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New Lid for my Oblong Head

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  • Nero
    I'm gonna agree that you should get your helmet fit in-person. If you order online, you should be willing to go through the hassle of sending it back a couple of times before you even begin the purchasing process. Don't just settle for an odd-fitting helmet because you grew tired of sending them back.

    I'm not going to get into the arguments regarding this brand or that, because it's not a brand thing but a price thing. The nicer helmets aren't necessarily more protective, but they tend to be made with higher quality materials that are more durable and comfortable. You'll likely be tempted later to dump an uncomfortable helmet if you buy too cheaply. Good luck finding the proper fitting helmet.

    Also, please don't go waste a store's time trying on their gear, then dump out of there and order online. Support your local bike shops. There is often no way they can match an online retailer's prices because they don't deal in volume. Give 'em a break if they're in the ball park and the gear fits correctly.
    Last edited by Nero; 04-04-2012, 08:51 PM.

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  • mongo
    Thanks for all the input guys. Much appreciated
    I guess the next step is to find someplace that has a stock and start trying them on. Got time for more reasearch tho, as I wont be riding until mid may at the earliest.

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    I've posted about the Shoei Qwest before - nicely made and because it's different from other Shoeis, it actually fits my head and is really comfortable. But, it's SO noisy. (So much for their claimed "Noise Reduction Technology"!!??.) Shoei even supplied free the neck curtain to make it quieter - no improvement. Before a ride yesterday, I glued a rubber windlip to the windscreen. That has stopped the air compressor pounding my ear drums, but now the dirty air is around the middle of the helmet and it just roars. I've had no such issues with the HJC or Shark.

    If you can, don't just try them in a shop for fit - ask for a test ride.

    (I noticed that my old HJC visor is exactly the same contour as the bubble in my DB windscreen. My next move will be to extend the screen with the cut down visor and add the windlip to that.)

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  • jeffer949
    I work at a dealership and put people in helmets every day. The number one thing is make sure it fits you. Even different models in the same brand fit differently. Like the Shoei Qwest is more of an round oval and the RF1100 is more of an elongated oval. The Arai's tell you which helmets fit what shape heads so pay attention to that. Also while yes just putting helmets on is a decent way to fit a helmet. Ive found that probably about 75% of people where to big of a helmet. I found this out when I started measuring peoples heads after they have picked a helmet and size out then checking the sizing charts. If your head is 56cm and your wearing a med. shoei or arai then your wearing to big of a helmet. Most people will up the size to make a certain helmet fit when they more than likely need to change the helmet to a different one.

    Also give your local dealership a chance. Every dealership I know of in this area is willing to do some sort of price matching. Online stores and dealers all get there stuff from the same venders and at pretty much the same price. I know that I can normally match online prices and then you can keep your money local and keep the economy growing. Most of you think that the dealerships are making tons and tons of money. well they arent. It cost alot to keep over 300 helmets in stock and give you the luxury of going to one store to try on a bunch of different helmets at least give them a chance. If they wont. message me and ill hook you up

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    I have what Arai refers to as an intermediate oval. I wear a Vector 2 and have also worn a Scorpion EXO 700 but the 1000 is way to short front to back for me. I have a Shark RSR2 that is just a hair to big now that I am shaving my head but it was a little narrow before.

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  • indianboy7
    I have a weird head shape too...bought a cheap g-max gm68 because it was the best fit out of any helmet I tried on. There are vents galore, and with earplugs, it's relatively quiet. I took it apart and taped over a couple of the vents, and now it's absolutely perfect. The only other helmets that fit well were the icon and arai. Both developed light hotspots after about 15 minutes so that's why I left them at the store. You're best bet is to find that gear shop and spend a few hours there with the helmets on...

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  • Wild-Bill
    I've liked everything I've seen about Scorpion, both the helmets and the company. Their helmets seem very well made and thought out, even the low-end EXO-400 I got for my son. We haven't had any problems with his helmet but everyone I've heard of who had a problem got quick and completely satisfactory service from the manufacturer. I still bought another Shoei for myself last fall but it was a really hard choice between it and a Scorpion.

