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AGV Sport

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  • AGV Sport

    So I went to the suzuki dealer the other day and happened to see these awesome gloves. They said GSXR on them but they were so comfy I had to order some in my size (they didn't have large in stock). Plus they were only $80 which in comparison to the frank thomas ones I have that fell apart that I paid $120 for the price is right. So I got them today and am sitting at work bored and decided to look into the company that makes them (AGVSport, and they have some awesome stuff that very competitivly priced. It looks like they also have some pro racers who use their stuff ie Keith Code. So I was wondering, has anyone here tried anything from them? I'm very impressed w/ the gloves and if you want to see which ones I got go to their site and click on suzuki gear and then they're the gsxr model. They have some pretty decent looking suits and boots too.

  • #2
    If you got the Frank Thomas ones from Cycle gear and I know you did, take them back. They will give you a refund. They keep a record of everything you have bought there.

    yes AGV sport has some nice gear.


    • #3
      I will not guarantee that the AGV's won't fall apart.
      Mine are 2 years old (and I only paid $30-$40) but they are falling apart.. Slowly but surely.
      They are however great gloves.


      • #4
        I have a set of leathers made by AGV Sport. Two piece with armor. I have no complaints about them at all. I found them for a steal on E-bay though. Still had the original price tag in it!


        COURAGE -

        Freedom is the sure possession of those alone
        who have the courage to defend it.

        First Sergeant(Ret) - US Army - 21 years


        • #5
          Yes I did get them from cycle gear about a year and a half ago and I've already tried taking them back and they wouldn't take em. They said they were just worn out. They have huge holes in the palms (before I wrecked) and if they weren't bad enough before, after my spill they are completely destroyed. With that said they did protect my hands some though as the knuckle protectors were pretty scratched up. These new ones have steel knuck protectors instead of plastic


          • #6
            I would contact Cycle Gear directly in Bencia, CA. you are not going to get anywhere with Pete at that store. He is a freaking idiot. He told me my bike would vibrate apart for running radials on my 89 KAT. Anyway they will take them back trust me. It is a 100% satisfaction guarntee. There is no gray area here. They took back a pair of 8 yr old Alpinestar street boots that were falling apart and the guy paid $20 and got the new ones that are out now. So tell Pete you are going to contact the DM if he does not hold up the 100% satisfaction. I have the DM number if you want it I do know they are splitting that district and a new one is coming in. Just contact them out in Cali and trust me you will get what you want. Trust me I use to work for them here. I am a royal pain in the arse now. I hold them to every bit of the standards they taught me.


            • #7
              I don't think I'm going to worry about the gloves because I don't really want another pair of FT gloves.

              They replaced my FT jacket 2-3 months ago because it was ripping for no reason. Do you think they will replace it again because of the rips that are in it now that I've crashed? I remember them saying that if a seam was ripped that was a big warrenty thing and one of the seams is ripped but it's only a 2 inch or so tear. I need to get a tire from there that I ordered anywyas so I figured I'd go give it a shot.


              • #8
                I've got an AGV Sport Breeze perforated leather jacket that gets worn daily through sweat and cold in the year-round riding that we have down here in Texas. Had it for about 3 years. Super comfortable, fits PERFECT, and doesn't even show any signs of wear. Hell, even my damn cat pissed on it 2 years ago when she was in heat. Got the kitty fixed, and the jacket cleaned up nicely. Bought it for about $199 at
                '01 TL1000R


                • #9
                  Well I went to cycle gear and after a few different responses from the high school flunkies that work there the "manager" or whatever the hell he is said they wouldn't warrenty it. He said I could take it somewhere and get it sewed back up. So I said "so I need to get a new one huh?" and he basically said yes. Thanks for the responses, I think if the gloves are this compfy the jacket/pants/suit has to be awesome too.


                  • #10
                    I've got the AGV perf leather fusion jacket with the suzuiki all over it - I love it - I got a size too big so I can wear a nice sweatshirt under it - Its comfortable and have no issues
                    97 Katana 600
                    [email protected] (or IM)


                    • #11
             I have the AVG Sport Diablo and I am very displeased with it. I got it a week before going to the gap this year and I have had nothing but problems with it. First where the zipper meets the jacket by the wrist ripped. Than the vents in the front of the jacket have a mesh material inside that ripped when it got caught in the zipper. I layed my jacket on the bike and was leaning on it and a zipper to one of the rear vents broke. Just today the removable liner which has a button on the sleeve ripped off. Go figure I didn't fill out the warranty card when I got it so the dealers warranty is probably expired by now. I am very dissapointed in how durable it is. I mean hell I didn't even do anything to the sleeve and it just ripped. Now that I got on the site and saw how cheap it is and knowing how much I paid for the damn thing I am even more pissed off. I will be getting a new jacket for next year and I am not quite sure if AVG will be one of my options.


                      • #12
                        A while back I bought some AGV Demon gloves thinking they would be nice and comfortable. They were actually recommended by the vendor I bought them from over a pair of Super Duty Gloves. I trusted the vendor so I purchased them. Got them tried them on and they were stiff. I thought not a problem I have to break them in so I did. They were'nt the most comfortable glove but no biggie. After about a month they started to unstitch themselves. I contacted the vendor and they had me contact AGV. After much arguement with the company, they were claiming I abused my gear. I sent them pictures of the glove with the stitching coming undone. They finally agreed that it looked like a materials issue, the glove looked brand new in the pictures I sent them. I had to mail the gloves to them and they restiched them and sent them back to me. Since I've bought other gloves and don't use them much.
                        I wouldn't buy another pair of AGV after that experience but that's just my opinion.
                        Good judgement comes from experience, and often experience comes from Bad Judgement :smt084
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                        nah nah nah nah nah nah JAX! (special thnx to sexwax)


                        • #13
                          I guess we are hearing "yes" to AGV jackets..
                          "No" to AGV gloves..
                          I have AGV boots that are on their 14th year..
                          Go figure..


                          • #14
                            I didn't see yes to AVG jackets...look up to posts. Never had AVG gloves to test them out.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Black_peter
                              I guess we are hearing "yes" to AGV jackets..
                              Except for Mac.. He hates them, wouldn't make his worst enemy wear one.
                              Hung his in the back yard and pees on it daily, pickets the offices on his lunch hour and spends his weekend at the mall gathering petitions to get their US license revoked..
                              "No" to AGV gloves..
                              I have AGV boots that are on their 14th year..
                              Go figure..

