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no gear at all.. how? why?

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  • no gear at all.. how? why?

    On my commute to work this morning, I passed by a guy on a cruiser who was breaking all the rules of safety:

    - no helmet
    - no gloves
    - no jacket

    He was wearing a tshirt with its sleeves cut off, shorts, and get this.. flip flops! I could hardly believe my eyes. Do some people have absolutely no care in the world about what could happen to them?

    I myself have been feeling underprotected as of late, and am going to make a trip to the local bike supplies shop to look at pants and boots - I just don't understand the mindset of guys like that.

  • #2
    1. See "Squid"
    2. See Squid fall.
    3. Laugh at Squid.

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    • #3
      I saw one zip past me the other day with the arrogance of a crotch-rocketeer..... he was wearing jeans, helmet and motorcycle boots, with no friggin t-shirt, jacket or gloves. Go figure.
      Once you can accept the universe as being something expanding into an infinite nothing which is something, wearing stripes with plaid is easy.
      - Albert Einstein


      • #4
        Originally posted by steves
        1. See "Squid"
        2. See Squid fall.
        3. Laugh at Squid.
        Ha, I had to laugh at that comment since my status on the forums is now "Squid".


        • #5
          You'll be surprise what people will (won't) wear. I remember seeing a video no to long ago about a guy who did wheelies on his crotch rocket while nude! However, he did wear a helmet.
          "The secret to life is to keep your mind full and your bowels empty. Unfortunately, the converse is true for most people."


          • #6
            While I was working at the local grocery store, a guy came through my line and was wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals. I didnt think too much about it until I saw him, after walking out, take off his shirt,put it with his groceries in his saddle bags and take off on his harley. I just had to laugh to myself.
            "If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough."


            • #7
              It's a matter of personal choice. Although on occasion it makes me cringe when I see gear less people blast by I tend to ignore it now. I still wonder how the beanie crowd can take a bug to the face at 120 though , they always seem to hit me dead center on the visor right between the eyes in a big splat.

              Originally posted by Kat-A-Tonic
              You'll be surprise what people will (won't) wear. I remember seeing a video no to long ago about a guy who did wheelies on his crotch rocket while nude! However, he did wear a helmet.
              Is that the vid that he crashed in? if not that version is floating around the net.


              • #8
                Originally posted by woobie
                they always seem to hit me dead center on the visor right between the eyes in a big splat.
                Agreed. I also took a rock to the helmet the other day that flew up from a truck in the other lane. Without a helmet I imagine that may have taken me out.

                Originally posted by Kat-A-Tonic
                I remember seeing a video no to long ago about a guy who did wheelies on his crotch rocket while nude!
                I remember that one.. I think someone posted it in the forums here a while back.


                • #9
                  the beanie helmet might be fine for a cruser with a higher windscreen to deflet wind and debris away from your face, but the other day I got passed by a guy on a speed four wearing a beanie. We were on the hwy too, and he was probably doing about 150km/r. he did have sun glasses on though so....

                  I cringe when I see it too. but in the end it's all up to the rider. one thing I find hard to beleive though is the amount of guys in and around toronto that have their (insert race rep bike here) matching replica jacket, matching helmet, jeans, racing boots, and NO GLOVES. maybe it's just me, but next to a helmet, if I only had the choice of one thing to wear it would be gloves.


                  • #10
                    I was thinking of sticks and bugs too. Those things are always coming at me from all directions it seems sometimes....

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                    • #11
                      I rode once without my jacket for about 10-15 minutes ... first stop we made I put back the jacket ... wasn't feeling safe without it and we were only cruising at around 40 m/h on back roads enjoying the scenery.

                      I do admit not waring pants (riding pants that is) when it's hot and I am not doing anything crazy.

                      Guess they must be made of rock to take a rock in the face !!! Boy it must hurt !!!
                      Try and keep up now


                      • #12
                        Let Darwin Have him.


                        • #13
                          In CA that is very common...only they have to wear a helmet because it's the law...but Tank tops, shorts and flipflops are common motorcycle gear...I actually got laughed at once because I was wearing a leather jacket, gloves and boots in really warm weather...oh well...
                          Good judgement comes from experience, and often experience comes from Bad Judgement :smt084
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                          nah nah nah nah nah nah JAX! (special thnx to sexwax)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Jax
                            In CA that is very common...only they have to wear a helmet because it's the law...but Tank tops, shorts and flipflops are common motorcycle gear...I actually got laughed at once because I was wearing a leather jacket, gloves and boots in really warm weather...oh well...
                            I just don't imagine upshifting would be particularly comfortable with bare feet...


                            • #15
                              Murphy's Law will catch up to him, it always does.
                              "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
                              JOHN 16:33

