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Riding with your Kid [RANT BEWARE]

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  • #16
    Yeah people are quick to criticize other people..."how can you do that...", "those things are killing machines...", "how irresponsible...", "blah blah blah...."...I tell people that if they live in glass houses they shouldn't throw rocks...I also lay out the facts...most accidents happen because the person wasn't brought up with responsible people teaching them about your example you are teaching your children from the get go that helmet, gloves, jacket, and boots are the gear used in riding...hand one of their kids a bike and see what they you 90% would just jump on without a helmet or any other proper gear...good for you teaching your kids the proper way to ride!!!
    Good judgement comes from experience, and often experience comes from Bad Judgement :smt084
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    nah nah nah nah nah nah JAX! (special thnx to sexwax)


    • #17
      There is a daycare center across the street from the shop I run. A few days ago, I saw a guy pulling out on his CBR wearing shorts, tank top, shoes, and a helmet...I muttered "squid" to myself and started to walk inside...then he turned onto the road and I could see his passenger who couldn't be any older than 6 in shorts and a tshirt, no helmet, and couldn't reach the pegs. I wanted to run down the stop sign, snatch the helmet off his head, and beat him with it.

      +10 to all of you for gearing up the little ones
      Currently Kat-less....but still in love with them.

      And as I hit 6th gear, I forgot what she said...


      • #18
        For one , id the passenger can't even reach the pegs , LEGALLY they should be ON there .
        I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

        Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


        • #19
          To translate late-night-md86 into English:
          For one, if the passenger can't even reach the pegs, LEGALLY they shouldn't be ON there.
          My son is 4 and my daughter three months. I can't wait until they're old enough to ride, if they want to. Around my area, I've seen plenty of dad's up front with a helmet and the kid behind without. See adults that way as well. Drives me crazy. However, as a kid that grew up riding behind my dad and uncles, I see nothing wrong with a child, properly geared and trained, riding on the back of a motorcycle.
          Pain is just weakness leaving the body.
          -Unknown Author

          The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love.


          • #20
            Jgalar Good job posting up another supplier of gear. XXS might work for the sprog. My boy was still too small for that. But he has a leather jacket. (not the greatest though) and a better helmet than me.
            I hear where your wife is coming from though. After all it is she that has to listen the garbage to and defend your actions.
            My son has ridden with me since 2nd grade. He's a good passenger and the envy of all the kids. My wife gets nervous only when she happens to be driving behind us.
            (I guess she thinks if he fell off SHE would be the one to hit him) But she never says boo. She says be careful but with no more inflection that when I ride alone. So now that I have rambled on:

            1. You can find good gear. There is a UK company that makes racing gear for kids any age. US companies will custom make stuff too ($$ I suspect)

            2. I think it is safe and sane to take a kid who can hold on and reach the pegs on a motorcycle. But you need to decide if it is worth it right now to stress out your wife. Or keep the rides to around the 'hood until he gets older.

            Oh and here is proof of gear for kids..
            (plus I love any excuse to post it!)


            • #21
              Oh I totally understand that she is the one that has to put up with the crap from co-workers. Honestly I was more revved up abou the lack of youth gear here in the states and she just happened to catch some of the grief. I didn't put her out or anything I just bit my lip and met her and my son down the road.

              As far as XXS adult gear I'm in the same boat as you. He isn't quite big enough for that. I'm looking at gear from the UK made by a company called gr8 and sold by and also who look to have a US distributer also.

              I really just think that its sad that Joe Rocket, Alpinestar or any of the other big name gear companys are missing out on this market. I'm sure it's not a huge market here in the states but the need is there. I'm going to get in touch with the MSF or AMA and see if they have any suggestions. I'll let everyone know what I find.



