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Joe Rocket

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  • #1 Moses
    Matching Gear

    It looks Great on you! None of my gear matches but its all the best gear I can find onsale like a $300.00 Silver Nolan helmet for $80 Bucks its my head and I dont see my self going down the road, ride safe.

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  • tnvatdreamland
    Do I smell SQUID?? somewhere in this post?? :mrgreen:

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  • grassman
    Nice jacket and looks good. Be safe and keep on the gear.

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  • Range
    Originally posted by JBLUE View Post
    I am entitled to a opinon I was not trying to hurt no one feeling I liked the jacket and gloves and I said that but I also gave her my opinon and we all have a opinon and sometimes our opinons will agree and we must learn to accept each others opinons without someone throwing you under the bus because you gave a honest answer

    your opinion only carry merit if you agree with me.
    matching gear to your bike is lame.

    Imagine buying "Suzuki Racing" leathers, then selling your Katana and getting a would look like a tool.

    Black, Grey...all good
    (matching lids is fine....because you change helmets every couple of years anyway)

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  • katman05
    Just wear black, it goes with everything.

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  • tnvatdreamland
    Originally posted by MissBehavenKat View Post
    why does gear have to match the bike... ?
    It doesn’t...unless you’re dressing for the dog and pony shows. Your fine, if you like it, and it pleases you! If someone else don't like it, that's their problem.

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  • VifferJim
    Originally posted by MissBehavenKat View Post
    IM actually in south Jersey, about 15 minutes outside of Philadalphia...
    Oh kewl. I picked up a roller 750 and all the parts for my sleeper out that way... felt like Sanford and Sun with all that crap in the trailer. Big Daddy Al's Racing (I think) - bought it all from the kid. I grew up in North Jersey, about 20 minutes out of the Lincoln Tunnel.

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    Originally posted by tankman1331 View Post
    alright my bad bro, it might be the quit smoking thing just not in the greatest mood..I am sorry your right, some reason i just didnt take it right
    Its all good good luck with the stop smoking stay strong I rooting for you

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  • tankman1331
    Originally posted by JBLUE View Post
    I am entitled to a opinon I was not trying to hurt no one feeling I liked the jacket and gloves and I said that but I also gave her my opinon and we all have a opinon and sometimes our opinons will agree and we must learn to accept each others opinons without someone throwing you under the bus because you gave a honest answer
    alright my bad bro, it might be the quit smoking thing just not in the greatest mood..I am sorry your right, some reason i just didnt take it right

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    Originally posted by tankman1331 View Post
    well there was no need in saying, that her helmet didnt match her gear or the bike.. I just think that was a bad way of putting it...
    I am entitled to a opinon I was not trying to hurt no one feeling I liked the jacket and gloves and I said that but I also gave her my opinon and we all have a opinon and sometimes our opinons will agree and we must learn to accept each others opinons without someone throwing you under the bus because you gave a honest answer

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  • tankman1331
    Originally posted by JBLUE View Post
    noI would not buy a bike to match the gear I would buy the bike than match the gear to the bike so before you kill my way of doing things because I do have a right to do things my way and all gear no matter what color will protect you in some way if you want to do your thang regarding how you buy your gear I have no problem with that but do not knock me on how I do my thang thats what makes this a beauiful world we all do things different and thats no donkey talk
    well there was no need in saying, that her helmet didnt match her gear or the bike.. I just think that was a bad way of putting it...

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    Originally posted by tankman1331 View Post
    you cant tell me that you would buy a bike just so it would match your gear... that is just donkey talk...

    MBK i think it all looks good dont listen to this donk.. Gotta have the matching set, thats crap talk.. its for protection not just looks...
    noI would not buy a bike to match the gear I would buy the bike than match the gear to the bike so before you kill my way of doing things because I do have a right to do things my way and all gear no matter what color will protect you in some way if you want to do your thang regarding how you buy your gear I have no problem with that but do not knock me on how I do my thang thats what makes this a beauiful world we all do things different and thats no donkey talk

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  • tankman1331
    Originally posted by JBLUE View Post
    when you buy a new bike you buy the same color and your gear still matches the bike
    you cant tell me that you would buy a bike just so it would match your gear... that is just donkey talk...

    MBK i think it all looks good dont listen to this donk.. Gotta have the matching set, thats crap talk.. its for protection not just looks...

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    Originally posted by chinto View Post
    not always an option, nor is the same colour always desired. I would never make a bike purchase because it was the same colour as my last bike. Nor would I walk away from a good deal on a bike I was after because it was the wrong colour.
    I agree about a good deal and the color of bike but when i brought my bike I waited until I got a good deal on the color that I wanted in my opinon its looks so cool when your gear matches your bike just my opinon

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  • chinto
    Originally posted by JBLUE View Post
    when you buy a new bike you buy the same color and your gear still matches the bike
    not always an option, nor is the same colour always desired. I would never make a bike purchase because it was the same colour as my last bike. Nor would I walk away from a good deal on a bike I was after because it was the wrong colour.

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