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Riding with your Kid [RANT BEWARE]

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  • Riding with your Kid [RANT BEWARE]

    Ok I have 7 year old son that enjoys riding with me he recently grew tall enough that he can easily reach the rear pegs so I feel confident that he can remain in place under normal circumstances. As such I started taking him out for short rides increasing them in distance and difficulty as time goes on.

    I am currently working a night shift and he goes to work with my wife for the first 30mins or so of her shift before I am able to pick him up. This is where my rant begins.

    The weather was nice the other night so I decided I would ride in. I discussed this with my son and he was excited to get to ride home from his mothers work. He quickly ran and gathered up his helmet, gloves, boots, and denim jacket (part 2 of my rant). Around 6am the next morning I get a phone call from my wife, who normally has not had any problems with our son riding with me. But on this particular morning she did.

    I questioned her on her concerns and her response was "I just have a bad feeling". After further questioning I discovered it was I don't want him on XX highway, which happens to be a straight median divided 4 lane 45mph road, fairly tamer than what we have worked up to. After some more prodding I discovered the real reason.... "There are a lot of people at the office today and I don't want them to see me put my 7 year old son on the back of your motorcycle" AH HA! BINGO! DING DING DING.

    Arghhh! Why is this even an issue? He, and I, meet the legal requirements to ride a motorcycle in this state. I have made it as safe as possible by buying him the gear available to me in this country (more on this in a sec). I ended up meeting them a half mile down the road to pick him up. It just drove me crazy that she felt that she would be looked down upon by or coworkers.

    Now for the second part. Why is it that I can't find a single manufacture or distributor of youth sized street gear in the united states? Have we really become such a "SUE 'EM" society that gear manufactures are afraid to sell gear here? I have found several EU companies that sell entire lines of youth jackets, pants, helmets, boots even full leathers. But only 1 company in the states which sells gear imported from the EU and they seem to be wanting out of the business.

    Anyway I just needed to get that off my chest it’s been driving me crazy. I'm off to do the math on the exchange rates.


  • #2
    I have bought a few items from ironpony in XS and S sizes at very good discounts. My kids are 8 and 10 and XS ans S will work. A small in a ladies style item is quite a bit smaller than men's sizes...


    • #3
      In this day and age people are quick to criticize every little aspect of your life. They dont have any idea that you have actually been "training" your son to ride with you.

      This is due to the fact that there are alot of neglectful people in this world, and that reflects on everyone.

      I would be a little grateful if there was someone concerned enough. But I would correct them in their thoughts.


      • #4
        I pick up my 8 yr old daughter from school all the time. I get many stares, but the smiles on all the kids faces when they see a bike make me laugh. My girl gets a kick out of it. she loves being on the bike and we have even been up to 70-80mph on the interstate. We passed a group of motorcyclist one day and she waved to all of them.
        2006 Suzuki Kat GSX750F


        • #5
          My twins (now 19) have been riding with me since they were 6. My youngest daughter (now 11) has been riding about the since about the same age. My wife rides with me all the time. They all LOVE riding. I'm considering getting my son a small street bike, but I'm not sure he's ready. (Although he is "too old" to ride pillion with Dad anymore!)

          They've been trained. They know how to ride pillion safely. They wear gear. They would never consider trying to ride with shorts or flimsy shoes. They've all learned this through instruction and by example.

          My parents house is about 45 minutes away and they've all made that trip MANY times. They've all also taken multi-hour rides with me.

          Fortunately my wife grew up riding with her Dad most of her life. So, she's fine with it. She's also one who honestly doesn't give a damn what anyone else thinks! (including me!)

          I do agree with your rant on the lack of youth sized street gear.
          -2005 Katana GSX750F ***SOLD***
          -2006 Kawasaki ZX-6R

 (I keep shooting, but they won't DIE!)


          • #6
            Don't sweat it Brian!!!! All three of my boys(now 17, 15 and 8) grew up riding on my motorcycles. I've heard all kinds of crap from different people on the subject and I just ignore them. They all wear gear from head-to-toe and I don't ride hard with them on board. The way I look at it..........
            2005 Aprilia RST1000
            2007 Dodge Nitro SLT
            1998 Chevy Tahoe


            • #7
              I personally can't wait for my daughter to be old enough to start riding with me (she is 7 months now, I have some time to wait ). My wife enjoys going for rides with me, so this will be a nice added bonus to be able to take my daughter to school and such on the bike. I just hope by then i will be able to get the proper gear she will need to be able to do such. I will not put her on my bike without having more gear on than likely necessary for a simple ride.

