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airbox drain hose

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  • airbox drain hose

    started the bike up for the first time today after a long winter and ran into some concerns. first of its a 95 600. After getting it started finanly, I noticed it was dripping gas/oil mix after it was shut off. I realized that the airbox drain hose had come off and was hanging loose and thats where the leak was coming from. My concern is that the leak is a steady drip so something must be wrong. I remember that my petcock has gone bad and lets fuel pass through when it is set to the "on" postition when the bike is turned off. So i guess my question is what exactly is causing the steady leak out of the airbox drain valve and how do I take care of it?? Thanks

  • #2
    Rebuild the petcock. It's easy, there is a pictorial in the how-to's on here. Check you float heights also.


    • #3
      Am I fine to ride until I am able to do the rebuild? - Thanks for the fast response!

      -also wheres the best place to buy the kit?


      • #4
        I wouldn't even put gas in it until you fix it.
        [ame=" 8-1"]K&L Supply Fuel Petcock Repair Kit 18-2767[/ame]


        • #5
          do you think that the airbox drain leak is from a bad petcock, or from a stuck/bad float?


          • #6
            I think you have excess gas because of you're bad petcock. You have a leak because your floats aren't sealing the excess fuel off. Both are an issue.


            • #7
              alright, Im assuming it would be smart to drain out the fresh oil I just put in to make sure gas wouldnt be able to leak into the crankcase and ruin it while im waiting on the parts?


              • #8
                To rebuild the petcock is easy.

                For the fuel,
                It could be from the petcock letting fuel past it into the carbs & "flooding" it out & letting the fuel to back up into the airbox. Also, if the floats are not set right, it could cause fuel to back up into the airbox and into your crankcase.

                As for the oil,
                There is a hose going from the top of the motor to the airbox as a "pressure vent". Oil will get in the airbox, but if it's alot, I'd have a mechanic look at it. You might have to much back pressure.
                You should be draining the airbox drain hose every so often. I do mine every month. Usually nothing comes out, but better to be safe then sorry.

                If im wrong, someone correct me, but this is what I was told.
                Last edited by GSXF 600 Guy; 04-03-2011, 10:23 AM.
                If you think routine maintenance is expensive,... Try Ignorance!


                • #9
                  well i drained the gas tank today to get ready for the petcock rebuild. When I pulled the plug on the airbox drain, gas started pouring out (about a pints worth) that had built up over night. The air filter was soaked with gas so im going to assume I will need a new air filter as well. Thanks for the help guys.


                  • #10
                    You could just let it dry out, but I'd get a new one.

