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Can't get the right fork seal out ARGGHH

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  • Can't get the right fork seal out ARGGHH

    Bit of background -- i've changed fork seals before on my 500, not really a big deal. I understand the mechanics of a fork, and am not too intimidated.

    So I was changing the fork seals on my new Katana today. Left side went smoothly, got everything back together in a snap. Right side is being a pain in the ass. I removed the retaining seal, all the innards, and tried to remove the seal by hyperextending the fork -- just like I did on the left side. NO DICE. I've been trying to fix this for a good two hours. I've even tried a wooden block and a mallet to push the lower half of the fork down while the top half is mounted. I have had ZERO success. When you try to hyperextend it, the fork kinda binds up (and has to be freed by wiggling side to side), and the seal goes NOWHERE. Leading me to believe that the bushing is binding and not even hitting the seal.

    Any ideas on how to remove this stubborn seal? This is the guide I followed:

    Help a brother out
    America national sport is called baseballs. It very similar to our sport, shurik, where we take dogs, shoot them in a field, and then have a party.

  • #2
    maybe pull the inner tubes out and then find someone with a blind bearing puller and it will get the antifriction metal piece out and the seal. But just wait a few will chime in with better info.

    “Programming today is a race between software engineers stirring to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.”


    • #3
      With a bit of "convincing", I managed to pull the old oil seal out. However, I wasn't impressed with what I found below. After pulling up the retainer, I found the "outer tube slide metal" split in half and seized right below the oil seal groove.

      It must have been this way for quite a while because I found old metal shavings. Since there is absolutely no way to remove that bushing without complete fork destruction, I installed the new seal and reassembled everything. I know this isn't the best solution, but I fully intend to replace the fork entirely when I find one for a reasonable price. The fork operates just fine, and there are no scratches or gouges on the upper stem.

      Here's an image for reference:
      America national sport is called baseballs. It very similar to our sport, shurik, where we take dogs, shoot them in a field, and then have a party.


      • #4
        I am pretty sure that there is suppose to be a slit in the that part. IT provides i think antifriction sliding, so the oil to metal contact doesn't form a suction. Mine had a slit in it, or maybe it was the inner one.

        “Programming today is a race between software engineers stirring to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.”

