch (wallet at least)!

                Got the gloves yesterday (gotta love Fedex), and the new ones are *seriously* well vented at the sides of fingers. ~38 this morning, and the wind was cutting through before I was out of the development; had to switch over to winter gloves after 10 miles or so. A great ten minutes, though; good fit/feel/flexibility, lots of armor and padding, and not garish at all in black.


                • #9
                  Only gloves I have used for the last ten years. Using the Violator II's right now and they are fantastic. Several getoffs with the older models and no, I mean no problems. Only replaced them cause I have a phobia about gear I've crashed in.

                  WERA West #71/MWGP #71/CVR #71
                  MSF Rider Coach 27028

