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Smoking bike?

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  • Smoking bike?

    Hello everyone,

    Please excuse the length of this post; however, I feel like detailed information is necessary to help identify the problem.

    I have a 2006 Katana with around 8,000 miles on it and have been having some issues lately.

    The most serious one and the reason I am posting this is because it started smoking today. Some background: I am out of the state for the summer and left my bike sitting at home (it sits outside, locked up, and covered). My Kat does not like to start up after it has been sitting for too long. So, in order to avoid this issue I have been having my girlfriend start it up for me about once a week. It has been going fine and it has been running smoothly until today. Today she had some trouble starting it (it would turn on about 2-3 times and then turn off). So, I told her to turn the fuel petcok to PRI and turn the choke on and then start it. The bike started up and after a few seconds I told her to turn the fuel petcock back to the on position (which she did). Then I told her to leave the choke on for 1 to 2 mins and then turn it down gradually leaving it on for 1-2 minutes at each interval. I told her to leave the choke in a position so the bike would be at 3RPM and left it there for a minute or two. Then she said it started making a weird noise and she turned the choke off. (The reason why I leave the choke on for so long is because otherwise the bike will begin to stutter and shut off). After the choke was off the bike stopped making the weird noise and sounded normal.

    This is where the problem began. The bike was idling for about 5 to 10 minutes and she started to see smoke coming from the opening underneath the right handle bar and also on the ride side where the gas tank connects to the bike. She immediately shut the bike off and it smoked for a little bit longer (long enough for her to get a video to send me before it stopped). She said the smoke was NOT billowing out and it was NOT a heavy black smoke. It was enough to notice though.

    I have uploaded the videos to youtube. The links are at the bottom of the page. The smoke is VERY easy to miss. It is in the first 2 seconds only and dissipates very quickly but if you pay attention you can see it.

    What can this be? Is this a serious problem? What should I do about it? I will be out of the state for another 5 weeks. Should I continue to have her start it or just wait until I get back? The bike does not start after 2 weeks of sitting. At that point I usually have to try starting it until the battery dies and then get the battery charged and keep trying to start it until it finally turns over. Could it be because we left the choke on too long? Is it the outside heat? Is it a lack of oil? What could the problem be? How do I fix it?

    Some background/possible factors:

    1.) I need an oil change. I am about 200-300 miles over the required oil change mileage and it has been about 2 years since it had an oil change (I know this is bad but I am a student and I could not afford it as the local shop wants 80-90 bucks for an oil change).

    2.) When I am home I ride the bike everyday to school and back. Usually around 12 miles total (about 30 minutes a day).

    3.) For awhile I had a problem with the bike staying on. It would shut off on me at random times. Usually when I started to slow down the bike would shut off and I would have to turn it back on while moving. This problem has gone away since the temperature outside has warmed up and I have been letting the bike warm up longer before riding.

    4.) The weather outside is very hot. The bike is in Florida and it is about 90 degrees today with high humidity.

    Video links:

    video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload

    video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload

    If I think of anything else, I will post more information. Please help. I am worried about this as I am not in the state and I also don't know much about bikes. Thank you for your time and any help is appreciated!

  • #2
    Oil leak at the filter dripping onto the headers?


    • #3
      Fuel in the oil?
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      • #4
        Did you add stabilizer to the gas before you left? I know up here in the winter it's bad to start the bike weekly like that, the bike isn't getting up to operating temperature and boiling off any built up condensation.

        Go buy an oil filter and a jug of oil and do an oil change when you get home, you can do one for under $30 yourself. Get some seafoam and add some to a fresh tank of gas. Your probably in dire need of a carb cleaning too.


        • #5
          Originally posted by woobie View Post
          Did you add stabilizer to the gas before you left? I know up here in the winter it's bad to start the bike weekly like that, the bike isn't getting up to operating temperature and boiling off any built up condensation.

          Go buy an oil filter and a jug of oil and do an oil change when you get home, you can do one for under $30 yourself. Get some seafoam and add some to a fresh tank of gas. Your probably in dire need of a carb cleaning too.

          Thank you all for the replies.

          I did not add any stabilizer to the gas before I left. Should I have my girlfriend buy a can and put some in there? What would this do exactly? Although I never added any stabilizer, I did add a can of seafoam a few months back. This was recommended to me to solve the issue of the bike shutting off on me while driving.

          I will definitely change the oil once I get back. Unfortunately, that won't be for another few weeks.

          You said it is bad to start the bike weekly like that. Should I continue to do this or stop now and just have difficulty starting the bike when I get back? Did I cause any damage to the bike? Is this what caused the smoke?

          What do you think was the cause of the smoke? Do you think it was a big problem and will happen it again or was it just a one time thing? I don't want to tell my girlfriend to start the bike again. I feel like it should wait until I get back and can drive it. Thoughts?

          Originally posted by woobie View Post
          Oil leak at the filter dripping onto the headers?
          is this something I could tell from the outside? My girlfriend checked around the bike and said she didn't see anything leaking or laying around that could have burned....
          Last edited by DayWalkerSC400; 06-23-2013, 04:34 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


          • #6
            I'd check your front mudguard, belly pan inner cowling and oil hose foam padding for scorch marks and signs of melting

            Air/oil cooled bikes like these need to move in order to avoid overheating - and running at idle for 10 minutes probably cooked something.

            It happened to my Kat

            Originally posted by woobie View Post
            Go buy an oil filter and a jug of oil and do an oil change when you get home, you can do one for under $30 yourself.

            A "local" shop quoted me $200 - TWO hundred bucks for an oil and filter change. When I stopped laughing and asked them what the real price was - they confirmed it was $200 as they "had to take off fairings and brakes to change oil on that model"

            Needless to say - I did it myself for about $40. I still cannot understand why on earth anyone would think the brakes would be involved?
            Last edited by Stumpy; 06-23-2013, 05:13 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


            • #7
              Just get your girlfriend to go out with a flashlight and look in the front of the lower cowls, if oil is leaking from the filter she'll be able to see it dripping down.

              If I'm messy doing an oil change and don't wipe the headers afterword mine used to smoke in the same way.


              • #8
                The Seafoam you added is gone if your tank of fuel is gone. Add about 1/2 a can of Seafoam to a tank of gas. Have your girlfriend start the bike and idle it for a few minutes, enough to drain the cabr bowls and get the Seafoam gas into the bowls. Now you should be able to let it sit as long as needed and it should start relatively easy.
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