              • #22
                Originally posted by brooder
                To translate late-night-md86 into English:
                For one, if the passenger can't even reach the pegs, LEGALLY they shouldn't be ON there.
                Thanks . It didn't LOOK that bad when I typed it . But then , not much DOES look bad when it's late and you're on your 2nd glass of wine ....
                I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

                Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


                • #23
                  Originally posted by prokart53
                  I'm going to get in touch with the MSF or AMA and see if they have any suggestions. I'll let everyone know what I find.

                  There is also the people who organize the pocket bike racing. I found some full suit suppliers that way.


                  • #24
                    I had the same thing when I brought my 8 yr old to
                    a birthday party and I got the"I wouldn't put my child
                    on the back of one of those." my reply. good I'm
                    not taking you child for a ride.


                    • #25
                      i take my son to church youth on wensdays and he gets a kick. when all his friends see him.


                      • #26
                        My kids are at the point where they are getting too big to ride with me. My oldest is 12 and wears my shoe size and fits in my jacket and helmet. The otherday I watched him sit on my wifes shadow 750. Then he stood it up, and walked it into the carport.
                        Now riding with his dad is just not cool, so enjoy it while you can.
                        My youngest (11) will not ride with me eithere (I'm not cool enough anymore) but he has already told me he is taking the bike when he is 16.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by teddy
                          I personally can't wait for my daughter to be old enough to start riding with me (she is 7 months now, I have some time to wait ). My wife enjoys going for rides with me, so this will be a nice added bonus to be able to take my daughter to school and such on the bike. I just hope by then i will be able to get the proper gear she will need to be able to do such. I will not put her on my bike without having more gear on than likely necessary for a simple ride.

                          On a side note, my heighbor takes his kids out on his older vulcan with no gear on either of them, which pisses me off to no end. Neglecting your own safety is one thing, but that of your kids, WTF? The trips usually consist of a ride around the subdivision at low mph, but he has to travel a short distance on the State Route we live on to get to the sub entrance. It's enough to make me nervous. I have many times wanted to go next door and give him a : but, my cooler head oft restrains me from doing so. I have suggested he get them some gear, so he now lets them ride with an oversized adult helmet, so he really hasn't made it any better for them. He's a tool.

                          i got a reprimand for cussing out a guy who was involved in a jeep vs motorcycle accident and hadn't geared up his 7 yr old daughter that was riding on the back. the sad part was he was more upset at me than he was concerned about his daughter. he started to make an aggressive move towards me and was quickly arrested by PD with tazers drawn. lets just say that CPS was called very shortly thereafter....


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by notec
                            In this day and age people are quick to criticize every little aspect of your life.
                            *DING DING DING*

                            You got that exactly right. I park my bike right outside my office window, about 1 foot from my desk, which is also right next to the counter in the front showroom with a window as well. The first day I rode it to work one of our customers just had to tell me about this motorcycle wreck that he saw and that this day and age people had to be dumb to ride motorcycles.

                            It all boils down to people that have the need to criticize others. I love the idiots who talk about how bad bikes are when they themselves could not drive their own way out of a paper frikkin bag in their cars.
                            Simon Alexander
                            Owasso, Oklahoma

                            1973 GT750K Water Buffalo - Gone but never forgotten.
                            2006 GSX600F Katana


                            • #29
                              My son is 10...big for his size at right at 5' and 100lbs.

                              He was majorly stoked when he got his helmet, and jacket and started riding with Dad. We've only had a few jaunts on the GS500...but once the Kat is up and going he's already talking about it..

                              He wears his over the ankle, THICK leather hunting boots. The jacket is made by Nitro Racing, local dealer had it, Women's Small fit him good. It's textile w/ armor.

                              Try this place for kid's gear in Australia I believe and they ship here.




                              • #30
                                okay,,,,,,(sigh) I was 1 of the mothers that had said "the kids arent riding on the motorcycles...end of story!" I've been riding for a year now and see the type of riding we do I would def take my 7 yr old daughter out but in baby steps, ya know a short slow jaunt here and there to get her use to it but not before I can gear her up I wouldnt have it any other way. Thanks for the advise up above I'll check it out

