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2008 Ninja ZX-6R

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  • Nero
    Originally posted by thetable View Post
    ...But really, why would they bother me, I'm saving lives with my loud pipes.

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  • thetable
    Originally posted by DClark View Post
    They will top out out at 130mph, but they are not that weighted down.Plus, the cops riding them are probably a better rider than you.
    That is still well shy of what the stock bike tops out at, not that I know...
    As to weighted down, the Buell Uly gained almost 100lbs by the time they added the law package, and it doesn't even get all the crash cages. If the Connie comes in under 770, I'd be very surprised.

    Mileage, hmmm, just a hair under 32k and I still have a week left before she turns a year old. And she stayed parked during the snow and ice. During that time, I managed at least another 5k or so on the KLR. FTR, the only real chest pounding I do is on mileage, endurance, and riding in any weather.

    Skills, they'd own me in a parking lot, on the road I think it would be more a battle of the bikes. But really, why would they bother me, I'm saving lives with my loud pipes.

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  • Nero
    Originally posted by DClark View Post
    They will top out out at 130mph, but they are not that weighted down.Plus, the cops riding them are probably a better rider than you.
    Look, I know it is easy to pound your chest and say "I am the best rider around, blah blah blah", but lets look at the facts:
    Cops go through good training, then spend 8 hours a day five days a week on their bikes, sometimes more. Do you spend that much time on your bike? A cop also had free reign on how they drive and how fast they can go.
    They also take pride in their skills. Around this time, we have a motorcycle cop rodeo where cops from CA and NV come up here to compete for best rider.
    I was talking to a NHP officer and he said he puts on over 30,000 miles a year on his BMW and keep in mind, they park them when the weather is bad or snowy.
    Not to defend Joe, 'cause he can speak for himself, but he's never a chest-pounder type. Joe also spends a lot of time on his bike. -And can ride pretty damn well. Also, Joe was a motorcycle safety instructor for a few years.

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  • zuma
    They're making some pretty fast radios these days...

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  • DClark
    Originally posted by thetable View Post
    I'll go head to head with the current LEO C14. They're governed and weighed down. And no, you won't walk one in the twisties nearly as quickly as you think you will.
    They will top out out at 130mph, but they are not that weighted down.Plus, the cops riding them are probably a better rider than you.
    Look, I know it is easy to pound your chest and say "I am the best rider around, blah blah blah", but lets look at the facts:
    Cops go through good training, then spend 8 hours a day five days a week on their bikes, sometimes more. Do you spend that much time on your bike? A cop also had free reign on how they drive and how fast they can go.
    They also take pride in their skills. Around this time, we have a motorcycle cop rodeo where cops from CA and NV come up here to compete for best rider.
    I was talking to a NHP officer and he said he puts on over 30,000 miles a year on his BMW and keep in mind, they park them when the weather is bad or snowy.

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    Originally posted by scottynoface View Post
    Great thing about living around Cinci OH, we're always 30yrs behind everything
    THing that sucks about living in Wisconsin is that you dont go to jail for a long time until you get like 8 dwi's. seriously its like a slap on the wrist up here. what a crock

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  • scottynoface
    Great thing about living around Cinci OH, we're always 30yrs behind everything

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  • Nero
    Here in VA, they're begining to install these super-lensing cameras on cars and on the traffic cams. Unlike your regular patrol car camera, these things give high-res pictures capable of making out license plate #s over a half-mile away. So, you may think you got away, only to find a cop standing on your front door an hour later, cuffs in-hand. As you said: Not worth it.

    Moreover, they're putting these things up on major interstates and their capable of zoning in on and taking up to seven pictures per second of cars going over the speed limit. So they can nab everyone in a crowd. You're no longer safe following behind a speeder.

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    Originally posted by Nero View Post
    Yes, you were lucky. I had a friend who tried that on a Gixxer 1K and spent 5 nights in the pokie, lost his bike and paid a hefty fine. He was charged with wreckless driving, which maxed-out the allowable points on his license too, which meant he had to take the $250 course and pay through-the-roof insurance for the next three years. The officer told him his ticket would have been 75 friggin dollars. Worth it? You be the judge.
    Here in WIsconsin it is illegal for patrol cars to take chase to a motorcycle. But whats to stop them from calling on the radio and having at least one officer get your plate number. its bound to happen, u cant travel 186mph on a public freeway for too long. i thought about that and like u said nero, not worth it.

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  • Nero
    Yes, you were lucky. I had a friend who tried that on a Gixxer 1K and spent 5 nights in the pokie, lost his bike and paid a hefty fine. He was charged with wreckless driving, which maxed-out the allowable points on his license too, which meant he had to take the $250 course and pay through-the-roof insurance for the next three years. The officer told him his ticket would have been 75 friggin dollars. Worth it? You be the judge.

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    Originally posted by Nero View Post
    ZX-14 against a fat cop in a POS Crown Vic with a radio, you still will lose.
    Not true!!! I outran (Which i admit was completely stupid now that i look back on it) a crown vic state patrol on my katana a few years back. it was midnight and i was coming back from the next town over (4 miles in between) and about a mile and a half off the freeway i passed a state patrol doing about 95mph. Lights went on , i hammered the throttle. jumped off the freeway, once i hit the lil two lane highway i was gone. pulled into my garage safe and sound. cleaned the crap outta my pants and didnt leave the garage for a few hours. first and last time i ever did that

    just not worth my safety, the officers safety, and pedestrians safety

    thats the mature part of me talking i guess

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  • Nero
    Originally posted by DClark View Post
    ZX14 vs cop C14 bike with cop radio? ZX14 will lose!
    ZX-14 against a fat cop in a POS Crown Vic with a radio, you still will lose.

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  • thetable
    I'll go head to head with the current LEO C14. They're governed and weighed down. And no, you won't walk one in the twisties nearly as quickly as you think you will.

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  • DClark
    ZX14 vs cop C14 bike with cop radio? ZX14 will lose!

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  • Nero
    Originally posted by Port8080 View Post
    How to lose a Cop on a ZX14:

    Step 1: Take him to the twisties

    Step 2: Done!
    You better have some skills too. Motorcycle cops don't just get handed a police bike like it's a car. Many of them train very hard on closed courses and can rail them. Also, if you're in Texas, Kansas or Florida, where there are no twisties, you're f*cked.

    Just pull over, guys. It's not worth it.

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