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Suzuki Part Number for spacer

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  • Suzuki Part Number for spacer

    ]Does anyone have an idea as to what the actual part number is for the spacer that goes under the emulsion tube for 04 600 Katana. On the Suzuki OEM sheet, it shows 16 17 and 18 as the jet tube and o ring and a 27 underneath it. I ordered that part and it came back like a jet.

    I am talking about the spacer that goes in first and protrudes a little bit from the inside of the body of the carb. Here is a picture of it. I lost one and now I can not find it. Here is a picture of it.
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    Last edited by elianator; 06-25-2012, 04:00 PM.

  • #2
    It's called the needle jet, be prepared it's like $40 bucks


    • #3

      I don't ever remember seeing those in a pair of 98+ carbs....
      Last edited by steves; 06-25-2012, 04:51 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

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      • #4
        Originally posted by steves View Post

        I don't ever remember seeing those in a pair of 98+ carbs....
        Not listed. I spent a good 10 minutes looking at that and couldn't find it.

        NM: #16 is the needle jet, although they show it in a rather odd spot.


        • #5
          Parts not listed are not available for sale.

          Your only hope is to 1) find a set of bad carbs to get the part 2)hope that arsenic might have one to sell you.

          You sure these are kat carbs

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          • #6
            If the OP isn't sure, I am. Those are in every single set of 98-06 Katana carbs that ever existed. And yeah, it's item 16. The fiche shows it wrong, but it is the needle jet P-0M for sure. 100% I guess I meant like $30 bucks. That fiche is all screwed up. If you don't know what you're doing you're gonna get some wrong stuff. It shows the needle jet as the pilot jet, the pilot jet as a main jet, the main jet as the needle jet. Hey at least the starter jet and needle jet holder are right. It's OEM p/n 09494-00921
            Last edited by arsenic; 06-25-2012, 05:07 PM.


            • #7

              Thanks... I had ordered 27 because it is exactly where the spacer is and looks like it, but the part that came in looked exactly like 16 in the diagram. I will try the part number you mention as I am at the mercy of the part gods on this one. I would not mind buying one off someone in the forum if that part ends up not being available for sale.

              This is my first real teardown into my bike. I let it sit too long and carb 102 playbook is out. I was clumsy and lost it, but there is one in each of my carbs (04 Kat 600).

              Yeah, if you look at 16 it looks like a regular jet, not a spacer like 27 does.

              Thank you for clearing things up. The dealer seemed to agree that the part I ordered (27) was not what is in the diagram. He also thought that it looked like the parts diagram was wrong like you said (16 and 27 were switched). I will ask them to order 16 instead but they are closed today.

              Wow, first time posting here and you guys are all over this like white on rice!!! I thought it may be a couple of days before I got a reply.
              Last edited by elianator; 06-25-2012, 07:26 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


              • #8
                Thanks for your help

                Everyone who responded so quickly and with such accurate information. Thank you. I am the original owner of a 04 Kat 600 in mint condition and just stopped riding it for long strecthes (work and now little baby boy..) when it started the whole leaking carb thing.

                The posts on the site were very helpful in the carb sections and I am pretty sure now I can take this thing apart in my sleep. It seems like it is much easier to work on bikes (far less specialized tools), however they can be their own unique pains in the a--. And far more expensive than cars (3x the price for oil, plugs, etc..)

                I have had busted/damaged bolts, damaged a float, apparently bent emulsion tubes, ordered correct parts from incorrect diagrams during disassembly. On reassembly, I have broken off threads from my spark plug into the block (thank god for only 8 ft lbs of torque and EZ outs) and now two more screws from the petcock and both of them broke (one split and came out and the other snapped clean off) because the petock was leaking at the base). Just ordered two more screws and the o ring for the petcock.

                I had just hooked everything up on the fuel tank and put a small amount of gas in the tank to try and fire my bike up after its long sleep. If it started up, yippee and then I would have more work to do (as far as putting back all of the fairings, fenders, etc.) Just my luck to have another setback. My baby boy says "bike" every time he sees it and I have not been able to show him what beautiful sounds that "bike" makes.

                Cant win for losing, but I am not mad. Been a good (and expensive) learning experience. I will try and post pics of my bike when it is done. Straight factory yellow, but clean...

                Again, thanks for all of your help.


                • #9
                  Get baby boy his own!

                  We have bought a few little bikes for the nephew(s). The nephew we keep most often is 3 and he's not allowed to ride them until he masters the pedal bike, but he sits on the and says "vroom, vrooooom" as he twists the throttle. He also climbs over the big bikes like a little monkey.
                  Get over yourself. For me to think you are an idiot, I would first need to think of you.



                  • #10
                    If I dont break my "yellow jacket/Katana", I will be able to give it to him in another 15 years or so (he'll be 2 in Sept). Maybe have him riding much smaller stuff prior.