              On a side note, my heighbor takes his kids out on his older vulcan with no gear on either of them, which pisses me off to no end. Neglecting your own safety is one thing, but that of your kids, WTF? The trips usually consist of a ride around the subdivision at low mph, but he has to travel a short distance on the State Route we live on to get to the sub entrance. It's enough to make me nervous. I have many times wanted to go next door and give him a : but, my cooler head oft restrains me from doing so. I have suggested he get them some gear, so he now lets them ride with an oversized adult helmet, so he really hasn't made it any better for them. He's a tool.

              Help Support via

              Originally posted by EmpiGTV
              You know why you shouldn't hold in your farts? Because they'll travel up your spine and into your brain. That's where shitty ideas come from.


              • #8
                My daughter started riding with me last summer when she was 8. I was able to find gear to fit her exept pants, so she's stuck in jeans for now. I did have to go to the HD dealershp to find all leather gloves small enough to fit her. I have sons ages 1 and 3 who cant wait to get on the bike. Maybe by the time their big enough i will be able to find good gear for them.

                Walter Sobchak: You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once.


                • #9
                  Thanks for all the replies. I'm not sweating what other people think. I'm just sweating that my wife does. Oh well. It's time out of her day not mine.

                  On the subject of gear... My son is small for his age. Ask Keven or any of the MOKAN crew and they will tell you I'm small for mine too

                  I've decided on some gear I have to import it but it looks like good gear. Seems to get good reviews overseas. I really do think its a shame that the big US companies don't see a market in this. We used to race karts and I've bought gear from Shift which was great for karting but is lacking the ce armor I'd like to see for street riding.

                  Once again thanks for the show of support


                  • #10
                    I've found that XXS womens or XXXS mens fit my kids fine when they were 8 & 9. And because they were such odd sizes I was able to scoop the gear up cheaply off ebay.


                    • #11
                      It seems like there are plenty of people making kids MX gear, maybe a combination of both would work.

                      As to what others think, I have never understood why some care so much. I guess the best you can really do is talk it over with your wife to find out why others opinions are so important to her.
                      No pics yet
                      Just because they sound the same doesn't mean they are: there≠their≠they're; to≠too≠two; its≠it's; your≠you're; know≠no; brake≠break


                      • #12
                        One thing- point to your wife that co-workers see you help him get into (nearly) full gear- you are sending a VERY positive message, to wit:

                        "I care about my son's safety."
                        "Stevie B" Boudreaux

                        I ride: '01 Triumph Sprint ST

                        Projects: Honda CB650 Bobber projects I, II and III

                        Take care of: 81 Honda CM400,72 Suzuki GT550

                        Watch over/advise on: 84 Honda Nighthawk 700S (now my son's bike)

                        For sale, or soon to be: 89 Katana 1100, 84 Honda V45 Magna, 95 Yamaha SECA II, 99 GSXR600, 95 ZX-6, 84 Kaw. KZ700, 01 Bandit 1200, 74 CB360.


                        • #13
                          We ride with our kids and since we have 5 ... all different ages and sizes we can't afford gear for all of them ... we do have helmets in 3 sizes for them . The smaller kids fit in my other jackets (I have 3 total) and the bigger ones in Ron's other jackets (he has 3 also) My youngest son doesn't even mind wearing my pink one if it's the only one available because he knows if he wants to ride he HAS to wear a jacket. They also have gloves on. They wear jeans and sneakers (tied up no matter what the fashion is !!) It's not perfect but we never ride hard with them on.

                          What pisses me is seing the rider in full gear and the kid behind only wearing a helmet !!!

                          I don't care what people think of us riding with our kids ... The kids enjoy it and they wear gear. If one would ever pass a comment I would only reply .. last time I checked it was my kid not yours so STFU !!!
                          Try and keep up now


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by GSkyX-R1000
                            What pisses me is seing the rider in full gear and the kid behind only wearing a helmet !!!
                            Oh, don't EVEN get me started on what is basically the opposite- as a bicyclist, I see families out for a day's bike ride- Dad, mom, Junior and the princess, all out on their shiny, new Sprawl-mart bikes. Thing is, the kids are wearing helmets, but mom, and especially dad, are lid-less! What kind of message is that? "Yeah, kid, you gotta wear a helmet now, CUZ I SAID SO, but I don't"???
                            "Stevie B" Boudreaux

                            I ride: '01 Triumph Sprint ST

                            Projects: Honda CB650 Bobber projects I, II and III

                            Take care of: 81 Honda CM400,72 Suzuki GT550

                            Watch over/advise on: 84 Honda Nighthawk 700S (now my son's bike)

                            For sale, or soon to be: 89 Katana 1100, 84 Honda V45 Magna, 95 Yamaha SECA II, 99 GSXR600, 95 ZX-6, 84 Kaw. KZ700, 01 Bandit 1200, 74 CB360.


                            • #15
                              I have three kids and all of them love to ride with me. As long as you ride safely who cares what your wifes co-workers think.
                              "I wanna go fast"

