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Drive Shaft and Shift Shaft Oil Seals

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  • Drive Shaft and Shift Shaft Oil Seals

    OK guys - gotta be an easy way to do this. Surely???

    93 750

    Re Push rod seal (wasn't sold this one when I asked for ALL seals I might need ) - after removing the front sprocket and retainer plate, the manual simply says: "Lever out the old seal ..." Where? How? With what? Being careful not to ...?????

    Found an earliet thread re the Shift Shaft Seal - suggestion made that more major surgery might be required to knock it out from the inside. I might be going insane, but the photos seem to show a new seal being inserted into an assembled casing but with the shaft missing. WTF???? Can't find a mention of the drive shaft seal.

    I would like to think they can all be popped externally - anyone got some experience and clear advice???


  • #2
    You should be able to do it. Dig out the old one and clean the the mating surface making sure you didn't mar the surface. Oil the actual inner seal, I would use a tiny bit yamabond on the case surface. Drive it in carefully. Worst case scenario is it will still leak.
    Must read for carb tuners......

