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It's officially cold

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  • #16's cold out here as well!
    It's 60° this morning! brrrrr I should'a stayed in bed!

    I'm gonna have to wear more than shorts and flip-flops for the morning rides...


    • #17
      Haha, I thought that was a bug on my screen. Funny.

      Well, I think I fixed my shield. It seems that it may have not been on correctly. I'm not sure. My fogged shield was doing the same thing, until I took it off and put it on again, and now it's fine. *shrug*


      • #18
        Originally posted by md86
        Originally posted by steves
        50* means it's time to break out the electrics...
        Heated grips MAYBE . Sissy .
        First , you need good gloves . Serious leather gloves can be had for $50 or so . No vents or perf'ed stuff (duh ) . That'll help TREMENDOUSLY .
        Windbreaker stuff is nice from about 50* on down . I throw on the top at maybe 50 , my leather pants do ok down to about 45 . That's when the bottom comes on . That , plus some neck coverage (the balaclava ) does ok down to about 35 or so up to a couple of hours . Below THAT or more than an hour or so , I can still break out the long johns for added comfort . The helmet deal dude mentioned should help a lot , too . Helps keep the wind from going up under your hat . Biggest thing is blocking the wind . 40* may not be cold with a jacket on just standing around , but add in a 35mph wind chill , and suddenly it's 28* . At 60 it'll feel like 25* .
        Or I can just plug in my electric jacket and gloves and be on my way.... 8)

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        • #19
          I use this. It works great. I was able to ride my bike back and forth to work even when the temps was 20 degrees outside.

          I wear some alpinstar gloves. Have to look when I get home to see which ones they are.


          • #20
            It was 39 when I left this morning. Let's see...

            Solid leather gloves, with JR winter riding gloves over the top (velcro over my jacket)

            Icon Jacket
            Thick jeans
            First Gear Riding pants (the knee inserts do wonders)
            A neck sheild thing (leather, velcos in back)
            A tee shirt
            A regular shirt
            A long sleaved shirt
            Steeltoe boots.
            Ankle High socks, Big Thick wool socks over that.

            I have a VistaCruise so I can reach down occasionally and put my hand on the head cooling fins, because my glove combination only lasts for about 45 minutes into the ride, then they start getting cold.

            I was ok most of the way. Other than my hands and nose, I was fine.

            50* Pffft. I don't even have my liner in for that!

            Course, up here, were used to cold weather.

            I will say, people look at you funny when it's cold out and your still riding. They are like "Are you serious?"

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            • #21
              Really ? You seem to have more gear than I at that temp .
              Seriously , the MOST important thing you can do when it's cold is have a good wind-blocking layer outside . Those cheap lined windbreaker "ski" pants you can get at Wal Mart are GREAT for the cold , as is a windbreaker jacket with a liner OVER your "gear" . That outer layer goes on for ME at about 45-50* , and does me well down to about 30-35* . I put that on over my leathers . And get something on your neck , too . That big ol' artery in there moves a LOT of blood , so keep the wind from chilling it .
              I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

              Katrider's rally 2011 - md86