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  • BareKat
    Reading through this thread I was all about to suggest the Scorpion. I buddy just showed me the modular Scorpion he bought with the inflatable bladder... sort of like a football helmet.

    Originally posted by Wild-Bill View Post
    Scorpion has one with that but it's just the cheekpads that pump up.

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  • Wild-Bill
    Scorpion has one with that but it's just the cheekpads that pump up.

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  • Slofuze
    Originally posted by mongo View Post
    So Im in the market for a new Helmet. My issue is that I have trouble finding a good fit. The best helmet I've ever had is my Simpson Voyager in size XXL that i bought for stock car racing. The problem with using it on the bike is there is no vents so it gets uber hot in the summertime and it is LOUD. Never noticed it in the stock car but on a bike the wind noise is almost as bad as no helmet.

    So what other brands have simmilar sizing to simpsons? I also have a MX style that i love to wear because its cool inside but even at size xxl its too small front to rear, after even a half hour of riding ny forehead hurts like a son of a gun. but if i go larger to get the fit right front to rear its too large on the sides.

    And unfrortunatly I dont have a place close to go sample different brands and sizes. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
    I'm not sure of what link I was on (or what I was researching).... but there's a helmet out there with pumps to adjust your fit. Sorry I can't be more specific, but I know they exist.

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  • Wild-Bill
    I'm told I have an oblong shaped head and I know that HTCs give me a hot spot from pressure on the forehead. Shoei helmets fit me very well and the Scorpions I've tried fit well, too. Definitely got to a shop and start trying things on. Pay close attention to any pressure points and make sure of what fits. Remember that a new helmet will fit you tighter than an old one. You shouldn't be able to move it by turning your head side to side and the cheekpads should feel like they're giving you a little bit of a fish face. The fit will loosen up a bit as you wear it.

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  • Slofuze

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  • mongo
    Originally posted by hinow41 View Post
    If you can afford a bike you can afford the gear to go with it.
    I dont disagree, not once did i say, "Yo helmets are expensive, im not gonna go down, Im too good, I dont need one." Ive logged approx 3k miles on the Kat since i bought it, 90% of which were with a helmet. I asked the question because Im in the market for a new proper fitting helmet. This March we got some unseasonably warm tempertures and we had riding weather. But I finally got sick of wearing ill fitting equipment.

    Im sorry for even asking

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  • scottynoface
    Originally posted by hinow41 View Post
    Would rather die then be uncomfortable....

    Go to a store, try helmets on.

    If it doesnt fit, well you might as well not be wearing one at all. Can spend your money on sweet sunglasses

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  • hinow41
    Originally posted by mongo View Post
    no, more like would rather take a risk and focus on the road than be wearing and uncomfortable helmet and be destracted. As obviously im not dead yet.

    There is around 5,000 people killed in mortocycle accidents each year give or take. This figure is including helmet wearers and non helmet wearers.
    Approx 5.4 million people are killed each year by smoking.

    But im guessing you dont jump down your helmet wearing riding buddies throught for smoking at a ride break. If you do, good for you.

    I spent a year in Afghanistan defending peoples right to do as they chose. Been shot at, RPG'd and blown up twice. I'll take my chances riding sensibly without a helmet for a half season or less until I find a proper fitting helmet that doesnt distract me while I ride.

    Its not like I'm a squid asking how to pop wheelies in a baseball cap, I'm trying to find a proper fitting lid to protect my dome. But thanks anyway.
    Everyone I ride with has stopped smoking. only kid that sill does i barley ride with because "yo I need a boggie" On a ride is annoying,
    5.4 million people die because of smoking because they choose to. Its dumb thats all there is to it. Just like riding with out a helmet. I don't care if its a law or not its just a really bad choice. **** happens, people go down. If you can afford a bike you can afford the gear to go with it.

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