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TheCircusB0y's Build Thread

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  • TheCircusB0y's Build Thread

    Hey guys, So I'm jumping back into the bike with vengence, its been alittle over a month since my accident, the flesh is healed (enough) and I'm getting over my fears. So I'm taking the bike apart so I can find wtf is leaking gas into my crankcase, if it's still even doing it. I wasn't sure if I left the bike on prime or not all winter, so when I started it this season, white smoke everywhere. So I did an oil change, and for the most part it was fine.

    So had a great ride, the next day got over cocky hit gravel at high speed leaning to hard on a turn on cold tires, here's hoping I learn from that.

    The bike stopped starting, so I replaced the battery, easy on that, Once it did start, white smoke again. So i thought, **** me, its gas in the crankcase, the petcock must be bad.

    Well I took the gas tank off, and took the petcock off and I blew into the vacuum line while changing from prime to on, and I can hear the diafram inside popping open. So I figure it's okay.

    Right now I was thinking of taking my carbs off and checking the floats... but I'm not sure how advneture I feel right now.. I mean the bike was running fine, maybe a bunch of gas just dumped into the carbs when I had my accident, and it was all residual burning off, is what I'm hoping now.

    Anyways, I gotta put this ****er back together, I was wondering there are 2 vacuum lines , one that goes to the petcock on the left side, the right side though.. I don't know where it goes, I think it was disconnected when I was taking the bike apart.

    So what is that vacuum line on the right supposed to connect to? I'm going to check my hayes manual too.

    I think right now I'm going to clean up some parts, and prep it to be pieced back together, then check back here for any input.

    Thank you for your time and attention.

    Edit: K, so I'm figuring it out, sorry for asking questions that the search button can solve, I was getting anxious.
    Last edited by thecircusb0y; 06-15-2011, 09:09 AM.

  • #2
    Welcome back! good to hear you want to get riding again.
    2005 Gsx600f- My baby
    1989 Gsx600f - My hell raiser
    Some times I take off one side of the fairings and ride around pretending I'm two face

