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Acetone as a fuel additive?

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  • #16
    Re: Acetone as a fuel additive?

    Originally posted by simple guy
    Found an interesting link about acetone. I plan on trying it in my car and bike. What do ya'll think? Very convencing.
    Here's one on Toluene. Scroll to the very bottom. Of course this is a web site about installing a turbo on a BMW K1200RS.
    When Honda was spending 500 millions dollars a year on their V6 Formula 1 Turbo motors they ran a mixture containing 84% Toluene. It has excellent anti-detonation properties and increases your octane rating. If you are running 92 octane pump gasoline and you add this stuff, your octane rating will be changed by the formula:

    [(Quarts Gas x 92) + (Quarts Toluene x 114)] / (Quarts Gasoline + Quarts Toluene).

    For example, if you add one quart Toluene to four gallons of gasoline, your Octane will increase from 92 to 93.29. For you high boost junkies this is something to ponder. You can buy the product in hardware stores.
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    • #17
      Originally posted by mad max
      Try some model airplane fuel such as 30 or 45% nitro. I always mix a cup or 2 in my Katana and Banshee. I can feel and smell a slight difference in peformance.
      I'd highly recommend you stop using Nitromethane (CH3NO2) in your katana. Among other things, it does not mix with standard gasoline, and has a radically different specific gravity. I would suggest the use nitropropane instead for the extra bang if you really want it, but at the price of engine longevity and reliability.

      There are serious safety dangers of static setting off the nitro fuel vapors at the tank, not to mention the fact that it is quite happy to freely combine with various chemicals to increase it's sensitivity to detonation by shock and/or temp, including metals likely to be found in your fuel tank or in fuel additives used by major fuel vendors.

      If that wasn't enough, it is likely to lead to metal fatigue and metal failure in your engine parts due to pre-ignition of the compound due to the temp of the exhaust valve when the fresh charge comes in (auto-ignition temp for stable nitro is between 318 and 418 degrees C -- a temp the exhaust valve is usually well beyond when it first starts to shut again).

      As a hyper-oxygenated fuel, effectively, you are doing the same thing as replacing your gasoline with some nitrous, plus some extra fuel and some spare hydrogen -- much more powerful a mix than standard fuel -- and one that does not mix with gasoline, thus ensuring it either never makes it to the engine (vaporization through the venting system), or goes into the engine in undiluted form (way too much detonation power momentarily for the good of your parts).

      =-= The CyberPoet
      Remember The CyberPoet


      • #18
        Everclear/94 Octane..
        We use it in our friends moped. It had enough power to get the front wheel up and threw 6 inch flames out of the muffler.
        sigpic2000 Dupli-Color Metal Specks Red GSX750f

