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noobish carb question

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  • noobish carb question

    Bike would run with the choke on, but would die if it was turned off. Tried to figure out if each cylinder was firing by spraying a little water on each pipe after the bike had been running for a bit.

    Turns out #1 cylinder ( the one on the far left side of the bike if you're sitting on it) didn't make the water evaporate when it was sprayed, so to me that would mean that the cylinder isnt getting fuel? ( correct me if I'm wrong)

    Pulled the carbs off and cleaned them really quick as it was almost getting dark. Was buttoning everything back up and I noticed that there was a hole on the black cap ( feel free to poke fun at my crude terms for describing pieces of a carb lol) that is on top of the carb. On the other three carbs there looks to be a rubber grommet covering something, in the same spot.

    Would the fact that there is a hole in the top of the carb where that grommet should be make it run improperly? ( i.e. cause the problem I'm having?) Also if that is the problem, can I order just that black top cap to replace it?

    On a side note I didn't make sure all the screws on the bottom were at 2.5 turns, so that could also be an issue. Anyway, thanks in advance guys


  • #2
    That hole is where the vacuum line to the petcock goes. You can't really quick clean your carbs.
    Must read for carb tuners......


    • #3
      Ok, maybe "quickly cleaning" was the wrong term to use. In any case would that hole be causing my issue? Should I replace the broken piece or wait until I rebuild the carbs? Or should I tear them back down and start there?


      • #4
        If the nipple is broken off you will need to replace it. Where is your vac line that goes to it at? If that is the cylinder that isn't firing it very well could be because it's running very lean, it's a place to start anyway. Those are called synch ports BTW.
        Must read for carb tuners......


        • #5
          You can quick clean carbs.. You just can't be sure if it will solve a problem.
          On some bikes (some... not all) one of the carb synch ports is used as the vacuum line for the fuel switch. On others (most) the vacuum line comes off the side of Carb #4.
          Autoparts stores sell "vacuum port caps" in assortment packs. you ought to be able to find one that fits your carb cap. In fact I use them on all my carbs.
          EDIT: But reading back I can't tell if you mean its missing the rubber part or if the nipple is broken..

          A cold cylinder can be caused by too much fuel, kats foul easily and running with choke is the best way to foul them. Fouling is what happens when the spark plug gets wet from too much gas. Then it can't fire..
          Last edited by Black_peter; 04-27-2011, 10:32 PM.


          • #6
            The actual nipple is broken off. All of the ports are capped off, and there is a vac line going from the petcock over to the side of the #4 carb, so I'm assuming thats the set up I have.
            So I'm at the point where I have to replace that entire black cap. Can I buy just that? Or does it come as part of a rebuild kit?


            • #7
              You can buy just that part.. Arsenic might have one... PM him..
              For now stick some bubble gum on it..



              • #8
                Originally posted by Black_peter View Post
                For now stick some bubble gum on it..



                • #9
                  I DO have one, but those bad boys are broken A LOT and they aren't cheap, so I'm gonna hold on to that. Unless you make me an offer I can't refuse.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Black_peter View Post
                    You can buy just that part.. Arsenic might have one... PM him..
                    For now stick some bubble gum on it..

                    If the idea of bubble gum bothers you take the cap off the carb and fill the hole with some epoxy. You definitely need that hole blocked off.

                    ...Or try chewing gum. :bunny2
                    Wherever you go... There you are!

                    17 Inch Wheel Conversion
                    HID Projector Retrofit


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Gitter View Post

                      seriously, that is a point of vacuum, it isn't strong enough to suck the gum in.
                      Not as a permanent fix.. I would epoxy some kind of tube in there.
                      but once you block it with the gum you can get it running better..


                      • #12
                        so my best bet until I can source a new piece, would be to find a small tube and epoxy it on there with a cap?


                        • #13
                          Or just go to your local dealership and order a new diaphragm cover. It ain't that hard.


                          • #14
                            True its not hard, finding time to go to the dealership is the tricky part..well and it would help if I had a local suzuki dealership


                            • #15
                              Or is bike a 600 or a 750?

